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Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 348 no one can compare
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To the surprise for everyone, they were expecting a human, but instead what greeted them was an animal. Not just any kind, but an adorable Samoyed that makes one want to take him home.

Inu gaze at the audience with his perfectly round eyes. The enchanted forest background gave the atmosphere around him feel like he was a divine guardian amongst all beasts.

Feeling he had spent a long enough time in the mundane world, Inu stood up and turn to leave. As he turns around, the white cape that is three times his size flutters in motion to give the audience a better view of the detailed dragon.

"So beautiful! I just want to cry!"

"This is indeed a work of art. Whoever designed this piece did an amazing job. The dragon looks like it can come to life any minute."

In the audience, Grandfather did not know whether to laugh or cry. He had anticipated the opening model to be his granddaughter, yet... it turned out to be none other than Inu!

What is going to happen to the world now?

Seated beside the old man, Lu Tian felt otherwise. He stares at Inu’s now departing figure and a faint smile curl on his lip. His entire expression resembles that of a proud father.

The favor his wife asked him was to help Ju Suo and Gui Zhongmin bring Inu to the show. She knew that Inu would give the two subordinates a difficult time, so she could only ask him. Which was the truth. The Samoyed was a handful that drove Ju Suo and Gui Zhongmin insane.

As Inu’s beastly figure disappears from the stage, another model steps out.

This time, it was an actual human.

He wore a long white blazer that bounce with each step he took as the front opens. However, the inside of the blazer held floral patterns in gold details. Each time the blazer opens, the gold floral shines with the light.

The collar of the shirt he wore under was buttoned halfway as it reveals his masculine upper chest and a silver chain necklace.

One hand inside the pocket of his matching white pants, he proceed to walk the runway with an expressionless face.

"It’s Gong Jun!!"

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"No wonder he didn’t appear during An Qing’s turn! But why is he with this designer?"

"The design he’s wearing is really something. Doesn’t it make him look like a pirate lost in an enchanted forest?"

Unlike An Qing’s show of presenting one design at a time, the moment Gong Jun reached the front of the runway, another model steps onto the stage, but this time a woman.

She wore something that looked like a dark cape. It covered her entire body with only her head in view.

Seeing this, the audience couldn’t help but wonder if the design was supposed to look like that. A whisper amongst them quickly surface as the judges frown at the piece.

"The first two pieces were outstanding, but I’m not too sure about this third one."

"Why would someone design something like this? I could just wrap curtains around me."

Gong Jun pause in his steps for a quick second to let the judges get a better view at the details on the design he wore. He then turns around and walk in the direction he came from.

As the third model walks towards the front, the moment she passed Gong Jun’s figure, both her arms raise from the open sides to cover her chest in a X.

Her right hand leisurely pulls the fabric covering her left shoulder then the same with her left hand to her right shoulder.

Opening her arms, she held the dark fabric in place like butterfly wings as the piece she wore under comes to view.

Her hips motion from side to side as the silky black dress follow in rhythm. The top part of the dress laced in silver metallic leather to her waist. From the hips down, it revealed the silky fabric used to make the dress as the bottom lace the same details as the top.

"Haa— This dress... I did not think that such a piece like this was hiding underneath!"

"I want this dress! It looks better than the dress Ning Mei wore during An Qing’s opening!"

The minute the model revealed the dress, the audience erupt in comments. They had judged the dress too quickly to only be taken by surprise at the masterpiece done.

One after another, the selected models continue to appear on the stage with different designs. However, they followed in a pattern between black and white.

"Ahh!! My baby was fantastic!!"

As the show continues, Yue Ling shriek in smiles like a fangirl as she hugs Inu in the back. Her cheeks rubs against the Samoyed with lots of love and doting.

"My family’s Inu is the best! No one can compare!"

Many in the industry have doubts of allowing an animal to take the stage alone, but she didn’t. She knew her Inu would do a terrific job out there. He is a well trained and smart dog.

Watching from the sidelines, the models around were at a loss for words. They had all thought the aloof Lu Tian was going to be the opening model, but after the man left, he never came back.

When it was time to go on stage, Yue Ling suddenly shocked them with the announcement of who the opening model is.

None of them had expected the adorable Samoyed that was brought in to be the one to hold the highly value position and performed perfectly.

How does An Qing feel knowing that their opening competitior is not human?

"H-How can this be...."

One the opposite side, An Qing was in a chaotic mess. Chen Limei could not believe that De L’amour’s designs were nothing like the designs Ming Yue gave her.

She even changed a few things, but when comparing them to De L’amour’s pieces out there, hers was inferior by far.

Her expression turned uglier and uglier as the opposing models took the stage one by one. She clench her fists tightly and glares at her assistant.

"Where is that bitch Ming Yue?!"

The assistant jumped in fear, but she quickly shook her head.

"I wasn’t able to get a hold of her. She didn’t show up as part of our deal."

Hearing this, Chine Limei rose into rage. She smash everything she could get her hands on, even the z-racks filled of clothes were not spared.

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She breathes heavily and pinch the space between her brows. Even with the many eyes in the room staring at her, she did not care if her respectable CEO image was gone. Once this event is over, she can silence whoever dares to stir unnecessary rumors.

"Find her and bring her here!"

"Yes, CEO Chen."

Chen Limei’s assistant quickly replies and leaves the room. If she cannot find Ming Yue, who knows what kind of wrath the witch would unleash.

Ignoring Chen Limei’s outburst rage, Ning Mei stood in front of the monitor screens and her expression was not inferior to the CEO’s.

When they say people are ugly when angry, that is exactly how Ning Mei looks like at this moment.

Her high and mighty attitude from earlier was gone as both her fists clench tightly at her sides.

She cannot believe that her perfect performance was stole y a stupid dog!


Ning Mei takes a deep breath and calms herself down.

The show hasn’t ended, and the judges have yet to announce who the winner is. There’s still a chance An Qing will take first place like every other year.

Out in the audience, the guests continue to be amazed by the designs presented by the mysterious designer. One look and one can see how much time had been put into each piece.

"This mysterious designer has spectacular skills. Each piece of design takes you into a different world."

"I’m curious to know who this designer is. I really want to meet him or her."

"Anyone can see the top quality of materials used to create each piece of work. This is by far better than An Qing’s."

Listening to the good comments, Grandfather Ji couldn’t help but tear up. Although his granddaughter has not appeared on the stage, he can see all the hard work the audience spoke of.

Each design may look like normal clothes to be worn, but for a fashion designer, each design meant more. They pour their heart and soul into each creation like parents showing their love for their children.

He knows that Yue Ling and her design team shed blood and sweat to perfect the pieces now being shown to the world.

Thinking this, he sighs inside and wish that Ji Jingxu was also here to witness this.

If it wasn’t for the boy having to study for exams, he would have taken the boy to share this wonderful moment together.