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Will of chaos

Chapter 1196 Cap 1194: Unfamiliar Reunion Part 1
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As soon as Navar started using the symbols that my companions distributed in dreams, the target people started to be summoned, I immediately noticed 2 strange things and I acted immediately or that was what I was close to doing when I saw Cinthia move at the same moment I saw, the next thing I saw was a head rolling on the ground with its helmet still on. 

"Sakura, heal him." (I) 

"Yes." (Sakura) 

One of the strange things was a young man grappling with someone wearing white armor, he had a sword piercing his side from a slanted angle being top to bottom. 

Cinthia moved quickly cutting off the head of the person wearing armor, that was more than enough proof of him being an enemy, so I tell Sakura to heal the serious injuries the young man suffered. 

"I left the magic taking up a small area, but there were still people being pulled together by mistake." (Navar) 


"I seem to be getting rusty on my Magical Rituals or maybe I need to review my studies in that field more thoroughly paying closer attention to details." (Navar) 

As Navar thinks aloud about the results of his magic, I moved on to the second thing that caught my eye, I walked with Hades and Nix behind me through the crowd making my way as I walked towards a Demon. 

"Who are you?" (I) 

"My name is Xagar, Lord." (Xagar) 

The Demon has shaggy dark blue hair, his clothes are torn in several places and it doesn't seem to be due to combat, his skin is light gray and his eyes are red, other than that what draws the most attention is the morning blood on his clothes on his chest where there was a big hole, there was also blood on one of his hands, just by the smell I know that the blood on the hand was Celestino as well as the one on his clothes, it seems to be fresh blood. 


"He's lying, it can't be Xagar." 

"That blue hair..." 

"He looks like Xagar." 

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"Impossible, he is a Demon." 

"Xagar is Celestino, he lies." 

"Of all people, impersonating someone like Xagar, what an idiot." 

I heard the voices of many people and at first, I even felt a slight killing intent from some people, but as soon as they realized it was a Demon the killing intent disappeared and the conversations became more focused on Xagar who seems to have been a Celestino, which could mean someone from the Church of Light. 

I look around and see a White Elf looking at Hades, I find her interesting and point to her as she was the only one not paying attention to this event. 

"You! Do you know anything about Xagar or this Demon?" (I) 

"Xagar was a Celestino, a Templar of the Light well known within the Church of the Light for his talent, but now he is no more." (Elf) 

"So he's dead?" (I) 

"In a way yes, now that he is no longer a Celestine and the mark of the Templars of Light is no longer on his body, he can be considered dead mainly for the Church of Light." (Elf) 

"You suggest that this Demon in front of me is the Celestino you speak of?" (I) 

"Yes, he transformed in front of me after putting his hand through his own heart." (Elf) 

"So you really are Xagar, a Light Templar?" (I) 

"I am Xagar, but no longer a Templar of the Light." (Xagar) 

I was finding all this strange, considering that in very extreme situations some people are able to transform into Demons naturally, I've seen things like this before and even contributed to doing things like this to other people like Érica, but a Celestino who was a Templar of the Light should be impossible to become a Demon. 

I looked at Nix who shook his head and then at Hades who looked at the Demon with a smile on his face, then he turns his eyes to me making the smile disappear before starting to speak. 

"Sorry Master, I didn't have time to inform you, but this is one of the individuals tested by me, his recent transformation into a Demon was also caused by my test." (Hades) 

"What test was that, what did it consist of?" (I) 

"I used a technique that was activated when he was on the brink of death, this technique used the darkness within him as well as his own will to bring him back while giving him more power, I didn't think it could change his race." (Hades) 

"Does his technique turn the darkness inside someone into power for them, like negative emotions and thoughts?" (I) 

"Yes, but that was the first time I used it." (Hades) 

"So that explains it, this is similar to my power in its early stages, I did something similar by mistake in the past, but she was Human at the time." (I) 

I remember the day I met Érica and Diana, I only had eyes for Diana who still has strong will in her eyes after so much she spent in the hands of the Goblins, but Érica was broken and her eyes were empty as if waiting for death, I didn't know control my power at that time and somehow when I tried to take Diana as a servant I ended up attacking Érica without realizing it, which turned only her into a Demon. 

