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Unfathomable Senior

Chapter 743
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“Is there no way that I can help?”

"Unfortunately not, we will have to part here. At most, you can watch what transpires through the spirit screen. It would be too dangerous for you to be there; I don't know what will happen. The tribulations might descend on your body, or my enemy could show up and use you against me..."

"... I understand."

The two looked at each other with love in their eyes. There was not much left to say; everything had already been discussed. Zhang Dong had made a decision, and his wife had given him permission to go through with his plan. She knew about the other worlds and about the Overseer, who continued to be a looming threat.

With one final, heartfelt embrace, Zhang Dong and his wife parted ways, and he vanished into a portal that would take him on his journey. A few days had passed since the emotional family get-together, and each member had already gone their separate ways, continuing with their lives.

As Zhang Dong reappeared above the city that he had played a pivotal role in creating, a sense of pride filled his chest. He gazed upon the grand structures that had risen under his guidance, symbols of his enduring legacy. The city stood as a testament to his hard work and the positive impact he had made on the world.

‘I hope I did a good job…’

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Even as many years had passed and people had moved on with their lives, Zhang Dong continued to worry about his citizens and sect members. Like a caring father, he carried the weight of their well-being and happiness on his shoulders. His deep sense of responsibility toward them had not diminished over time.

His journey had been filled with both triumphs and challenges, and now he found himself on the precipice of a new adventure. He hoped that the people he cared about would cherish his memory, even if he were to fail in his next journey.

With a sense of resolution, Zhang Dong realized it was time to stop stalling and face what lay ahead. He created another teleportation portal that transported him to the secret grounds where he had been meticulously making preparations for his ascension. This place was filled with various countermeasures and tools intended to aid him in crossing the threshold and reaching the immortal stage. The moment of truth had arrived, and Zhang Dong was ready to embrace it.

He had spent years studying ancient texts, delving into esoteric knowledge, and refining his cultivation techniques to prepare for this moment. Everything he had done had led him to this point. All possible relics that he could find were here and even past records of old immortals painted him a picture of what was supposed to happen. The hard part was not really getting into the immortal stage but ascending with the help of this mutated seed that he had within him.

‘Well Bob, keep a lookout for that Overseer they will probably show themselves eventually. You’ll have to keep them busy as long as you can.’


Zhang Dong wasn't entirely alone in his momentous endeavor. While only his wife was watching from within the city, Bob, the AI program, was there with him. Over the years, their partnership had proved to be invaluable. Both Zhang Dong and Bob had continued to evolve and improve, enhancing their capabilities and knowledge to face the challenges ahead. This AI program had continued to be his best bet against his current predicament.

“Let us get to it then…”

After a firm nod, Zhang Dong descended into a more desolate area of this secret ground. This place had become something like a second home and now would be his way forward. The place he would start was devoid of any life that had previously been created by his predecessors. The goblins and other creatures that had been present in the past had been removed after he took full control over everything here. The energy used to keep everything running could be shifted elsewhere to help him through this new step.

First, Zhang Dong removed a certain item from his belongings that used to belong to the Cerulean Empress. It contained the Dao of Water, which he had refrained from absorbing for all these years. Secondly, he brought out a piece of memorabilia from his late older brother, Long Qing. It was a blue dagger that contained a higher form of flame Dao, which he also refrained from absorbing to avoid arousing the suspicion of the Overseer.

His plan had seemingly worked, giving him three hundred years to improve himself in other ways. He focused all of his time on perfecting his other skills, knowing that learning multiple Daos was the path to victory. The more he could learn and perfect, the stronger he would become in the end.

Throughout the years, Zhang Dong had honed not only his mental skills but also his combat abilities. He noticed early on that many cultivators could not effectively engage in conventional combat. Most of them relied on overpowering techniques and wide-range attacks. It was often a battle of spiritual energy rather than skill. Thus, for a certain amount of years, he had sealed away all of those techniques to focus on practicing the fundamentals of kicks, punches, and submissions. He aimed to become a combat expert who didn't rely on flashy energy attacks.

