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Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 351 Ruthless
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The spotlight disappears as Lu Tian joins Wu Jing on the stage. Unlike the energetic man next to him, Lu Tian’s expression remained cold and indifferent with no ounce of emotion. Not even a tiny smile can be seen on his face.

Of course, despite the man’s demeanor, Wu Jing did not mind. He turn to look at the audience and smiles cheerfully.

"Did tonight’s honorable guest surprise you all?"

Saying this, he takes a deep breath and looks at Lu Tian.

"Mr. Lu, Beauty is truly thankful for your acceptance in joining us tonight. Though, I am sure our guests and viewers are very curious to know, what made you decide to join this year’s annual Fall Fashion Show?"

The audience remained quiet with eyes staring at the business king. Each person could not wait to hear his response.

After all, one should know that, although Lu Tian is a distinguish figure in Imperial, the man rarely shows himself at events, let alone a small fashion show like this. Even in the past, he never once attended a fashion show.

After a long minute had gone by, the guest could only sigh inside. They should have expected that he will not answer the question.

However, just when they though this, Lu Tian’s closed lip parts and his deep voice sounds.

"I’m here to support someone important to me."


Hearing this unexpected response from the infamous cold man, not only the young but the older audience erupt into a commotion again.

"Lu Tian said he is here to support someone important to him? Who can it be?"

"Could it be An Qing’s opening model, Ning Mei? I heard there’s a rumor that Ning Mei is engaged to Lu Tian."

"Ning Mei’s first appearance on the runway and Lu Tian’s sudden appearance, is this really a coincidence or are they really a pair?"

"If it’s true, I don’t know what to think. I don’t want Lu Tian to be paired with Ning Mei. She’s pretty but she is not his match."

Although, Lu Tian’s sudden response stirred the crowd, Grandfather Ji rolled his eyes.

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Someone important? Hmmf. Why not announce to the world that you already proposed?

If it was him up there, he would brag about it to the entire world and make sure all the media here release the news!

On the stage, Wu Jing stares at the tall and aloof man. His head shook and he sighs inside. Lu Tian did answer his question, but it gave no room to ask more.

A soft chuckle escapes his lip and he stares back to the stirring crowd.

"Alright! Mr. Lu has given us his honest answer. Now, let us all welcome our first designer, An Qing’s Chen Limei."

Quickly changing the subject, he diverts the attention to the appearance of Chen Limei.

The moment Wu Jing poke his words, Chen Limei steps onto the stage in the same blue dress she arrived in. She was in full smiles as she had cast the incident with Ming Yue aside. It was as if nothing had happened in the back.

She calmly walks over to the front of the stage with one hand waving to greet the guests. Seeing both good looking men, she decides to stand between them.

"Wow, Miss Chen, you are as lovely as ever. I pity all the young men that were rejected by you."

Wu Jing flirtatiously praise the woman with a smile. He found Chen Limei to be a very beautiful and successful woman, but her inner hear was too black for him. If he had not known the real her, he would have been one of the many suitors who fancied the woman.

"Wu Jing, you’re always full of compliments."

Chen Limei blush a smile in giggles. She may keep her arrogant appearance in front of others, but that does not mean she didn’t like to hear others compliment her.

While Wu Jing tried to keep his polite manners with the woman, Lu Tian was nothing like him. He did not care about manners and showed his ruthlessness.

The minute Chen Limei walked to stand between the two men, Lu Tian took one big stride to the side. He avoided any close contact with the woman like she was a disgusting plague.

Chen Limei: "-__-"

Wu Jing: "..."

Chen Limei was stupefied, but despite her redden face, she tries to keep a graceful smile. She had long known that Lu Tian didn’t like being near women, but right now, they were live and in public eye. Did he really have to humiliate her to the extent?

Like the woman, Wu Jing was also stupefied, except he was not embarrass for her. He quickly pretends to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand to hide his urge to laugh, let alone smile.

Now he understands why Lu Tian has never been in a relationship. The man really lives up to his reputation, even towards women.

Down in the audience, everyone gasp in shock at the obvious move Lu Tian did. Even they want to hide in a hole for the young woman. However, how could she try to do such a thing knowing how Lu Tian is.

