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World Domination System (Web Novel)

Chapter 863: D 4
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"I've only been a Hero for 20 years, so I really can't judge…but is this normal? Moving out on this scale to handle a Champion? Even if he's talented? This is the first time I'm even seeing so many Heroes in one place on the outside…"

The question that was on the minds of most in the contingent from the Order was spoken by a woman who wore a long, red dress, and as they heard it, some looked at her with chagrin, while others just shook their heads.

Finally, it was the Hero who was leading the group who answered.

"What the Overseer says, we do. When you took a favor from the Order, didn't you understand what you were getting into?"

Hearing the sternness in his tone, the woman couldn't help but gulp and nod.

Looking around, she saw various expressions on those around her.

The Champions looked bored, but they were trying to hide this emotion from the Heroes who might chastise them if it was visible.

Some Heroes had glazed over eyes, as if they were remembering something in the past.

Others…had regret, but they quickly hid it when they detected her gaze.

All in all, it was a silent party which swiftly made its way across the Sea, while being chased by the ever-present lightning above.

Yet, Nosra had never been skilled in keeping her mouth shut.

In fact, if anyone listened to her master, all they would hear was how she would become someone great if she didn't have this one really, really bad habit.

"Also…have you all read the report given by the Overseer? It was very interesting…"

This time, she elicited a glare from the leader who had been concentrating on maintaining the formation that had been protecting them from the lightning.

In the Endless Sea, those with power had the tendency to attract the wrath of the Heavens, and a party consisting of more than five Heroes would always find that they had the same effect as a lightning rod.

To combat this, an active formation had to be deployed, and it wasn't very easy to maintain.

Yet, the leader was someone talented enough to keep it active while speaking in a serious tone.


"It's Nosra! Others get confused, too…"

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The Heroes beside the leader couldn't help but look at her with perplexed expressions on their faces as they saw her go up against a man who was known to have the shortest temper in the entire Order.

Only, weirdly, he spoke without flying off into a rage, and this shocked all those present who knew him.

"All right, Nosra. You're new, so I'll be patient with you. I talked to your master, too, and she had high praise. If you want everything to remain how it is, I suggest that you keep your mouth shut and follow orders. We are soldiers in a War, and the Overseer is our leader. In any War, trust is paramount, as discord within the ranks can lead to the fall of even the mightiest forces. We are not in a situation where drastic measures need to be taken, yet, but even now, all of us who have benefited from favors of the Order must show our loyalty. Tell me. Hasn't the Order been good to you all these years?"

"Yes, but…"

"Then that's it! We are going to investigate a disturbance that was detected using a formation that is top-secret. It is triggered when someone attracts a lot of attention from the inhabitants of the Sea- the aggressiveness of these beasts is what is monitored in a large area to identify a spot where it might be concentrated. No one can detect it, because no one can guess that something like this might exist, and even if they did, they would have to be at the Peak Hero level to even have a chance of sensing it. Right now, a spot has been identified where the aggression level is comparable to a situation where a Hero level individual is going around wantonly killing a LOT of fish. The capabilities of someone who defrauded Angaria for so long cannot be underestimated. Either it's him, or it might be someone from the Church who is helping him. Be prepared for anything, everyone. We will soon be making our final approach."

The last two sentences were said in a louder tone, and in it, his authority could be heard.

Almost all those listening straightened their backs and nodded, before checking on the equipment given by the Order.

Seeing them all, Nosra sighed and did the same.

Just like always, it looked like her questions would not be answered.

Well, instead of being promptly told to zip her mouth, this leader had at least phrased it in a manner which didn't humiliate her.

Still, even though the topic was past, she couldn't help but closely study all those that were traveling with her, albeit in a more covert manner than before.

This was her usual go-to pastime whenever she was shut down: her curiosity would not leave, so she would try to find the answer herself by observation.

Among the Heroes, it was obvious that a small portion were close to the leader. They stuck close to him, and there was a discernible distance between them and the others.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

It was almost as if they had formed a clique into which others could not enter, and from the resentful glances that two Heroes kept sending in that direction, it became clear that she was right.

Next, she paid attention to two other Heroes who had actually yawned when the others had started to check their gear.

She recalled everything they had been doing since the beginning of the expedition, and she noticed that they had been the most laidback and bored- at one point, it had even been as if they were kids who were being reluctantly taken on a trip!

From this, it could be derived that they were only here to repay the favor because they were called upon, rather than because of the sense of duty that was apparent in the leader and his small group.

Finally, there were three Heroes who had gotten frowns a couple of times, and especially when the leader had been speaking.

In fact, now that she thought about it, she realized that after his speech, the leader had even sent them a covert glance, almost as if he was…warning them.

