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World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society

Chapter 338 Retelling The Previous Timelines To The Heroes
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Chapter 338 Retelling The Previous Timelines To The Heroes

Hearing Toshokan Hondana's question, the rest of the heroes were taken aback by Toshokan Hondana's speculation.

'Indeed, that could be possible. After all, Alister had a lot of suitors from all over the world yet he ignored their advances. Even those handsmales who thought that Alister was gay had approached him but it was still a futile effort.'

'With tmagic being present in Fantasia, traveling through timelines is not impossible. Furthermore, Alister is not the type who would go for one-night stands.'

'If Alister and Zanna had met in the previous timelines, then it made sense why Alister rejected the advances of his suitors.'

The minds of those heroes went wild as they started speculating about Alister and Zanna's situation.

Fortunately, they didn't have to speculate any further as Alister already planned to reply to Hondana's question.

He had already expected that sooner or later, he would have to inform the heroes about his identity as a regressor.

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Gazing at the heroes who were expecting his reply, Alister answered, "Zanna and I have met in the previous three timelines. I have a method to recover the memories from the previous timelines and because of that, Zanna and I promised each other to maintain our relationship across timelines."

"You all should have read fictional s, right?"

Hearing Alister's question, the rest of the heroes who were listening attentively to him had nodded their heads.

"Since you have read fictional s, you should know about the regressor trope in s. If so, then you will be familiar with those protagonists where they go back in tto fix the mistakes in the future."

"And I am that kind of protagonist. I am a regressor."

Even when Alister narcissistically referred to himself as a protagonist, the heroes turned a blind eye to it since they were still taken aback by his identity as a regressor.

The power to go back in tto undo one's mistake was an enviable ability. At least, it was enviable only when that person who had that ability also had another ability.

Otherwise, if someone who could go back in tdidn't have the power to fix those mistakes, then it would just be a useless ability that would only torture them.

In Alister's case, he didn't have to worry about that since even if he went back in time, that was only due to his simulation ending and he had to restart the simulation.

He didn't have to suffer like those weak regressors who could only go back in tafter their deaths. Because of that, they had to relive their mistakes over and over again which was just mental torture at that point. Rather than being a useful ability, it beca curse.

When Toshokan Hondana received Alister's answer, he couldn't help but ask, "If you are a regressor, have you met us in the previous timelines?"

In response to Toshokan Hondana's question, Alister didn't bother to lie and answered truthfully, "I have indeed met you all in the previous timeline. Well, all of you except for Hondana."

Hearing Alister mention his name, Toshokan Hondana asked, "Wait, what happened to me?"

Alister truthfully answered, "Well, you were missing in the previous timelines. I have never encountered you before so I never knew whether you were alive or dead. The last clue I had was you possibly entering the Broken Sanctuary and disappearing in that place."

After receiving that reply from Alister, Toshokan Hondana nodded his head in understanding.

Toshokan Hondana didn't think that much about it since that was merely the previous timeline. What mattered was the present and not the past.

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While Hondana's question was already answered, the doubts of the rest of the heroes weren't.

Out of curiosity, Tomi Okane asked, "What happened to the rest of us? You mentioned that you met us before in the previous timelines. What happened in our encounter with you?"

Alister didn't plan to conceal or fabricate anything about it so he honestly answered, "Well, you all and I met each other in hostility. I had to kill you all since you served Fantasia and Fantasia was my enemy. Furthermore, the hero party led by Takahashi Ken was hostile toso yeah. I had no choice but to eliminate you all in the previous timelines."

Hearing Alister's honest answer, the rest of the heroes felt a chill run down their spines as they couldn't imagine going against Alister and being hostile to him.

They knew how monstrous Alister was so they didn't doubt that Alister had indeed killed them. Even if they all teamed up against Alister, it was futile since Alister's power was akin to a god.

"Oh, if you were all wondering, at that time, I wasn't a hero. It was only in this timeline that I finally managed to beca hero but I am not a hero summoned by Fantasia. Another goddess in the god realm had assignedas a hero so I'm not affiliated with Fantasia, unlike you guys."

"Since I was hostile to Fantasia in the previous timelines, you guys who stood on Fantasia's side were hostile toas well."

"Furthermore, that Sword Hero had led you all astray and unlike the heroic fthat you all have in this timeline, you all were notorious in the previous timelines. You all have becfallen heroes and that's the reason why I had led the hero party to do good and heroic deeds in this timeline."

"It's also the reason why I wanted to kill the Sword Hero and the Curse Hero since those two aren't worthy to bear the title and role of a hero. They were the ones who did Fantasia's bidding and if not for those two, the hero party wouldn't have becevil."

When they listened to Alister's explanation about the previous timelines, the heroes finally realized the reason behind Alister's actions.

Alister could have spared the Sword Hero and the Curse Hero yet he was adamant in killing them which explained his hostility to them.

Noticing the moods of the heroes, Alister smiled, "What's up with the heavy mood? What matters is that all of us are friends now and I have led you all to the right path!"