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Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 61 61 It’s finally over…
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Chapter 61 61 It’s finally over…

[Lucy's POV: ]

The synthesizer changed its form and a tiger-faced humanoid, taller than both of us combined, wearing a fine green suit and round glasses materialized before us and caressed his mustache as he looked down at the two of us for a moment before bowing in a greeting.

[< I greet the Synthist of rumors, and Merchant ruler of the dark as well as their unique companions who have yet to gain their unique identities.

It truly is an honor to make your acquaintance. >]

He referred to Raz and El by their unique titles, just the way all the beings with upper or core Authority within the worldline do.

It was the basic way of greeting, and the similar basic way of greeting an Offspring that have appeared before oneself in their true forms was to kneel down before them and greet them by their known names. But, most of the people in this small plant wouldn't know about such curtesy and though we knew it, we were naturally not kneeling before someone that was theoretically our grandchild.

"It is our pleasure to make your acquaintance too sir Alchemist. And though you might not have done it purposefully, your presence did help us gain many things here, as well as this unique title which I was never expecting."

El was speaking comfortably with him, something most of the beings of the entire worldline wouldn't do, but, she can do it.

Not only because she was the theoretical creator of this world, but also because she was Raz's mommy.

'After all, this person owes a [Favour] to Raz, which he would have to repay anytime he asks for it… which, of course, is something no one aside from the three of us knows.'

<Hello to you too Misty. It has been a while isn't it, nya?>

And if I say El's casual behavior before him was disrespectful, then Raz's super buddy-buddy behavior was shocking, even absurd to all the spectators that knew this person before us.

[Many spectators of Absolute purity are hesitant about the behavior of the 'Synthist of rumors' and her adorable kitten.]

[Many spectators of the Pure evil faction like the kitten's way of greeting. They wonder if he and The Alchemist are acquainted with each other.]

[Some gods are chuckling secretly.]

[Some gods are scared because of the sudden appearance of The Alchemist.]

[Spectator 'Diety of the forest of luck' kneels and greets the Offspring The Alchemist.]

[< Hahaha. Hello to you too master Azrail. Your contractors have some fun people watching them, I see. >]

<Yes, nya. Most of them are bastards but some sure are good people. But my contractors are better than anyone else, nya~!>

He seemed happy, but that bastard was hugging our purple box. The two of us definitely needed a personal talk one of these days.

[< Hahaha! That sure looks to be the case. All of us have been surprised, even shocked multiple times by their actions.

We know they are special, and we are looking forward to keep observing them in the future and crossing paths on their journey like this. >]

He was a very large humanoid white tiger, with unique eyes that seemed to contain a colorful arora dancing within them.

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There was long white hair growing out from his head like some old man too. And he was also wearing a luxurious blue outfit so he looked pretty good. But, he had no presence at all.

Even though I tried my best, I couldn't sense anything from him at all. Which, of course, represented just how great of a power difference there was between him and us.

"Well, maybe. But you aren't here to casually talk like this, right sir? We still don't have much Authority so this official visit of yours couldn't be any longer than a few minutes. So, why don't we just finish the work you are here for."

She was right. He really didn't have much time here. And I could feel she herself was pretty tired after all that so she wanted to rest as soon as possible.

'All that synthesis process put a great toll on her mind and body, it is just amazing how she is even standing so casually like that. My dear…'

[< Hohoho, right. You two sure know an awful lot about the 'things'. Hahaha, yes, you sure are fun. Then let's get down to business miss Synthist of rumors. >]

He lifted his hand and a unique parchment of crimson skin materialized in his big, strong, but still delicate hands.

[< ID: Auriel, you have demonstrated the very first successful true use of the function Synthesizer, thus inventing the true synthesis method.

You are the sole creator of this method and from my analysis, the method is closely associated with your special mental body abilities, meaning, you have created and molded it to be suitable for your own self perfectly.

I find it admirable. And it is a joyous occasion for me to witness something I thought I wouldn't ever see.

You have done something amazing, you have created something invaluable, and you own it.

I'm here to present you with the patents of [True synthesis method]. You can- >]

"I know the technical stuff already so you don't have to say it. And no. I'm not giving the right to use this method to anyone. If anyone wants permission, I ask them to contact my little Raz."

El genuinely cut him mid-sentence. Damn…

'That's not something even some of the higher beings, maybe even some of the old gods would do, lol.'

