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World Domination System (Web Novel)

Chapter 767: Nine Layers of Hell
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"Elemental Transformations. One of the most singular techniques that one can only wish to train in, but not actually prepare for, like it is the case with most top-tier Champion Paths. One who can even begin on this Path is said to have the potential to become someone who can contend with those at the very top, and in the age of the Empire, only one in 100,000 Warriors could even try to understand what this Path means. Yet, this guy…how is it possible, Head?"

The Head was back in the room where he had been viewing the events of the continent, but this time, in front of him was a strange man.

He only reached his waist, and even though the Head had never been someone very tall when compared to the other Heroes who employed spells to change their appearances for vanity's sake, he still stood naturally at 6 feet tall.

So, that meant that the one in front of him would only be 3 feet tall, and it was a mystery among all the Heroes of the High Council regarding just why this individual, whose power could make him stand among the top ten of even those who were hidden on the continent, hadn't simply changed his height after ascending to his level.

He had a small face, and he was wearing a red-colored robe that fit him perfectly. If he didn't have a beard and if his wrinkles were removed, he might look like a child whose parents had decided to dress him up for some event.

His brow was wide, and it gave one a hint of the incredible amount of knowledge he was supposed to possess. At the moment, though, that brow was furrowed as he couldn't figure out the answer to this question.

The Head sighed and decided that he should give the answer, instead of having this man set out to find it on his own, which was something he definitely did not want to happen.

It was one thing for someone normal to be curious enough to set out on a quest to discover something, but when that person was someone who could kill most people on the Central Continent with a casual wave of their hand, it was best if they were not exposed to situations where they might want to use that power.

Even the most disciplined of people, if they were this powerful, would not be able to stand for anyone insulting them. And because the identities of these Heroes were hidden to all save a select few, there was a pretty high probability that someone may make the grave mistake of doing something they shouldn't in front of this person, which might invariably lead to an incident that could be avoided if he just opened his mouth now.

At times, the Head almost felt like a helpless parent who had to take care of so many unruly children who all had their own singular habits and wants.

And to this list…that King had also been added, who was proving to be worthy of being placed on the top of the list of 'unruly children' even though he wasn't even a Peak Champion yet.

Not looking forward, at all, to what the man might get up to when he was stronger, the Head answered, "The truth is that this Percy has been leading a double life for a long time. With careful examination of the sect's records, I was able to find this out. His father was someone who delighted in depriving him of things which made him happy, but if he ever showed displeasure, both in front of him or others, he was severely punished. So, from a young age, this kid had to grow up as someone with varied personalities which he had to switch to according to the situation. This made him ripe for this technique, which allows one to effortlessly change their attacks to use different elements without needing to expend Energy. It might sound like something not too powerful, but when one takes into account that one of the major expenditures of Energy for a Mage is that which is needed to convert Elementary Particles into the element they wish, it becomes pretty clear just how overpowered this technique can be. In essence, those who train in this are supposed to have the most endurance among all mages at their power level or even those one or two levels above them, and this allows them to inundate their enemy with quantity if they cannot do the same with quality, while also giving them superior flexibility in battle where defense can turn into offense, and vice versa, in the blink of an eye. Err…don't look at me like that. I did quite a lot of research into this back when I was in the Warrior realm, but alas, even though I tried, I could not embark on the Path. He has already succeeded, and after a little more training, he can be classified as a seed."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The short man had begun to look with interest at the way the Head had expounded the benefits of this Path while staring into the air with an excited expression on his face.

That had resulted in the Head giving that answer, and after that, with the mystery cleared, the man said, "Yes, I hope he does pass. I wonder why he is spending so much time leaning on that wall, though. Maybe it is comfortable? And it seems that Jessica is looking to get more ideas in her dreams? Hmm, but it looks like she is having nightmares, instead! Well, I would have them, too, if I had been beaten so badly. Anyway, I'll be off, Head. I'm going fishing tomorrow. Do you want to tag along? I promise that this time, I will come save you if you fall in. Hey, don't look like that! That was a training experience, last time! You won't ever underestimate the power of the sea again, right, because of that experience? Maybe that will save your life in the future!"

The Head had begun to grit his teeth since he heard the word 'fishing', and after the man finished speaking, he replied in a tight tone, as if he was barely controlling himself.

"With all due respect, I would have been fine if you hadn't cast a Gravity-Enhancing spell over the area. I'll pass."