As part of the crowd, Grandfather stroke his chin and his head approvingly. If it was known that he is Yue Ling’s grandfather, he would have gone up to the stage and pat the boy’s back for doing a great job.

Sitting beside the old general, Madam Lu and Zhao Ya’Er held double thumbs up in their heart. Times like this, they are very thankful for Lu Tian’s dislike towards close contact with women.

Feeling pity for the woman, Wu Jing decides to do what he does best.

"Miss Chen, as the CEO of An Qing, you always represented De L’amour, but tonight, you showed us your own designs. How do you feel about your competitor, knowing that it is the brand you used to represent?"

Knowing that Wu Jing had purposely changed the attention to their main purpose of being here, she smiles to thank him. However, what she heard the question, she feel herself slightly jump nervously.

She swallow with difficulty and force a smile on her face to answer.

"No need for the formality, you can just call me Chen Limei. As to answer your question, An Qing has always represented other brands and we were happy to do so. Though it was unexpected, we decided to change the course of events this year and present our very own brand to the world. My team and I have worked day and night just for tonight’s event."

Saying this, she looks to the audience that was now quiet and her words continue.

"I hope that after tonight, everyone will bare witness and continue to support my An Qing as you have always done."

Wu Jing nod his head listening to the woman’s words. When she finished, he did not hesitate to ask the final question.

"Do you have confidence that An Qing will be bringing home this year’s award?"

A soft giggle escapes Chen Limei’s lips as she raise one hand to cover her smile. When she lowers her hand, her voice spoke.

"An Qing has always won first place in the past. If we lose this year, then it can only mean that we have met our match."

As her words continue to flaunt her confidence, Lu Tian stood like a pillar at the side with a tired expression.

At first, he didn’t agree to the be the guest of honor, but when he learned that his wife was participating in the event, he did not hesitate to agree.

Of course, he only did so because he wanted to stand on the stage with her. Whether she win or lose, or even if this is the first and last time, it will be a moment worth remembering.

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However, why does he feel that it is taking longer than what he thought?

He knows that it hasn’t been long since he last saw her, but he really misses her.

Can’t Wu Jing speed things up so he can see his wife again?

While Lu Tian continues his wishes to see his wife, Wu Jing continues the conversation with Chen Limei.

"Miss Chen, your words are indeed worth praising. Confident and generous. I do wish An Qing the best of luck in tonight’s award."

Chen Limei politely smiles as she express her gratitude for his words. However, deep inside, she was screaming in rage.

She had allowed him to call her by name and yet, he still continues to call her with formal manners.

Wu Jing is a good-looking man with great success, but when comparing to Lu Tian, he is nothing in comparison.

Inhaling a deep breath, she glances over to Lu Tian with a smile that can captivate any man’s heart. Since Wu Jing wished her luck, it would be inappropriate if Lu Tian didn’t do the same.

However, to her greatest disappointment, Lu Tian remains indifferent as if she was not standing on the same stage as him.

Her fists clench tightly until her nails dug her skin, but she did not care.

"Mr. Lu..."

"Miss Chen, if you don’t mind, I am going to announce our final designer."

Before Chen Limei could try to get Lu Tian’s attention, Wu Jing’s voice suddenly cuts her off. He had moved the microphone away so that only she could hear him.

Left with no other choice, Chen Limei could only smile angeringly and takes a step to the side. However, what she did, only made Lu Tian take another obvious step further.

Chen Limei: "...."

"Oh my gosh! Was it just me or did Lu Tian move away again?"

"What is Chen Limei thinking? As someone from a prominent background, she should know not to push any further."

"Everyone knows how Lu Tian is, why is she still trying so hard?"

As the whispers surface from the audience below, Chen Limei raged in anger and embarrassment inside. She did not do it intentionally, but... how could Lu Tian take another step away?

Wu Jing sighs inside and decides to ignore the woman’s tomato face. He raise his hand holding the mic and takes a step forward. For now, he will just divert everyone’s attention again.

"Now that we have welcomed our first designer, An Qing’s Chen Limei, let us also welcome our mysterious designer."