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Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 583: Agalea Meets Lucifer
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Lucifer felt a chill as she heard her name called out in a cold manner.

She knew who this voice belonged to and without even looking and very well knew the reason for such coldness.

Lucifer knew she fucked up!

Dropping the bag of chips on the table, Lucifer immediately made a run towards the exit, but alas, there was only one way out and this meant she had to pass through the lady coming towards her.

The Supremes were in a balcony that was covered with tinted glass walls. There was one passage for their entry and exit into this balcony and breaking through the glass walls would mean making an appearance in the City Hall and becoming visible to everyone present.

'Damn it!' Lucifer cursed as she realized she was in a bad situation. She looked beside her and in just a split second, made her decision to break through the glass wall.

Lucifer charged towards the wall, hoping to break out, but only ended up hitting her head on a barrier with a loud bam.

"Hold it, Lucifer. Don't cause a ruckus in the City Hall." Mayzin, the one who made the barrier and stopped Lucifer from breaking the walls, said.

Lucifer frowned and was going to curse Mayzin but became startled as she felt a hand around her shoulders.

"Lucifer~" She heard a gentle voice and felt herself get hugged tightly. With the tight hug came the sensation of softness behind her head.

Lucifer knew this softness and she knew there was no way out of this now.

She was trapped in the embrace of the one and only…

'This damn cow bitch! Lucifer cursed in her mind.

She then turned to look up, only to see the so-called 'Cow bitch' aka Agalea, looking at her with a smile.

This smile however was not a gentle smile, but one that showed visible killing intent.

Lucifer made an awkward smile and said, "H-hi Agalea. Long time no see."

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"Indeed. It's been a while since we last saw each other." Agalea said with the smile still there. "Let's go have a nice chat, shall we? We met after so long, I missed you."

Saying so, Agalea started dragging Lucifer away from the round table.

"NO! I DON'T WANT TO!" Lucifer exclaimed while being dragged away.

She then looked at Mayzin and yelled, "Mayzin, get me away from this c— OW!"

Agalea pinched Lucifer's waist while dragging her away and caused a jolt of pain to travel through her body, making her yell in response.

Mayzin, looking at the distancing Lucifer, shook her head with a smile and said, "You brought it upon yourself."

She then joined her hands and prayed, "May you find peace in the afterlife."

"I AM NOT DYING!" Lucifer cursed from the distance, but her voice was heard in a very faint tone as she had already gone far away from the round table.

The Mother Queen of Witches, Florencia Rain, being silent for so long, said softly with a light chuckle, "Your granddaughter seems to be in trouble. You won't help, Alex?"

Alex, sitting as calm as a still lake, said without looking at Florencia, "No."

Alex knew Agalea and her granddaughter were best friends. This was a dispute between two friends and should be solved by them.

But another reason Alex didn't help was because his granddaughter didn't ask him for help. Had she did, he would've thought about it.

However, little did Alex know that Lucifer forgot.

Lucifer completely forgot her grandfather could help her as well!

Alex was on the bottom list of priorities in Lucifer's mind. Anything that concerned her, she would first go to Lilith, if not her then Mayzin.

After Mayzin was Agalea in her priority list and at the last was Alex, her grandfather.

Lucifer didn't get a chance to ask for help after Mayzin rejected her as Agalea had already dragged her away.

Florencia, hearing such a straight reply, chuckled lightly again and didn't speak further.

After a few minutes when there was no more ruckus happening, Darren and Anderson started talking.

They took Alex and Dagassi into the conversation sometimes as well and made small talk with them.

Alex was a neutral person and talked in a reserved manner while Dagassi ignored Darren multiple times during their small talks.

Dagassi and Darren's relations had turned for the worse as Dagassi came to know that Darren had tried attacking Arya during her ascension.

Although he didn't have a good, in fact no relation with Arya, her being a Dragon was enough to bring a sense of comradeship in him and dislike Darren.

Although it sucked to have another Supreme Rank from the same race, but having an outsider trying to hinder the ascension of someone from his own race ticked Dagassi off.

Florencia in the meanwhile began talking with Mayzin and sometimes Alex joined in on their conversation.

An hour passed with them talking and they finally stopped when they heard footsteps of two people coming towards them.

Looking at the source, they saw the beautiful silver-haired Lilith and the gorgeous bluish-silver haired Arya coming in their direction.

Lilith was in a strapless red dress that revealed her shoulder and collar bone. But that was only amount of skin that was showing as she was covered everywhere else by her dress.

She wore heels, making her already tall figure appear taller.

Beside her was Arya in a black and blue hanfu, appearing really elegant and matching the regal aura of Lilith's. She wore traditional shoes but they had some height to them and ended up appearing just a tad bit shorter than her mother-in-law in height.

Despite being such heaven defying beauties, the Supreme Ranks didn't eye any of the two in a creepy manner and simply stood up to greet the host of today's event.

"Greetings, Vampire Queen." All, except Mayzin, said.

Lilith, reaching close to them, nodded her head and said, "greetings."

Mayzin then greeted Lilith and Lilith greeted her back.

She then walked towards the chair middle empty chair and sat on it, gesturing for everyone to sit as well.

As everyone settled down, Lilith looked around and saw Lucifer and Agalea weren't there yet.

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She turned to face Mayzin and asked, "they aren't here yet?"

Mayzin, holding a tea cup in her hand and looking at the tea, said calmly, "Agalea took Lucifer somewhere."

"I see." Lilith said. She wondered what the two were doing but didn't dwell much on it afterwards.

As for the rest of the Supremes, they were all greatly surprised to see Arya beside Lilith.

They weren't expecting Arya to have come with Lilith at all.

Everyone, except for Mayzin and Darren, wondered what was the relationship between the new Dragon Empress and the Vampire Queen.

Darren had some idea about Lilith and Arya's relationship. Having tried foiling Arya's ascension and being stopped by Lilith, the encounter which still haunted him as it was one of his life's most embarrassing and shameful experience, remembered that the two were close.

Why they were close he didn't know. But he knew they were close as the Vampire Queen wouldn't just try to protect her for no reason.

Lilith looked at everyone's surprised faces and knew what was going on inside their heads. But she didn't address this issue as she knew they'll know the relationship of hers with Arya in due time anyway.

The Supremes were about to talk to Lilith about the current event but before they could do it, they once again heard footsteps.

Looking at the source of it, they saw Agalea and Lucifer walking towards them.


"Ow... Mhffph... Ugh..." Lucifer grunted with each step she took.

Lucifer was walking with irregular steps behind Agalea and appeared to be in pain.

Mayzin, looking at her, didn't see any bruises or signs of Lucifer and Agalea fighting. This made her wonder what had Agalea done to cause Lucifer pain with each step.

"Oh, you're here, Lilith." Agalea said with slight surprise. Although she considered Lilith as a big sister, she would only call her that when they were in private.

Lilith nodded. "Took you some time to come here. Were you busy?" She asked.

"Yes. Something came up." Agalea said. She reached to the seat between Florencia and Arya, and sat on it. She then continued, "Sorry for the wait."

Lilith chuckled. "Its not a problem."

She then turned to look at Lucifer, who had finally managed to reach her chair and was slowly moving down to sit on it.

Just as Lucifer's tush made its way to the seat and touched it, her face became slightly red and she cursed internally: