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Chapter 373 Aliya’s Vision And Healing Injuries
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Chapter 373 Aliya’s Vision And Healing Injuries

"And she is here," Elina called out, motioning towards Emma and asking here to dispel the concealment technique so Aliyah could see them.

Emma nodded and her aura receded. As it did, Aliya suddenly stopped as she saw everyone pop out in front of her.

"Why use a concealment technique? You guys fine?" Just as Aliyah asked, her eyes went wide open as she looked at the condition of the whole group.

"What the hell happened to you all? Did you guys get nuked or something?" Saying those words, her staff was constantly moving in the air. She had started to cast spells non stop as the whitish aura of her magic had raised and hovered all around her. Aliyah didn't care for her mana reserves right now and was using her everything to heal her friends.

She was suddenly lifted high in air as a gust of air was released from her. Her magic surged to the limits as her eyes turned blank.

"What happened to her?" Asked Aella, blinking in confusion as this was the first time she observed such a thing.

"Nothing much, she just had an epiphany," Emma answered, knowing what had happened to Aliyah, "She will be fine and might gain some benefits from this as well. Till then lets wait a bit,"

As everyone sat on the ground, Aliya went through a vision.

She was back in her house, the mansion of the house Rose and right now, she was looking at a younger self of herself. In front of her stood her father who was constantly telling her to calm down while he cast some sort of spell around her.

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"What is dad doing?" Aliyah thought as she continued to observe when suddenly, her system appeared in front of her eyes. The system text appeared; stating,

[Inheritance memory unlocked, currently going through a serious memory regarding the fate of user. Memory contains a special switch point for user, allowing the user to unlock another part of inheritance ],

As those words disappeared, Aliya's father spoke,

"Listen dear, you hold great power. Power so strong that many would covet it in the future. Thats why, i am placing this seal on you. It will restrict your power and when you have reached a certain strength and point in life where you really need your power, it will slowly undo itself and allow you to use the full extent of what you are capable of. Remember dear, be very careful with your power and don't trust anyone with this secret of yours, the world isn't a nice place,"

Right after that, the vision vanished and Aliya found herself back in the forest with Emma and the others resting on the ground, chatting and laughing merrily as they seemed to have forgotten the downtrodden state they were in.

Seeing them, Aliya smiled and ignored the messages flashing in front of her eyes and instead walked towards everyone and sat down with them.

It was then that Aliya found out about everything that had happened and also about their plan for healing Ray and keeping it all quiet.

"Thats a good idea you all have. Even i have noticed a few individuals who are a bit too hasty and are constantly asking about you guys. I don't know why but they do give me creeps every time I meet them," Aliya replied and then turned towards Ray's figure.

"I alone wont be able to heal him completely. We will need quite a bit of help and time because his injuries are very serious and travel in deep through his body. Im afraid it will be months before he is able to walk again," As Aliya finished speaking, she noticed that everyone was looking at her with shining eyes.

"What's the issue?" She asked.

"Well, you are our only hope Aliya so we are thinking that before calling the head nurse and all, we do some emergency healing on him and then we will do other things," Sirius spoke with a bit of difficulty.

He seemed to be a bit uneasy and looking at him, Aliya shook her head and then spoke, "Ray will be fine for a bit. His injuries arent healing but they arent worsening either. So before we go on and heal him, i will have to heal you guys because if you guys go to the camp in this condition, Im not sure how everyone would take it,"

"Okay, but only if Ray is going to be fine," Sirius put up his condition to which everyone smiled while Aliya nodded.

As this was agreed on, Aliya raised her staff and cast an AOE healing skill and then individually started inspecting them.

Starting from those who were the least injured, she made her way to those heavily injured. When she asked Ray's mother if she needed healing, Ray's mother only replied,

"I have a pixie who healed me. Sadly she couldn't heal anyone other than me so I couldn't help you guys or else i would have already healed you all,"

"No worries aunty, you being here is already such a help. We don't know what would have happened if not for you," Sirius answered as he walked forward and sat in front of Aliya.

It was now his turn to get healed and when he sat down, he cautioned everyone to not over react and when everyone nodded, only then did he remove his shadows and let everyone see the state of his body.

Right as the shadows retreated, Aliya gasped as she covered her mouth in shock, "Sirius, why didn't you tell me before? You are so seriously injured, just how are you even conscious much less walking and doing all these physical activities without a yelp?" She couldn't help but question to which Sirius simply shrugged and said, "Got super regeneration of a wold. Can't expect anything less,"

Listening to his answer, Aliya just shook her head and started healing him. Starting from his arms and legs, she moved onto his torso where several deep gashes ran deep. Accessing her inventory, she brought out bandages and ointments and applied them on the less serious wounds while the deeper wounds and gashes were healed with magic. As for the wounds where his flesh was directly ripped off, Aliya couldn't do anything for that.

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She wasn't that strong yet that she would be able to regenerate flesh and bones and so, she gave him some tonics and thoroughly covered those wounds so there wont be any infections.

After catering to Sirius, Aliya was exhausted beyond her expectations. Everyone was truly battered and had gone through the worse of the worse, hence she understood why they hadn't come to the camp directly.

"Guys, where are we going to stay for the night?" Elina asked as she could already see Tim yawning off and looking around for a place to lie down.

"We can camp for the night and look for the head nurse tomorrow," Aliya suggested.

"But wont anyone discover any of yours absence?" Aella asked, a bit worried that some one would discover their absence and then start searching for them, causing more problems for their group.

"No worries on that. We don't have any duties till tomorrow afternoon, so I'm sure it wont be a problem," Emma answered as she looked around for a place to camp.

"Hey kids, don't worry about camping. Leave that to me," Ray's mother spoke up as she reached into her dimensional storage and took out a few strange looking balls.

"What are these?" Aella asked, a bit intrigued of those strange looking balls.

"Well, these are what you call comfort on the go," Ray's mother only smiled and then threw the balls in the air.

The very next moment, a bright flash of light appeared and then there were two different types of camps in front of them. The camps were big enough for everyone to fit in with comfort and not only that but also a fire was premade in front of the camps while two booths stood on the side.

"Woahh, thats so coool," Tim murmured, his eyes practically glowing as he stood up and started looking around everything with curiosity.

"Okay then, the boys will choose one and us girls will the take the other one," Ray's mother said and carefully picked up Ray. She walked him to a camp and settled him down comfortably before releasing the same pixie she left earlier on, "Keep watch over him," she told the pixie and walked out of the camp, nodding at Sirius and Tim while sending a telepathic message to Sirius stating, "Keep close him and take care of him,"

"Dont worry, i wont let him alone. He is but a brother to me and I owe my life to him," Sirius calmly replied and slowly walked inside. Sitting besides Ray and slowly dozing off within a few moments.

"Okay girls, let us go and then freshen ourselves as well," Ray's mother smiled and then lead the girls to the other camp.