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World Domination System (Web Novel)

Chapter 868: D 9
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On a mountaintop to the west of Kingdom of Lanthanor, in the sovereign land of the First Alliance.

A man wearing the clothes of a commoner had just climbed to the summit, and although he looked as if he was out of breath, his keen eyes and clear skin with nary a drop of sweat gave away the fact that he wasn't even in the least bit fatigued.

Carefully looking around to ensure that no one was keeping a watch on him, the man let go of the act and took in a deep breath of the fresh air of the morning.

It had just dawned on the beautiful Kingdom of Lanthanor, but the farmers who dotted the landscape were already hard at work. The time for the harvest is coming, and a lot of preparations needed to be made.

He observed them all, seeing their singular focus as they used trinkets to kill encroaching weeds or water the lush crops which thirstily absorbed everything that was given to them. The smell of wet mud in the morning was just intoxicating, and the man couldn't help but take in a few more deep breaths before finally stopping and setting his gaze on the shining capital in front of him.

Casting a simple spell, he focused on the place that had almost become a pilgrimage in the Alliance: the Palace of Lanthanor, where the King apparently spent most of his time. Even though the Heavenly City that floated in the air was continuously addressing the concerns of all those who looked to the heavens and asked for help, this was the place where the man who had changed so many lives was supposed to be for most of the time.

Instantly, though, the man averted his eyes, as he had detected that there was even a formation which defended against prying gazes that were using magic to examine the Palace.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

As expected, it was a heavily fortified place.

Deciding that he still had time, he set up a small table for himself, on which he placed the breakfast that he had gotten from a barn that he had passed on his way here. After eating, he splashed his face with water that he conjured, and it was only after this that he finally looked at himself in the reflection of a mirror also made of water.

Striking eyes, a sharp chin, and a quality of big headedness that had dominated his features for quite a long time.

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Now, though… It seemed to be changing into something else, and even though what exactly that was was not clear, it was obvious that his personality had been metamorphosed due to someone who had recently entered his life.

"Do you change every goddamn person who happens to come in your path, or was it just me? Well, at least this time, it's my turn to help you."

Musing in this manner, Percy put away the mirror and got a serious expression on his face as he started to think about what he should do next.

Indeed, this was the senior disciple brother of the King of Lanthanor, and he had just arrived from the Order. The general populace still presumed that the King was in the Palace, busily thinking up more plans to benefit the people that he loved, yet only a few knew the truth, and it was something that was becoming harder and harder to bear all alone.

But if everything went well today… That would no longer be the case.

Looking forward to that moment, Percy once again took out the trinket which he had checked continuously on his entire trip to this place.

It hadn't been a very eventful one, even though the security measures that were present all around the Alliance had been upgraded. All he needed to do was hide all evidence of his power using trinkets that he obtained from the Order, and act like a traveler who simply wanted to enter the kingdom and gaze upon all of the sites that had become famous throughout the continent. Of course, he also had to put on an ardent expression when speaking about the king, but that hadn't really been an act- he truly was in awe of this younger disciple brother of his who had accomplished so much, and perhaps it was that sincerity which allowed him to enter the Alliance without any questions being asked.

Of course, he had prepared even for the worst case, but thankfully, he hadn't had to use those contingency plans. But… If the situation had occurred, he would not have hesitated, as the mission he was here on was way too important.

He… was here to stop the plan of the Order which would see the entirety of the Central Continent going up in flames and perishing to almost the last man and woman if it had its way.

He went through his entire plan again, and it was only when he was sure of what he was going to do that he finally ventured forth from the mountaintop where he had just had his breakfast. While doing so, he had also verified that the route for his infiltration was clear, with no obstacles to give him trouble, and this was the main reason why he had allowed himself that meal even though every second was precious.

As for why he needed to infiltrate it even though he could stroll in without being visible to anyone using the trinkets he got in the Order: it was because the capital of Lanthanor now had a new guest, who was actively monitoring each and every person who was entering and exiting the birthplace of the leader of the Alliance.

Even now, Percy could hear the words of Perfect echoing in his years as listed all the information that he had collected, which was the reason behind him embarking on this expedition.

"Benjamin Leoinia."

After saying that name, it looked as if Perfect had been expecting some kind of a reaction, but when Percy gave none, he seemed to remember something.

