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Yama Rising

Chapter 410: Assemble the Forces
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What do you mean you’re about to become an Infernal Judge soon?!

It wasn’t Qin Ye’s desire to stand out too much either. Unfortunately, this was already the best excuse for what was to come. After all, Martial City would never react well to the news of his absence over the next four to six months. Furthermore, he couldn’t afford to strain relations, especially since he would have to remain in Martial City for some time thereafter. The eastbound expedition was only intended to pave the national highway between the City of Salvation and Martial City. Following that, he would still have to see through the construction of the sea port city in Martial City, comb through the far reaches of Eastmount Province to purge all residual Yin spirits that have been left unchecked, and then finally… ride the newfound stability of Eastmount Province and reopen negotiations with the mortal realm!

“I’m afraid that there’s something you haven’t been apprised of just yet. I had an encounter back in Valley County just a little while ago.” Qin Ye smiled and pulled out the excuse he had already earlier prepared, “More specifically, I’d encountered an incredible opportunity that triggered the expeditious growth in my cultivation. I’ll inform the First Academy of Cultivators in a little bit.”

Everyone knew exactly what an Infernal Judge meant. Put differently, they all knew that so long as Qin Ye truly attained the ranks of an Infernal Judge, the Martial City would be able to rest on his laurels entirely!

There was no reason not to accept Qin Ye’s condition!


“Alright.” Secretary Ma sighed softly and set down his chopsticks, “When will you begin? Apart from that, please take note that we do not represent the Special Investigations Department. I’ve heard that Infernal Judges would be given an opportunity to take on an assignment at the committee level. You… wouldn’t accept such an opportunity if it were extended to you, would you?”

Secretary Ma thought about it for a moment, before turning to his personal secretary, “Little Jiang, I recall there’s still a waterfront villa available near Section Chief Liu’s place of residence, isn’t there? If Mr Qin doesn’t mind that, we’ll immediately have someone clean out that place, and you should be able to move in tonight. As for Mr Qin’s specific treatments and benefits, should we defer these discussions until you’re out from your closed door cultivation?”

Qin Ye silently gave a nod of approbation to Secretary Ma in his heart. The location was great, and all arrangements would be made for him in time for his plans.

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“Sure.” “No problem.” “We look forward to the day when Mr Qin returns from his closed-door cultivation.” There was a series of gratulatory words, before everyone left with great satisfaction. Everyone had managed to obtain what they were here for.

There was no better place than this.

Whenever a person was about to embark on a task of great magnitude, they would always first seek out a moment of solace and inner tranquility.

He shut his eyes and immersed himself in his tranquil surroundings. Seconds later, he opened his eyes once more, before turning to look at the downtown district, “No… there’s still yet another Beacon of Light to be set in place…”

The new Hell.

Three massive pillars of light peeked through the darkness beyond, shining faintly like lighthouses in the dreary darkness outside.

Back in the annex hall. Arthis was just reading through the Annals of Hell when she suddenly jerked her head up and murmured to herself, “Hell’s still too small right now… Had it been the old Hell, it wouldn’t tremble one bit even if we set dozens of Beacons of Light all at the same time. Regardless… this must mean that the last Beacon of Light has finally been set in place.”

There, right in the infinite sea of darkness, a massive pillar of scarlet light burst straight through the clouds of Yin energy and plunged straight into the mortal realm! The fourth Beacon of Light had finally been lit!

It was almost as though the drums of war had begun to beat. In that instant, Oda Nobunaga, Oda Nobutada and Murai Sadakatsu all felt their hearts surge with the exact same emotion - a shuddering of excitement that they had long forgotten.

Rather, there was something more primal within - an adrenaline rush of sorts that compelled them to charge headlong into battle again in a clash of tens of thousands of Yin soldiers at once!

It was the cry of their boiling Yin energy within.

The sword that represented the embodiment of all conquests across Oda Nobunaga’s life, was now… the adumbration of victory.

He completely glossed over the kneeling Yin spirits and immediately cast a deep, long look at the river of blood that ran deep in the sky. Even a coward like him couldn’t help but feel something primal stirring from deep within him.

This was a battle that would inaugurate the netherworldly warring states era.

But he knew better than to dwell on these emotions. He promptly set aside his moment of melancholy, and swept his gaze across the vast expanses of Hell as it stood. As far as he could tell, the new Hell was now filled with strong, valiant soldiers who were ready for war. Oda Nobunaga, Oda Nobutada, Murai Sadakatsu and the rest of the Oda vassals were all staring back at him with a blazing passion in their eyes, almost as though they were eagerly anticipating the command to be issued.

Four other female generals stood behind the two men. None of them had any softness in their eyes. Instead, they practically radiated an intense, murderous intent.

Furthermore, Qin Ye could tell that there were four colossal silhouettes that stood tall within the massive army. Each of these silhouettes were easily thirty to forty meters tall, and together, they looked like a small range of hills.

Qin Ye felt an inexplicable wave of pride rush straight up to his chest. It was strange. This wasn’t a feeling that he should be experiencing. After all, did it really make sense that a coward like him felt empowered by the grandeur and majesty arrayed before him?

Perhaps… men are just creatures that can never let go of excitement, the mysteries of the unknown, and the allures of adventure.

The six generals promptly half-knelt to the ground and cupped their hands respectfully to Qin Ye, “Greetings, King Yanluo of Hell!”

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“HOO-AAHHH!!!!” Tens of thousands of Yin soldiers echoed valiantly behind them. They all wore a similar paper armor to that worn by the Yin soldiers of the Kong alliance forces. Even the overcast clouds in the sky trembled to their cry, as though with fear.

It was wonderful.

But he didn’t.

Huang Liangchuan was going about his business under the money tree when he heard the valiant cries of the troops. He paused for a moment, and then promptly shook his head with great emotion, and wished Hell the best in his heart.

Any spectator around right now, including the most block-headed of men, would feel the great stir in their hearts. Qin Ye swept a gaze around coldly, before turning to Oda Nobunaga, “Nobunaga-kun, I’ve asked you to prepare everything to do with the eastbound expedition before I departed the last time. Is everything ready?”


“All relevant Annals of Hell have also been prepared.” Arthis appeared from behind Qin Ye with her hair scattering wildly, almost as though she were a demon god descending into the world, “I’ll also be embarking on this expedition, together with the Mirror of Eminence.”

They were eagerly anticipating his command.

“Yes!!” Several voices responded in unison.


Then, the dark clouds in front of Hell’s Gate parted for the very first time, revealing the existence of lands that lay beyond the four walls of Hell!

It was pitch black, deep, and ostensibly filled with mystery.

“Hell’s Chronicles, Year 0001 A.D. King Yanluo’s successor, Qin Ye, with an army of 70,000 Yin, marched for the Eastmount Province. Thus began the first war of expansion - the eastbound expedition to Martial City.”