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World Domination System (Web Novel)

Chapter 1017: The Assassins Arrive 1
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At a spot around a kilometer away from the shore of Angaria, Daneel stood alone, waiting for the members of the TriCobra Sect to approach.

The Godnet extended far into the sea, as the Emperor had been quite wary of any threats that might come from around them. Daneel had given access to the Godnet to his sovereigns, so the alert had been sent to them, too.

They had even begun to travel to the point where they could intercept these three, but Daneel had stopped them and insisted on going alone. He had been busy running many simulations with the system, but he had dropped everything as he could not let these three into the continent without first meeting them, and finding out a way to keep them in check.

The reasoning he had used to convince his sovereigns was simple – they would all have to come in their real bodies, while he could simply use the Godnet to conjure a clone.

He had the system which could use all the functions of the Godnet easily, but they had just started to learn about it, so they could not replicate the same feat.

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They had agreed reluctantly, so Daneel found himself waiting while using the idle time that he had to figure out just how he would make it up to the two ladies who were still quite angry with him.

A sound interrupted his thoughts a few moments later. It was that of someone hitting something with great force, and with a frown, he asked the system to show him the image of just what was going on over the Sea.

The system had to take a moment to access the Godnet, but when it showed the image, Daneel couldn't help but raise one eyebrow and feel impressed.

Two of the three individuals from the TriCobra Sect were standing over the sea with bored expressions on their faces, while the third seemed to be having an argument with the stormy sky above them.

He was yelling something at the sky in a language that Daneel couldn't understand, and whenever he got very agitated, he would throw punches at the clouds, which was how the loud sounds that he had heard had come to be.

The features of the three were what stood out the most, but at the moment, Daneel was focused on the power that was being shown by each casual punch.

Each time he raised his fist and struck, the sky, itself, would clear, and even though the clouds nearby would quickly rush in to fill the gap, for the briefest of moments, sunlight would shine down onto the sea and be swallowed by the depths which had not seen any kind of light in ages.

Daneel didn't need the system to figure out just what kind of power was behind them – each punch was at least at the Peak Hero level, and from the way the man was casually throwing them out, it was obvious that his own level definitely eclipsed the power of most, or even all individual Heroes on Angaria.

Daneel continued to watch him, trying to study his movements and see whether the way in which he was exerting so much power could be analyzed by the system to create a Path, but suddenly, he felt a pair of eyes lock onto him.

Just like it happened with the Basilisk before, warning bells once again rang all over his mind. Letting out of breath, he focused on the one who was the reason behind his alarm, and as soon as he did so, the culprit, who was one of the two who had been waiting above the Sea, winked and then barked a command to the man fighting the sky.

Hearing it, the man frowned and then threw one last punch which made shock waves travel into the sea below him, too, which resulted in bright red blood mixing in all the water below, as just the aftershocks of his attack had been enough to massacre hundreds of creatures which had been going about their lives without being aware of the threat standing above them.

Smiling with satisfaction as if he had won the argument, he flew down to his companions, and together, they resumed their journey toward Angaria.

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With a frown, Daneel continued to wait for them.

He hadn't known the type of people that Alastair would send, but now, it was obvious that they were the very best. From what he had seen, itself, he could tell that together, they were now the biggest threat on the continent, and if it weren't for the Godnet, he might even have felt threatened enough to take drastic measures so that he could stop them from setting foot on Angaria.

The Godnet changed everything, though. It was, after all, the dream formation of the Emperor, himself, who had accomplished so many things which were supposed to be on par with achievements of illustrious individuals on the Mainland, too. These were the words of his master, not him, and as soon as he remembered that man, he once again felt anger cloud his mind.

Thus, that was the mood he was in when the three from the TriCobra Sect approached.

The three unique individuals saw a scowling king waiting to intercept them, who controlled his face a few moments before they arrived.

As they continued to fly towards him with casual, arrogant expressions on their faces, Daneel made a snap decision.

Using the system, he brought the full force of the Godnet to bear, which manifested in the form of the clouds above gathering at one place in front of him.

That was where they would have to stop if they wanted to talk to him, so when the three saw all the power that was gathering above their rendezvous, they had different reactions.

And now that they were near enough, Daneel could study them all clearly.

They were arranged in a V-shaped formation, with the individual taking up the point actually being… A reptilian.