‘Even though I’ve already decided, this is quite stressful…’

He began by placing the various cultivation resources down on the ground before him. The entire secret ground was cleared of any living creatures, but he left all the plants untouched. The location where he sat was a wide meadow, very similar to the one where he had first arrived in this world. The central tree was now replaced by numerous diagrams and strange characters etched into the ground. Several layers of formations were placed everywhere, each inscribed by hand to ensure that everything would be perfect for this moment.

Zhang Dong took a deep breath, his heart pounding with anticipation. He had calculated every step meticulously, ensuring that every element was in place for this pivotal moment. He started out by using the Cerulean Empress sea shell as the medium for absorbing the Dao of water. As he did, he felt a rush of energy surging through his body, the power of water flowing within him. It was a sensation like no other, as if he were becoming one with the very essence of water itself.

With this Dao now integrating into his being, Zhang Dong moved on to the blue dagger, a piece of his late brother's legacy. He closed his eyes and focused on the dagger, allowing the higher form of flame Dao within it to merge with his own cultivation. Fire and water, two opposing elements, fused within him, creating a harmonious balance that he had never thought possible. The intense heat of the flame and the soothing coolness of the water coexisted, giving him a unique sensation of power.

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While not much time had been spent on the infusion of those two Daos, he could feel his seed on the brink of germination. He was hastily absorbing all the power and swallowing pills to halt the process. If he could extend his time by even a few seconds, it could prove valuable for his ascension. However, the seed that he had nurtured for three hundred years was reaching its limit. All those spirit points from running a prosperous Empire were overflowing, and he wouldn't be able to stop the progress anymore.

‘It’s time, Bob be sure to watch out for you know who…’

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he channeled his energy into the seed, his entire body trembling with the effort. The ground beneath him quivered, and the diagrams etched into the earth began to glow with a soft, otherworldly light. The air crackled with energy as Zhang Dong delved deep within himself, seeking the connection to the seed's ancient and unknown power.

As Zhang Dong focused on the seed within him, he could feel its immense power surging. It was as if he had tapped into the very core of the universe, and the energy within him continued to build. The ground trembled, and the diagrams around him glowed even brighter. The process had taken on a life of its own. Bob at this time continued to diligently scan the surroundings for any noteworthy changes, if a shift in the Dao of time was discovered he would immediately forward this information and even be ready to initiate some defensive measures if they were required.

During a crucial moment of cultivation, the person undergoing it could not be disturbed. If they couldn't fully focus on the matter at hand, there was a significant risk of suffering a backlash in their cultivation. It was a moment of vulnerability, and the best time to strike if someone wished to dispose of a powerful master. They would be weakened as the process was taking place, and even gentle movements could ruin hundreds of years of preparation.

Normally, a person like him would be surrounded by masters from all sides, creating impenetrable defensive arrays and spiritual shields to keep everyone away. Even a fly would not make it through. However, when facing someone who could alter time and arrive unnoticed, these defenses would be just a hindrance.

His senses were heightened as he continued to channel energy into the seed, feeling the immense power building within him. As he delved deeper into his cultivation, he began to experience a profound connection with the seed. It was as if he could hear the whispers of countless ancient souls, guiding him on this journey. The energy within him was in a state of constant flux, merging, and melding, evolving into something greater than the sum of its parts.

He could sense the seed's potential, its desire to sprout and break through the confines of his current state. Time seemed to stretch and contract as he continued his cultivation. Minutes felt like hours, and hours like mere moments. He lost track of the world around him, fully immersed in the transformative process.

Outside of the secluded meadow, in the vast expanse of the secret grounds, an eerie stillness prevailed. The natural world seemed to hold its breath as the fusion of Dao energies continued. Not a leaf rustled, not a bird sang, and even the air itself seemed to hang in suspense.

The tension in the air was palpable, and the moment of ascension drew closer with each passing second. Zhang Dong's heart raced as he felt the seed within him reaching its breaking point. He had pushed his cultivation to its limits, and there was no turning back now. It was a point of no return, and he braced himself for what lay ahead.

Suddenly, as Zhang Dong's energy reached its peak, a disturbance in the fabric of reality itself rippled through the meadow. The diagrams etched into the ground flickered, and the air quivered with an otherworldly energy. Bob's sensors detected the anomaly, and he immediately alerted Zhang Dong to the impending danger…