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Young Bride in a Lightning Marriage: Never Tired of Mr. Leon's Love

Chapter 261
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"Do you have any way to contact the royal family of Charleston? With their help..." Cillian anxiously rambled on, only to find no response from the other end.

It turned out that Matthew had already hung up the phone. Cillian slumped down in despair.

He instantly got up again and rushed out the door in a hurry.

Now that Matthew knew, he would definitely be on his way to Charleston, but Cillian could not wait for Matthew to arrive. Every minute delayed meant another minute of danger for Lucy. Right after hanging up, Matthew called his assistant.

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"Geta flight to Charleston. Right now! Immediately!" Hearing the slight tremble in Matthew's voice, Kent could not help but ask, "Now? Mr. Leon, is something wrong? Is there an emergency?" The last the saw Matthew this flustered was when his wife passed away.

What happened today? "Hurry!" Matthew got impatient at Kent's hesitation, frightening him into quickly assuring, "Yes, sir. Everything will be ready within 30 min-no, 15 minutes." Kent hung up and hurriedly made the arrangements while Matthew trembled as he gathered the necessary documents.

"Lulu, my dear wife, wait for me. I'll go rescue you right away..." 20 minutes later, Matthew arrived at the airport, where Kent had been waiting for him.

Matthew's expression was solemn. Kent had never seen him this serious before, not even when discussing deals worth billions.

Kent dared not press him further, so he simply followed Matthew closely, dragging his luggage along with him. "Mr. Leon, your luggage is ready. May I know how many days you'll be staying in Charleston? As for the rest of your schedule..." "Don't cwith me. Stay in the country," Matthew interrupted.

Kent was taken aback for a moment. Oh, so he was not supposed to follow along.

Why was Matthew going to Charleston alone? Kent cautiously asked, "Mr. Leon, may I know why you're going to Charleston alone..." "Don't ask so much. Just do as I say. Don't disclose my trip to anyone. Cancel all my scheduled meetings, and if anyone wants to see me, stop them. We'll talk when I return." Matthew gave firm instructions before boarding the plane, leaving Kent with a head full of questions. However, all he could do was nod.

"It seems like his wife is not the only thing that can make his emotions fluctuate so drastically..." Kent shook his head and left the airport, dragging his neatly packed luggage with him.

The plane soared tens of thousands of meters high in the sky. Matthew pinched his brows. Thinking of his beloved wife, he forced himself to remain calm.

Meanwhile, Lucy woke up in a warm, comfortable, and extremely luxurious bed.

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The first thing she saw was an elegant, noble woman who looked strikingly similar to her.

With tears in her eyes, the woman looked at her with joy. Behind her stood several other people.

Lucy blinked and noticed that the annoying weirdo was there too, las well as a middle-aged man with a look of great dignity and kindness.

There was also a woman who looked about the sage as her She was dressed gorgeously with a small En crown on her head. She stared at Lucy with an inexplicable gaze, while the others looked at her with concern.

Being stared at by so many pairs of eyes, Lucy was beginning to feel a little embarrassed.

Seeing as Lucy was awake, the middle-aged woman, whose eyes? were brimming tears just now, immediately sobbed. "Velda, my dear daughter, you're alive. You've cback, my Velda..." The middle-aged woman hugged Lucy and sobbed uncontrollably, which put Lucy in an awkward position Ads by Pubfuture