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Uchiha's God of Muscle

Chapter 266: Xianglin
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  Chapter 266 Xianglin

  A...spy with a special identity?

  Hearing Itachi's words, Kakashi was taken aback. After all, catching spies is one of Anbu's responsibilities, which shows that he didn't do his job well.

  Under Kakashi's surprised eyes, Itachi took out a paper crane, and presented his hands to Duan:

   "This is the paper ninjutsu of the Angel of Dawn, which was intercepted by me. Inside is the message she sent to the spy, informing the latter that her identity has been exposed and asking the other party to evacuate immediately."

   Duan took the paper crane and played with it in his hand, but he didn't open it, but said directly:

   "The spy you're talking about is Karin next to Tsunade, right?"

   "...So Hokage-sama already knew about it." Itachi was also surprised when he heard this.

   What he learned about Xiang Rin was revealed to him by his younger brother Sasuke after some hesitation.

   Itachi then successfully intercepted Xiaonan's letter delivery paper crane, and determined the identity of Xianglin's spy through the content inside. Since the other party is a disciple of Tsunade, and not an ordinary disciple, his identity is too sensitive.

  So, Itachi thought for a while and set off to the castle tower, and reported the matter to Six Daime, waiting to make up his mind.

  Who would have thought.

  Sixdaime has long recognized that Karin is a spy.

  Duan casually threw the paper crane to Kakashi, revealing Xiang Rin's true identity to the two:

   "This Xianglin is from the Uzumaki clan."

   No wonder…

   Itachi suddenly realized, and all the doubts in his heart were solved in an instant.

  When Xiang Rin came to Konoha, she didn't have a surname, and was considered a genius among ordinary people.

  If she belongs to the Uzumaki clan, that is to say, she is a member of the Uzumaki Naruto clan.

   From this point of view, Xiang Rin is also likely to be a member of Akatsuki's organization and has a close relationship with Naruto, so Naruto will take the initiative to teach Sasuke a lesson and ask the latter to stay away from Ka Rin.

  Hearing the news, Kakashi was even more stunned.


  He came back to his senses, immediately knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and pleaded guilty to Duan:

   "I was negligent about Xiang Rin's matter, please punish Hokage-sama."

  If it's an ordinary spy, it's fine, but it's Xiang Rin.

  She is a disciple of Tsunade, and she is deeply loved by the latter, and even regarded as her own by Tsunade, and is raised as a daughter.

   It is conceivable that Karin, who has gained Tsunade's trust, has obtained countless confidential information from Tsunade over the past few years, allowing Akatsuki to grasp Konoha's every move.

   This situation is definitely a major mistake of Anbu, and Kakashi, the head of Anbu, is even more to blame.

  He blamed himself deeply.

   "Get up, Kakashi."

   Juan did not punish Kakashi, but said lightly, "Just like Kabuki, I deliberately let Xiang Rin go, you don't need to be responsible."

   Then, he asked Itachi again: "Where is Xianglin now?"

   "At Konoha Hospital, with Tsunade-sama."

   Itachi quickly replied, "Sasuke's injury is a little serious. I sent him to Mr. Tsunade for treatment. By the way, let him find a way to hold Xiang Rin. Please give instructions from Mr. Hokage."

  Since Duan knew the details of Xianglin long ago, but he has never acted, it shows that he must have his own considerations.

  After thinking for a while, he said, "I'll go there myself."

  After the voice fell, he stood up, took a towel to dry his sweat, put on a white Hokage robe, and strode out of the castle tower.

  Kakashi and Itachi looked at each other and followed closely.

  Konoha Hospital.

  In the corridor, near the direction of the minister's office, there was a rush of footsteps.

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  It is Tsunade and Karin in white coats, and the three masters and apprentices Mitarai Anko.

   "Red bean, what's going on?"

   Tsunade asked as he walked towards the operating room.

  In the past few years, under the excellent talent training system, as Konoha has more and more medical ninjas, Tsunade has finally taken a break and rarely goes to the operating table in person.

  Usually, she stays in her office, or she goes to teach at a ninja school, leading a leisurely semi-retired life.

  But this time the wounded were different, and Tsunade was a little worried about letting someone else perform the operation.

   is Sasuke Uchiha.

  That guy is the first genius of Konoha, the son of the Uchiha patriarch, and more importantly, the nephew of the sixth generation Uchiha Dan.

  If Sasuke failed to get proper treatment at Konoha Hospital and fell to the root of the disease, even Tsunade would have a hard time explaining it to the Duan and Uchiha clan.

   What's more, Sasuke was sent by Uchiha Itachi himself, and he specially left a message, please ask Tsunade to do it himself.

