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World Domination System (Web Novel)

Chapter 836: Test of Bonding 4
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Right after Daneel made the proclamation regarding the conclusion that they had all come to, all of them sank into deep thought as they began to reflect on what they had just seen during their vision.

It was clear by now that each of them had seen different things, and they were all corresponding to what they had experienced in their lives. Daneel didn't yet know just how that tree, which was definitely the one responsible for what had happened, had managed to do it, but it almost seemed like another hypnotization which placed one in a situation where they would be able to be exposed to their drawbacks, or whatever thoughts they had hidden within themselves which needed to come to light.

In that sense, the Great Bond was essentially a repair mechanism, by which the villagers were mending the bonds between themselves to ensure that the blight would not attack again.

Of course, this was all a simulation, so what they were doing didn't matter – the Great Bond was there to give them more information about what sort of bond they were supposed to create to pass this level, so with a clear direction in mind now, all four of them began to decide about what they would do.

Among them, Perfect had the most thoughtful expression, and seeing this, Daneel got the suspicion that he must have been shown much more than what they had. As for he, himself, he had only been exposed once again to his drawbacks that he had already known, so the crucial thing was that he had at least managed to find out more about their situation.

Having already formed the statement that he would make, Daneel was about to say that they should hurry up, which was when he suddenly paused as the system sent a message in his mind.

[Primary countermeasure set up for off-world communication has been triggered.]

As soon as it came, he froze, but because the others were still absorbed in what they had seen, they didn't spot this change that came over the King of Lanthanor.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

After a few moments, he quickly recovered, but in his eyes, there was a newly born sense of urgency.

The reason behind this… Was that his worst fear had been confirmed.

In just his last foray into this mission, Daneel had been in a situation where he was needed, but had not been able to be contacted because he had not left behind any means that could bypass the restrictions placed by the Order. At that time, he had not thought that it would be necessary, but after that incident, he realized that there should definitely be at least a binary switch.

Thankfully, the system had come through. It had told him that there was one method possible, and even that would only tell him regarding whether it was activated or not, but it was sufficient. More information could be obtained after he exited wherever he went to, and hence, before entering the Nightmare Dungeon again, Daneel had set it up and given it to those staying back in the kingdom.

Now that it had been triggered… It meant that there was another threat in the outside world that he needed to attend to.

Even though he had jested after his return the last time regarding how him leaving for a few hours had resulted in those outside almost burning down the continent, the truth was that he trusted them, and those words had only been spoken casually because of the belief that he had been right to get the suspicion and have his master investigate, which had led to the reveal of the entire plot.

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Still, Daneel decided that he would not leave things to chance. They had to finish this test, and then finish the third one, too, before leaving to see just what threat had chosen this time to attack.

He had told Elanev and Faxul about it, so as he looked up, he gave them a sign that they had predetermined which would mean that there was another danger in the outside world.

Seeing it, both of the sovereigns broke out of their lines of thought. Faxul frowned, whereas Elanev even started to curse. Even though Daneel couldn't hear it, he could tell that he was probably complaining about how danger kept appearing just when they were in these goddamn missions which definitely had to be completed.

With that, all three of them looked at Perfect, who was still thinking.

Daneel was about to tell him to speed it up, but alas… Once again, the tell-tale rumbling of the ground returned, and the screams of the villagers were heard along with it.

"The second blight!"

"What? How?! The Great Bond didn't work? Are we fated to perish here?"

"No! Everyone, we can do it again! Please fix your bonds!"

Perfect was also startled out of his reverie, and together, they braced themselves as the house returned to the earth once more.

This time, the attack above seemed to be much more destructive, because the rumbling of the ground around them continued for a long time with an even greater intensity. That howling filled with frustration was also heard again and again, and it even seemed to be burrowing into the ears of those who were listening, causing them to feel panic and fear.

By the time it finally ended, it felt as if a lifetime had passed, and as one, all four of them let out a breath of relief.

Daneel hadn't spoken until now as he had felt a sense of danger which had told him that it might be better to stay silent. Even the villagers in the other houses had clapped their hands around their mouths, as if the second blight had the added ability of hearing them if they spoke, and hence, he had kept his silence.

It was only after that thing returned and the barrier went back up that he finally spoke.

"Okay, we're out of chances now! That Great Bond was clearly the only clue that we get – I really doubt that there is anything else to find in this village. It showed us our weaknesses, so that means that we should expose them to each other to form a close enough bond. I'll start. I sometimes think too highly of myself, and depend on my power too much. It is not to an egregious level, yet, but if I do not control it, I might turn out to be exactly like one of those arrogant seeds who only know how to bully others. Also, I have the habit of putting too much on my shoulders without entrusting others to bear the burden along with me. At least in this, I have begun to change, but still, that pressure is still present, and it might break me if I am not careful. Those are my flaws. Oh, and I suck in all matters related to romance, but I'm determined to change that. It has already changed, but I simply haven't had the time to pursue that track. I am rest assured that the time will come soon when I'll be able to fully focus on it, but until then, I acknowledge this shortcoming of mine."

