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Under the Oak Tree (Web Novel KR)

Chapter v2c9: Vol 2 Chapter 9
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248 Chapter 9

Maxi hugged her forearms as her skin broke out in goosebumps. Her nursemaid used to tell her tales about the wicked occultists who were banished to the north after suffering a terrible defeat in their war against the church. The mention of their exploits made her stomach churn in fear.

“Do you mean to say… the banished dark mages were behind the war?” Maxi asked in a hushed voice.

“We can’t be sure. Though the remnants found in the ruins suggest a settlement of dark mages, it is evident they left a long time ago. All the same, it appears the records and relics are well-preserved. The church wants us to examine the findings. They no doubt believe this discovery contains clues to the monsters’ whereabouts.”

“This is a serious matter indeed,” Calto said gravely. “If the dark mages truly were behind the war, it may spark another mage persecution. To prevent such an atrocity, the Mage Tower has decided to fully cooperate with the church.”

“W-Why would you… enlist a novice for such an important task? Would it not be better… to have more experienced mages?”

“As I’m sure you’re aware, the current restrictions make it difficult for high mages to leave Nornui. At present, the only high-ranking mages from Urd who are allowed to leave the island are Celric, Anton, and myself. The others are either too old to endure the long journey to the Plateau or have adamantly refused to leave the island. Excluding those names, that leaves only around ten high mages across all the towers — far too few a number for an expeditionary party. Hence our decision to bring along some of our more qualified novices.”

“We are especially in need of earth mages,” Landon said with a heavy sigh. “All the ones on the island are from the Umri tribe and staunchly unwilling to leave Nornui. What’s more, I doubt the church would accept anyone of mixed race.”

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“I see… That’s why you want me,” Maxi said, nodding.

Though she had no intention of talking herself down, she was well aware that the Mage Tower had an abundance of mages with skills far exceeding her own. It was the main reason she had been stunned by their offer.

“We wouldn’t have asked you had we thought you were not up to the task,” Landon said, evidently not pleased with her summation. “Though we plan to recruit more novices if possible, we decided you were the most suitable candidate. After all, you are one of Nome Hall’s best students.”

Maxi blushed. The head mage’s high regard for her filled her with astonishment and joy. She recalled how impressed Master Landon had been at her golem rune, despite it not being appropriate to present.

“Now then, will you give us an answer? Will you join the expedition?” Calto said, leaning back in his seat as though the long conversation wearied him.

Maxi hesitated. The mission sounded dangerous, and reaching the Pamela Plateau would take at least two months. However, if she refused, she would have no choice but to spend another year on this island.

Biting her lip, she chastised herself for her selfish desire to see Riftan even in the middle of this grave discussion. Her desperation to see him would have her swim across the sea had she been able. With the passing of each day, her anxiety grew as she imagined she was losing her place in his heart a little more.

After a long moment of hesitation, Maxi finally replied.

“I will… join the expedition.”

A week later, Maxi found herself climbing to Urd’s seventh floor to receive her elemental rune. Anette Godric, Armin Dolph, Miriam, and Sidina were there too. Also present was a quiet boy named Kiel, whom Maxi had only ever spoken to a few times, and two male novices from Undaim she was not familiar with.

After greeting Miriam, who barely acknowledged her, and Sidina, who hailed her cheerfully, she walked over to where Anette and Armin were seated, slightly removed from the others.

“Are you both going on the expedition as well?” said Maxi, surprised that the Umri tribe novices had been convinced to leave Nornui. “We will be traveling with the Temple Knights to the Plateau… Are you all right with that?”

“The Tower was strapped for choices,” Armin replied flatly. “As I’m the tallest in my tribe, I doubt the clerics will twig my heritage unless told.”

“I fall on the tall side as well. Besides, there are non-Umri women my size too, no?” Anette said, pointing to the top of her head with a grin.

At around five kevettes (approximately 150 centimeters), Anette was taller than most of the men in her tribe, while Armin was a fingerbreadth taller than Maxi. Whilst their large frames seemed disproportionate to their heights, no one would doubt they were full-blooded humans.

“We’re more concerned about you. Do you think you can handle the journey with that frail constitution of yours?” Anette scoffed, giving Maxi a once-over.

Maxi glowered at her. “I-I happen to be the only mage in this room with campaign experience!”

Anette, Armin, and all the other mages a short distance away stopped their chatter to stare at her. Though Maxi felt herself shrinking back from their skeptical looks, she hastily covered her shame with false confidence.

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“Please do not liken me to greenhorns such as yourselves.”

“Golly, is that so?” Anette retorted.

Maxi was about to give an indignant reply when the door at the opposite end of the room opened to admit Calto Serbel and four assisting mages.

When the novices rose to their feet, Calto said solemnly, “Welcome. You are all here to undergo the procedure that will create a new mana pathway within your bodies. By accepting this rite, you also pledge to live as a member of the Mage Tower for the rest of your lives.”

He swept his eyes over the faces of the gathered novices before continuing.

“Once the conferment ceremony is over, your names will be engraved on Urd’s pillar. As long as you observe our rules, you shall have the protection of the Mage Tower, and we shall readily come to your aid upon any injustice meted against you. Now, it is your turn to commit to the rules of the Tower.”

The novices swore their allegiance to the Mage Tower, that they would never do anything against the interests of its mages, and that they would follow its rules and ethical standards. As they concluded the oath, the four assisting mages behind Calto inscribed their names on a small stone tablet and led them into separate rooms according to their chosen element.

Maxi ended up in a small room divided by thick hangings, where she was to await her turn. One by one, each novice would stand in the center of a room arrayed with candles to receive their rune.

The procedure was a lot more painful than she had anticipated. Two mages tattooed each of her wrists with the outlines of the rune and infused them with magic to create a new mana pathway. The rapid expansion of the pathway struck her with a terrible bout of dizziness. She clenched her jaw to stop herself from whimpering. It felt as though they were infusing her veins with fire. By the time the pathway connecting her hands to her heart was complete, she was drenched in sweat.

“It will take two days for the rune to fully settle. With proper utilization, you should be able to store mana of unparalleled purity,” one of the mages explained as he wiped off the ink with a towel. “You should rest for the remainder of the day. It will take some time to get accustomed to the sudden increase of mana in your system.”

“Th-Thank you.”

When it was over, Maxi staggered out of the room. The other novices looked equally as drained. After taking a moment’s rest in the waiting room alongside the others, Maxi returned to her quarters, where she promptly dropped off to sleep. Just as the mage had warned, it seemed she would need time to get used to her new mana pathway.

She lay moaning on her bed for the rest of the day. Come evening, still not feeling any better, she barely managed to drag herself up to feed Roy his dinner.