   "Itachi-sama said that Sasuke was attacked by enemies from outside the village and was pierced by a black stick. The chakra in his body seemed to be sealed by the black stick, unable to flow, and the wound continued to lose blood. The situation is not optimistic.

  Mister Shizune has already treated the wound briefly, and is looking after Sasuke, waiting for your arrival. "


  Can seal the black stick of Chakra?

  Hearing the description of Hongdou, Tsunade frowned, thinking back in his mind, he always felt as if he had seen this weapon somewhere.

I remembered.

   It was the weapon used by Tendo Payne when the Four Great Ninja Villages invaded Konoha in the Fourth Ninja World War many years ago.

   Could it be that the Akatsuki organization has made a comeback?

   Tsunade was taken aback and quickened his pace towards the operating room.

   And Xianglin beside her was even more surprised, because she immediately thought of who might have done it.


  Besides Naruto, Xiang Rin has never seen anyone using a black stick.

  She suddenly became nervous, and subconsciously asked Hongdou: "Senior sister, who is the attacker?"

   "I don't know about that, neither Itachi-sama nor Sasuke said anything." Hongdou shook her head.

   Tsunade heard the words, but turned around and gave Xiang Rin a strange look.

  She knew that Xianglin was interested in that guy Sasuke, so she often found excuses to call Sasuke to create opportunities for the two of them to be alone, hoping that Xianglin could make good use of it.

  But at this time, Xiang Rin, who has always cared about Sasuke the most, asked the first question not about Sasuke, the patient, but the identity of the assailant.

   This seems a bit anomalous.

   Tsunade asked calmly: "Xiang Rin, do you have any clues, did you guess the identity of the enemy?"

   "Uh, no."

  Xiang Rin hurriedly waved her hands, showing an awkward smile, to cover up her guilty conscience and abnormal reaction.

   Tsunade heard the words, looked away, and didn't ask any more questions.

  Walking and walking, I arrived at the operating room, and the three masters and apprentices opened the door and entered.

   One in.

  I saw Sasuke lying on the operating table, pale and sweaty, with a black rod pierced through his ribs, and the wound looked terrible.

  Fortunately, Shizune was watching over Sasuke, and there was a little slug lying on Sasuke's body, delivering chakra for him, which stabilized Sasuke's injury.

  Actually, as Tsunade's chief disciple, with Shizune's strength, it is absolutely possible to perform surgery on Sasuke.

  But Itachi specifically asked Tsunade-sama to do it, just to pursue the perfect surgical effect and try not to leave any sequelae, so as not to affect Sasuke's future ninja career.

  Therefore, Tsunade-sama can only perform the operation on Konoha's first genius.

  Sasuke also saw the arrival of Tsunade and the others, and his eyes fell on Xiang Rin immediately, with inexplicable meaning.

  He said that he and Xiang Rin were just ordinary friends. In this matter, he did not lie to Naruto.

  Because Sasuke's mind is only on cultivation, desperately trying to become stronger, how can he be in the mood to fall in love. It's not that he has no feelings for Xiang Rin, but he has no feelings for all women.

   But then again.

  In Sasuke's eyes, Xiang Rin has always given him a good impression—

  A genius medical ninja, but also an optimistic, kind, straightforward woman, but sometimes she always stares at his face as a nympho, making him shudder and get goose bumps all over his body.

  He never expected that under the deceptive appearance of the other party, his real identity turned out to be a spy of Xiao Organization.

   Moreover, from Naruto Uzumaki's tone, he attaches great importance to Xiang Rin, which shows that Xiang Rin's status in Akatsuki's organization is definitely not low.

   Put aside distracting thoughts, Sasuke stopped thinking about it.

  His task is only one, which is to find a way to hold Xianglin, and absolutely not let her leave the operating room until his brother asks his uncle for instructions and brings people over to arrest her.

  Sasuke even made up his mind that if Xiang Rin sensed something was wrong and tried to escape, he would risk his life to keep her.

  He doesn't want to be a trash anymore.

   "Master Tsunade, you are here."

   Shizune hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, and explained Sasuke's situation to Tsunade in detail.


   Tsunade nodded while checking Sasuke's injuries. During this process, she fixed her eyes and confirmed in her heart that the black stick stuck on Sasuke's body was the weapon used by Payne.

   Just when everyone thought that Tsunade was about to start the operation.

  She turned around suddenly, and said to Xiang Rin who was stunned aside: "Xiang Rin, you come, Sasuke will leave it to you."


  Xiang Rin opened his mouth wide, caught off guard, subconsciously asked, "Why?"

"what why?"

   Tsunade suddenly looked unhappy, frowned and said, "I have taught you for so long, today is just an opportunity to check your recent progress. Hurry up, don't stand there stupidly, unless you want to watch this guy die."