"Very well, if that's the case then no problem, my uncertainty was in the existence of a Demon in a world where the Church of Light reigns supreme." (I) 

"We should get back to what we had to do, Master." (Nix) 

"I've already finished the cure." (Sakura) 

"Let's go back, we still have to organize this situation." (I) 

Now that the two problems were solved, I go back near the exit of the room under the gaze of the thousands of people who arrived here, so I look at everyone while floating a little to be at a height where everyone can see me, then I use my Aura spread across the room to broadcast my voice to everyone. 

"I won't spend too much time explaining the situation to you now, our time is short so I'll be brief." (I) 

"All of you will be escorted by a Fairy or Spirit into a Dungeon and taken to a specific floor where you spend the next few days, this is not up for debate and you have no choice about that fact, you only have a choice whether to spend these days awake or unconscious." (I) 

"With that resolved I want you to know that however threatening my words may seem now, everyone will be free once we reach our destination away from the Church of Light, inside the Dungeon you will get more information, but for now you can start entering." (I) 

With my words, many Fairies and Spirits started to come out of my shadow, surely at the command of my two Familiars, I wait for all the Fairies and Spirits to find someone and I point to the dry exit, they start to walk in an orderly way without causing confusion under the guidance of your little companions. 


It's been several minutes and the queue is already halfway, all this is going better than I expected, people are acting calmly and their Auras also showed a lot of positive emotions like happiness or joy, some were even talking happily in voice down as they walked along the line. 

"It seems like everything is going well, but couldn't you have spoken less threateningly?" (Alan) 

"I didn't try to be threatening, I just stated the facts sincerely and quickly, we lost some time with my questioning about the Demon and we have to act fast, this massive teleportation must have attracted attention and it must have taken a short time to find this place." (I) 

"Yes, even if they couldn't sense the magic from our concealment here, spatial distortion on this scale leaves a trail that some people are able to follow, so this is not the time to waste time on rants." (Navar) 

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"But I must agree that you suck at this, Zenos." (Navar) 

"I know, so I focus on being sincere and objective in what I want to convey, as long as it works, the rest doesn't matter." (I) 

"It could have been a problem now if they started to see us as enemies." (Bianca) 

"It would certainly make everything more difficult, but we don't see talking about something that didn't happen and being grateful that everything is going as planned..." (I) 

"Damn it!!!!" (I) 

Suddenly I feel a fluctuation of energy that I couldn't mistake, it was the creation of a Territory, but it was very slow for some reason. 

"What is happening?" (I) 

"It looks like a Territory forming, but it's too slow…" (Hades) 

"They arrived faster than expected, how many are left? How long until we have them all?" (Alan) 

"Looks like it's more than halfway through, so a few more minutes." (I) 

"It won't buy us enough time." (Bianca) 

"Yes, I'll have to resort to the withdrawal plan, that should be enough." (Alan) 

"You never told me about the withdrawal plan." (I) 

I complained to him for not having heard about this part of the plan as we raced to the Moon's surface, I left a mental order for Cinthia and Haku to take care of getting these people into the Dungeon while everyone else comes with me. 

On the surface of the Moon I find a single Man who appears to be around 30 years old, short blond hair with some of the hair being slightly white, his Aura seems like something I felt in the past, an echo of the power of the God Baldr. 

This man wore golden armor with white details, had 5 pairs of white wings, and had a large golden spear on his back whose blade was bigger than some swords I've seen to the point where I wasn't sure if it was a spear or a sword. 

His face was filled with apparent fury, but his eyes were still calm, I'm sure he's analyzing the situation before acting as he doesn't know what to expect. 

But for some reason I felt two killing intent rise up at the same time, one coming from the man with wings floating overhead and the other killing intent was coming from behind me, it was coming from Ragnar, their eyes were locked on each other. 

"Good to see you Dad, always happy to see a bastard like you angry." (Ragnar) 

"A corrupt abomination like you has no right to call me Father!" (Oros)