Could they be part of the group in the Order which was against the actions of the Overseer?

She had heard about them- they had varied reputations, with one being that they were a nosy bunch who had developed their attitudes toward the Overseer because of certain things they read in the rulebook.

Another said that they were simply selfish individuals who wanted to benefit from the Order, and not pay back.

As they were a small group, and because they did not have the power to be as vocal as they wanted, they did not really speak out to stop talk of this kind from spreading, and hence, it had stuck.

Yet…Nosra had heard of one other reputation, and it was one that had impressed her.

They…were supposed to be the fiercest advocates for the survival of Angaria, and in that pursuit, they would rather act alone.

"Ready shields and weapons!"

Like the crack of a whip on a silent night, the sudden voice of the leader startled Nosra out of her thoughts, making her take out and activate the trinkets given by the Order.

And in doing so, she thought of one last thing she had overlooked: she was the only Hero with no group.

With that, she couldn't help but shake her head and marvel at how fractured even this small group were.

If people found out that the Order, which was supposed to be the strongest, united force that would protect the continent was divided, how would they feel?

She had been a part of it for a long time, but this was the first time she was noticing all this.

Could it be…that this whole matter regarding the King of Lanthanor was making it apparent?

But how? And if so…could she be right? Could it be that there was something here that she was not seeing?

Right as Nosra made this circular connection with the first question she had posed, she quickly had to come to a halt.

Looking up, she noticed that they had come to an ordinary patch of water in the Endless Sea.

Was he underwater? Why had they stopped?

Puzzled, she looked to the leader, who was frantically trying to operate a trinket in his hands.

Straining her ears, she tried to make out what he was grumbling under his breath in a rare loss of composure, and as the words he was saying floated into her ears, she couldn't help but gasp with shock.

"What the f*ck? Wasn't the disturbance right here? How the hell is it so calm now? Where are all the fish?"

Looking down and sending out her senses, she saw that he was right: the water below them was completely devoid of all life, almost as if it had been wiped off the face of the World.

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But…such a feat would definitely be impossible even for a Hero, as there might be more than ten Champion-level sea beasts in the area of water they were over. Killing all of them in such a short amount of time…should not be possible!

Right as Nosra was about to think more, she started to sense something strange emanating from deep, deep below the Sea.

Her Hero Path was one which allowed her to have such fine-tuned senses that she would be able to detect things even Peak Heroes might not, but just as she was able to see what it was…a shout from the leader reverberated in her ears.

"There he is! Cocky arsehole, it's his original body! Let's go! Today, we kill for the Order!"

Looking in the direction the leader was pointing in, Nosra noticed that a man was standing a few tens of kilometers away from them.

He had a broad smile on his face, and he was wearing the regal robes of a ruler which shone brightly whenever lightning struck from above.

His expression was filled with unwavering confidence, and Nosra marveled that he was unfazed even though he was faced by so many Heroes and Champions.

Could it all be true? Could the reason behind his confidence be that he had the Church to fall back on?

She had no time to think, though, as they had all begun swiftly flying in his direction.

As this was the Endless Sea, teleporting would result in them dying an untimely death. So, all they could do was fly, but weirdly…the King stood where he was.

"It could be a trap!", she shouted, and again, she was stating the same thing on the minds of the others.

"No trap he sets can do anything to us! Keep going!"

With this reply from the leader, they sped up, and in the matter of a few seconds, it looked like they would have their hands on the 'ultimate traitor' of Angaria.

Only…right as they all passed over a certain section of the Sea, Nosra sensed that something was very, very wrong.

It was as if they had passed through some sort of an invisible mist that had clung to them, and just as she was about to analyze it to find the purpose behind it…a sight that she would remember for the rest of her life came to be.


With a sound akin to one that would be heard if the Heavens were being rent into two, the entire portion of the Sea below them erupted, as if it were a furious volcano that had been waiting to inflict its wrath upon the world.

With horror, the Heroes and Champions in the group barely managed to notice the insane combination of lust and hunger in the eyes of the beasts before they were upon them.

The defensive barriers broke almost instantly: after all, there were at least over three hundred Champion-level beasts in the horde, and they had gleefully taken the lead.

Those of the Order only barely managed to activate their own personal barriers before making the logical decision to fly up and go beyond the reach of these beasts, and even though some had been hurt in that gap when they had bene unprotected, it looked like they would make a clean escape.

Right as overwhelming relief was about to appear in their minds, though, the voice of the King reverberated in the area, making most of them grit their teeth and curse.

"I trust that all of you liked my welcome! Let this be a lesson to you. All is not as it seems, and when I return…all will be made clear. Until then, never trust anything blindly. I must leave you now, but my friends will give you ample company. Goodbye!"