Shaking his head, he had said, "Ah, I forgot that you are new to the Order, because otherwise, you would have recognized that last name. He's part of the famous Leoinia family, which is filled with prodigies left and right. After finding out the name, I was concerned, but thankfully, the truth is that this specific individual was one born without too much talent. Or maybe… It was just bad luck. He came into this world along with a brother who was born just two seconds after him, but the two could not be any more unalike. One of them is one of the most promising individuals in the Order, while the other, who was apparently also supposed to have talent but had it sucked away by his younger brother while in the womb, is just a normal member who is struggling to reach the top. Anyway, their story is irrelevant. What is relevant is that he is the one who is in charge of carrying out the plans of the Order in the Central Continent. As you already know, the number of individuals in the Order are limited, and for a task like this, the decision was made that he would be enough. I suppose the Big Four could have been used, but maybe the Order believes that they are not needed. You shouldn't underestimate him, though – he is an Eminent Champion, and he trains in quite a formidable path which puts him in the forefront of Champion level Fighters. Yes, as you must have guessed by now, he has low talent only in relation to his brother. Otherwise…he is quite the difficult foe."

By this point, Percy had been quite annoyed. It was obvious that Perfect was blabbering because of his yearning to help out the person whom he was indebted to, but he knew that time was short, and they needed to get to the point. And besides, he hadn't even gotten to the part regarding the explanation behind the ominous words he had said before.

Getting the message, Perfect had said, "Fine, this is the plan: you need to disable him before contacting the subordinates of King Daneel, following which all of you together can thwart the plan that has already been made to replace his position. I'm still trying to find out the exact details of this plan, and I will contact you as soon as I do, but before that, you need to make them know the truth, and get them to join with you quickly. We cannot accomplish anything in Central Continent without them, because they know about that place best – after all, both of us are from the hidden worlds of Angaria, and we are useless in matters concerning the general population. For the purpose of disabling him, here are a couple of Hero level trinkets which should do the job easily. Don't worry, no one will miss them as they are from the stash which I've had since a long time. Now, get going. I know the plan is already afoot, and nearing its final stages – that was why I was so afraid that we had already failed him, and why I said those words. With the grace of the Heavens, the worst will not come to be. Good luck to you, and I'll stay in contact with this trinket which cannot be traced. Just make sure to only use it at this time period, at which I will make sure that there is no one keeping an eye on the communications. Farewell."

Hearing this, Percy had been half convinced that he should choke this guy, because from the words he had said before, it had seemed as if everything was already done, and that there was nothing they could do to stop it.

Still, he had controlled himself and nodded before leaving, and that was how he found himself in his present situation.

Picking up the parchment that he had been checking, Percy confirmed that he was going in the right direction and started walking towards a certain village that stood between him and the capital of Lanthanor.

The one he was aiming for was supposed to have camped in this village, and although it looked completely normal from the outside, Percy could imagine a terrifying beast lying within which threatened to swallow him whole if he was not careful.

He made another check on all of the Hero level trinkets that he had been given, and after assuring himself that they were all ready to be activated, he strode forward and entered the village before heading to the small bar that was near the road which ran through it.

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He was in the guise of a traveler, so he needed to act like one.

In a small village like this, word would always travel quickly. Hence, it was a piece of cake to find out the location of the newcomer.

The man had apparently built a luxurious house for himself overnight, and it was located to the east, around three hundred steps from the bar.

Paying the bartender and adding a heavy tip, Percy strolled to this house before stopping when he felt one of the trinkets on his body vibrate.

It indicated that he had entered the range of the surveillance formation placed around the house, and it was also the confirmation that he was going to the right place.

Acting casually, he walked past the house after glancing at it once, and as soon as he was out of its range, he activated a Hero level trinket which instantly made him become invisible.

Marveling at how incredible this trinket given by Perfect was and determining that he would also soon reach the level where he could make one himself, Percy calmly walked to the house and entered it stealthily using a window that was open.

It was that easy, but of course, he knew that trinkets like these were incredibly valuable.

Right as he entered the living area of the house, he found the target sitting at a table for two. The man was drinking from a pitcher while grimacing after each sip, and without hesitation, Percy threw a finger-sized dart at his head that was shaped like an albino snake.

He had seen the reflection of the man in the mirror nearby, and he had acted in the perfect moment.

The dart soundlessly entered the skin on the back of the man's neck, breaking through all the multitudes of formations that came into being with ease.

With a smile, Percy was about to rejoice that the plan had been a grand success, but suddenly, something happened which made him almost faint with shock.

The door in front of the table opened, and out walked another person who looked exactly like the one he had knocked out.

He took in the scene in a heartbeat, and without showing any surprise whatsoever, he calmly looked in the direction where Percy stood, invisible, and said, "I've wanted to do that since a long time, but what brings you here, fellow member of the Order?"