He told it all in one breath and then looked to the side, as if he didn't want to meet the gazes of the other three who must definitely be judging him.

Of course, Elanev and Faxul already knew about these weaknesses, and as they heard that last one, he had seen them almost firmly nod as if it was the most obvious truth regarding him that everyone who knew him knew.

As for Perfect, he was quite surprised to find this out. He had not expected that someone who was so dominating could have such a flaw, which did not really fit with the character. Still, it was nothing that couldn't be fixed, and from his words, it was obvious that he was on the path to doing so.

Elanev spoke next.

"I'm sometimes unsure of myself, and tend to lose confidence. Well, something recent did happen which allowed me to build up a lot of self-confidence, but still, I could be affected by this once more if I'm not careful. Also, I have the bad habit of giving up on things before I need to. I have realized that I shouldn't do it, though, and I don't intend to repeat it throughout my life. And… I had the problem of not being able to keep my thing in my pants, but lately, my self-control hasn't been that bad."

He was followed by Faxul, who spoke up quickly as he, too, knew that this was the final chance.

"I have that same last flaw as the Overlord. Also, I can get cocky in regards to my power."

His was the shortest answer, but it was succinct.

As they were all done, they stared at Perfect once again, who looked between them and then finally sighed and spoke.

"Alright, fine. My drawback is that I'm extremely unmotivated. All I want is the safest normal life, with some luxuries, of course. Apart from that, I really don't see a need for me to train all that much and become powerful enough to fight and possibly die. Many might call me a coward because of this, but it's the truth. I've… Never told anyone about it. And I hope you keep it a secret. I mean, it's not even that difficult to guess it if anyone sees my attitude, but if it becomes public knowledge… I'll be kicked out of my family, or even killed. Yeah, it happens."

Daneel only looked into Perfect's eyes for a second, before nodding.

Indeed, he had guessed that it might be possible, and although it was a little surprising, it didn't give him all that much shock.

The other two, too, accepted it after a few moments.

Just as he had said, it was something that could be guessed, and the only thing that could surprise someone was that someone with such an illustrious background could be in this way.

After thinking for a bit, Daneel actually found it to be normal to meet at least a few like him, as on Earth, there were many instances where children of successful people were often completely aimless in life, and simply lived for the sake of spending time in luxury.

He had been thinking that the weakness should be pretty serious if one was to form a bond, and this…definitely fit in that category.

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Perfect had his head lowered, and his shoulders were even bowed.

Walking forward, Daneel raised his hand to the man's shoulders, and this time, his hand wasn't slapped away.

His very action seemed to give strength, making Perfect look up to eyes that were more understanding than anything else.

"I won't bullsh*t around, because we don't have time. Life is a series of decisions. At the end of it, all that matters is whether we have taken most of them in a way that will not cause us regret. If you are clear regarding the fact that that is what you want, then there's no need to feel doubt. Yes, many may say that because you are blessed with talent, it is your duty to help in protecting our Homeland. But…On the battlefield, I would rather choose an untalented, yet determined ally over one that is powerful, yet unwilling to be where he is any day. If you feel guilty because of these insinuations, find a different way to shut those people up. Or don't care about them, and do what you want. This World is all about Will. Doing something that is against your Will…is simply a recipe for disaster. At least- that's what I've learned. If that is your main flaw, then I believe that our bond is strong. I do not judge you, and I have told you all I can. Beyond that, your life is yours to live, but I am interested to see what direction it will take. This should be enough, right?"

Daneel's words which were simple, yet filled with wisdom caused Perfect's eyes to twinkle with enlightenment.

Yet…as soon as he had asked that last question, that twinkle had been replaced by a shadow of doubt.

Seeing it, Daneel was about to ask what was wrong, but then…for the third time, the rumbling began.

This time, it was so intense that the foundations of the building they were in, themselves, started to take damage, and bits and pieces started to fall from the ceiling.

Cries of anguish and sorrow could be heard from the outside, as the villagers were convinced that the end was nigh.

Ignoring them all, Daneel looked straight into Perfect's eyes, which still held that shadow.

He was muttering in shock, and it seemed to be something about how the time between Blights would always decrease.

Gritting his teeth, Daneel used both of his hands to grasp Perfect by the sides of his arms and said, "Perfect, you're still not doing something you know you are supposed to! Act now, or we are done for! Do it!"

His words seemed to awaken the frightened man, and in that moment…a look unlike any flashed across his face.

It was one of horror, desperation, misery, and finally…defeat.

This defeat was the one akin to what would come on a warrior's face when he was about to die to a horde of his rage-filled enemies, and it held all the reluctance that was supposed to be present in someone who loved their life dearly.

As the shrieking of the creature began to be heard again, Perfect finally relented, and screamed something that made everything freeze.

"FINE! A bond can never be made if one holds a secret he deems to be too big to hide, yet has to if he wants to live! My secret…is that me, and my family, are agents of that damn Church, and I DON'T WANT TO BE ONE! Please, just kill me, and we can be done with it! DO IT!"