With a sheepish expression on his face, the short man laughed and said, "As you wish. You said that you were curious about how things might have been in the age before the Apocalypse, so I simply gave you a demonstration. Take care, Head," before teleporting away.

Even for a few seconds after the man left, the Head had a sour expression on his face because of what he had been reminded of, but after that, he, too, cast his glance on the cells which were visible to all those on the High Council.

Jessica was, indeed, frowning heavily and even sweating in her sleep, while in the cell adjacent to hers, Percy was leaning against the wall that was nearest to her cell.

The King had simply said that he wanted to reach a truce with Jessica. But if so…why weren't they talking?

To facilitate this, the Head had even given Percy a secret trinket that would allow him to bypass the protective measures of the cells, enabling him to get across a message.

Yet, it looked like he hadn't used it, yet, but the Head didn't think much of it, as he assumed that Percy might be waiting until Jessica got desperate, or something.

He had only agreed to this entire plan because the situation would resolve itself if they reached a truce, and he hoped that it would happen. Something did feel wrong, though, but the Head just put that down to the fact that he was doing something that he shouldn't be for the King's sake.

Right as he diverted himself away from the cells, though, Jessica suddenly sat up in her bed.

She was drenched in sweat, and for the life of her, she couldn't understand just what had happened.

For a moment after waking up, she held the strong thought in her mind that something was wrong.

Yet, in the same manner that all those who dreamed forgot most of the details a few moments after waking, that thought disappeared into nothingness, but she did retain a few images that were horrific.

The King, chasing her through a forest with the sound of wolves coming from all over the place.

She had always been a bit averse to wolves, as in her childhood, there had been an incident where she was almost killed by one.

Hence, it was natural that the entire thing had been terrifying, but on top of that, the King had been muttering something over and over again.

She couldn't recall what it was, so she shifted her thoughts to another memory.

She had been shut in a dark room, and all around her, she could feel the walls…closing in.

Again, the King had appeared in front of her, and he kept muttering something.

She remembered denying him whatever he was asking for, and after that…she recalled a sickening sound of bones crunching, after which there was darkness.

Jessica shuddered in her bed as she relived this memory, and she instantly decided to stop thinking about her nightmares.

I'm too tired-I've been working myself to the bone over this. Yes, I'm just thinking about him too much. I bet it won't be the same next time.

She told herself this and launched into a day of planning which was mostly futile, but at the end of it, she realized…that she was wrong.

She was normally a Champion who would not need to sleep often, but for some reason, she felt exhausted.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Chalking it up to the night before which had been far from relaxing, Jessica had gone to sleep once again.

And the nightmares…repeated themselves.

Each morning, she would wake up more drenched than the last, and each time, the words of the King became clearer and clearer.

Each night, she would feel exhausted again, and even if she didn't want to, she would feel herself falling asleep, while hoping against hope that they wouldn't repeat.

They didn't stop, though.

Even new scenarios got added, which preyed on the common fears of mankind.

In one, she would find herself starved, and the only way that she could eat was if she agreed to whatever the King was asking.

In another, she would find herself suffocating underwater, and once again, if she agreed, she would be able to breathe.

At this point, even her curiosity was aroused regarding just what the f*ck he was asking, and why she was so insistent on denying him each and every time.

In this manner, the 9th day approached, and on it, something…felt different.

Jessica only noticed this before she fell asleep, though, and what she felt was that one way or another, something would end tonight.

What she didn't know…was that in the other cell, Percy was having a conversation with someone in his mind.

They sounded excited, and over all these days, Percy had understood one thing.

No matter what he did in life, there was no way that he would ever go against this man.

He had once thought that he was superior to his senior disciple brother, and that he was a senior only in name, because he had managed to come under the eye of their master sooner.

Yet, now…he was convinced that that was not the case, and he had decided that he would only ever address him respectfully, because if he didn't…he might meet the fate of Jessica, which was something he would not wish upon his worst enemies.

As if reading his thoughts, the King of Lanthanor, whose consciousness was in his mind, said, "You know, I don't like this either, but I don't have a choice. I can't kill her, but I need her off her back. So, the only solution…is to break her so thoroughly that even the very mention of going against me will make her faint with fear. In the age of the Empire, this was actually a regulated torture technique created by the famous torture master and later mistress of the Emperor. It was based on the essence of a Nightmare Spider, and it needed the consciousness of one who had that Bloodline. It was called…'Nightmare Journey through Nine Layers of Hell'."