   After she finished speaking, she stepped aside and leaned against the wall with her arms folded, as if she were watching from the sidelines.

   Facing Tsunade’s urging, Xiang Rin shrank her neck, and replied anxiously:

   "Yes, Tsunade-sama."

   Tsunade is like a strict mother, and Xiang Rin dare not disobey her orders.

  She took a deep breath and walked to the operating table.

  General anesthesia was supposed to be done before the operation, but Sasuke didn't want to pass out and asked for local anesthesia, which meant that he might suffer a certain degree of pain.

   "Come on, Xiang Rin."

   He said something in a deep voice, staring at the girl in front of him.

  Xiang Rin felt guilty, tried her best to avoid Sasuke's eyes, and said in a low voice:

   "...Okay, bear with it."

  Afterwards, she quickly calmed down and regained her composure, and soon demonstrated the qualities that an excellent medical ninja should have.

  Operation begins.

  The whole process went very smoothly.

   Bang Dang.

  The **** black stick was taken out of Sasuke's body and thrown on the plate.

   While stitching, Xianglin suddenly opened his mouth and asked worriedly: "Have you seen clearly who the enemy is, who can push you to this point?"

  Sasuke hesitated to speak.

  Is she testing me?

  He was silent for a few seconds, and lied: "The other party moved too fast, I didn't see clearly, I only knew that she was a woman."

  Oh, if that's the case, then it's not Naruto.

  Xiang Rin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

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  Who could that be, Mr. Xiaonan?

  However, no matter who the attacker is, the opponent is really ruthless. Although the method is not fatal, if the treatment is not proper, Sasuke will lie on the hospital bed for at least three months.

  Thinking about it, Xianglin was distracted. And just then—


  Because of her mistake, the sutures of Sasuke's wound split, and blood gushed out again.

   "Yes, I'm sorry."

  Xiang Rin was sweating profusely, stammered a sentence, flustered.

   Seeing this, Tsunade frowned tightly.

  Bystander clear.

  Witnessing the whole process of the operation, she can naturally see that Xiang Rin is not technically incompetent, but absent-minded.

   Such an important operation, this girl was actually distracted in the middle.

   What is so important that she can't even concentrate?

   Tsunade instinctively sensed that Karin must know something about Sasuke's attack, so she behaved so abnormally.

never mind.

   It's important to save people first, and say hello after the rest.

  Thinking of this, Tsunade lowered his hands, ready to go over to take over, he can't let something really happen to Sasuke.



  Xiang Rin suddenly rolled up his sleeves, revealing a snow-white arm, and said to Sasuke decisively:

   "Bite my hand."

   "What did you say?" Sasuke was confused by the girl's behavior, and even temporarily forgot the pain of the wound.

  Not only him, but other people in the operating room were also confused by Xianglin's actions, so they all looked puzzled.

   "No time, bite me, don't ask!"

   Seeing that Sasuke was bleeding profusely, Xiang Rin urged anxiously, and even put his arm directly to Sasuke's mouth.

  Maybe due to excessive blood loss.

  Sasuke was a little dizzy at this time, and faintly had some kind of hallucination, it seemed that Xiang Rin's snow-white arms were delicious food, exuding an attractive aroma.

  In a daze, he took a bite.

  The next second, a miracle happened.

  Under the shocked gaze of the crowd, the wound on Sasuke's body healed itself at a speed visible to the naked eye in just a dozen seconds.

  His face also regained its blood color, and he looked much more energetic.

  As if never hurt.

  During this process, Xiang Rin endured the pain in his arm, without saying a word, letting Sasuke absorb the chakra in his body.

"so amazing."

  Jing Yin, Hong Dou and the others couldn't help being amazed when they saw this scene.

  Is this a medical ninjutsu developed by Xiang Rin? I have to say that this treatment method is really special and unheard of.

   And the effect was excellent, almost instantly, Sasuke's injury was perfectly healed.

To know.

  Even Tsunade-sama would not be able to do this to such a degree, it is simply unbelievable.

  After Sasuke regained consciousness, he slowly opened his mouth.

  It was only then that he realized that he had bitten too hard just now, leaving a conspicuous tooth mark on Xianglin's forearm, and her skin was also bleeding.

   "I'm sorry, are you okay." Sasuke felt guilty and regretted it.

   "I'm fine, I'll be fine in a while."

  Xiang Rin smiled, retracted his arms, and covered the tooth marks with his sleeves, as if nothing had happened.

  But Tsunade strode over, grabbed Xiang Rin's arm, stared at the disciple with scorching eyes, and asked:

   "Xiangling, what is going on, give me an explanation immediately!"