[Some spectators of the Absolute purity faction are speechless.]

[Some spectators of the Pure evil faction are laughing their hearts out.]

[Some gods have hidden under their beds.]

[Some gods say they were never here.]

[Some gods have witnessed something astonishing in a long time.]

[Spectator 'Diety of the forest of luck' was drinking his Aroma wine with a proud look but dropped it because of the sudden spectacle.]

[Many spectators are cussing at 'Diety of the forest of luck' for his actions. The divine wine has gone to waste.]

[Some spectators have started resenting 'Diety of the forest of luck'.]

['Diety of the forest of luck' is speechless and says there is no need to react like that. He can just make some more.]

[Many spectators were speechless for a moment, but some started cussing again, while some were in tears.]

'Well, what the fuck?'

Just what kind of clueless bastards are here that they don't even know who he is?

Is it because of Gurak or did Rein's announcement attract some dumb bastards?

The Deity of the forest of luck was some of the few special people in the entire worldline holding a plethora of unique resources.

Some of the things that were his day-to-day snacks, were considered specialties in some of the lower worldlines areas.

But still, the Aroma wine, though rare and very famous, wasn't something they should start arguing about.

'Looks like you will be dealing with a lot of dumb people for a while, Aiden. But you already know how to deal with them so you don't need any good wishes from us.'

He was a special person we would have met even if he hadn't been one of the people watching us.

'It will be fun watching us so keep watching until we meet, and look forward to the time we liberate you from that…'

[< Looks like my work is shortened. >]

Sir Alchemist was looking up with displeasure for a moment but he shook his head and looked back at us.

[< I should tell you everything required related to the patent but I will believe your word and leave the point at that.

Receiving something of this caliber is no small feat miss Synthist. But from what we could tell, you both already are aiming for something far greater than these small things.

And you will surely need some important resources on this path of yours, so, I hope you will remember me in that time. >]

He smiled at her, smirked would be the right word as he believed that we would surely be in some trouble and need something only he could provide and she would have to sell off this important patent to him.

But she smirked back at him, knowing full well how she was going to use this little crimson parchment to get far more than what it was worth.

"I definitely will keep that in mind. Thank you for your great work here. We hope to see you soon."

He hadn't said his farewells but she was already telling him to leave. And though some of the spectators were arguing again, he just smiled down at her, looked me in the eye with curiosity, and at Eva with no great interest, and when he was about to look at Raz, the little kitten yawned and rubbed his face against the metallic purple box in El's hands.

He already had a premium beef with this little kitten but he was also grateful for many things he had done so there was no hate between the two of them but only a good contractual relationship.

[< Hahaha. Alright then. Looks like my work here is done anyway.

It was good to see you all. You two are especially totally different from how little Roulette described but, this is even better.

I look forward to seeing you two soon too, and I believe that time isn't that far away.

So, farewell miss Synthist of rumors, master Azrail, and their special companions. >]

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And then, he vanished into the same colorful light he had appeared from, leaving behind the five of us, and the crimson parchment that contained a unique system interface of its own.

A patent was something very special, but… we don't have to think about that for now.


El jumped on me and hugged me as we both fell to the ground, and, while on the ground, she continued her hug with her pretty eyes closed and her breathing calm, but her forehead almost burning hot.

"You can make an omelet on me right now." She mumbled, saying something that would sound obvious but contained many hidden meanings behind it. And the smirk she had confirmed those things. But...

"It's finally over."


We got the three treasures, got stronger, got the Knight title, and also got some useful pawns aside from weapons beyond our imagination.

'And also many more unexpected things aside from this.'

But ultimately, we achieved everything we entered this forest for. So…

"It's time."

"It is."

I caressed her head with my Aura-covered head to soothe her pain a little, and Raz also came and sat down on my chest, patting her like a worried pet.


And, we both sighed.

Eva was still standing, smiling at us warmly, and the troll hero was still confused, but at least now in his right senses.

This much was better than we expected when we first opened our eyes in that shitty orphanage, but, it was definitely better than what we expected.

'The first half of part one is over…'

We had a set outline of things that we decided to at least follow roughly until it breaks down completely and though El's unique title was a break in the plan, it was still recoverable.

'So… it was time for the second half of the part one. Which, hopefully, will start with the adventurer's association.'

It was difficult, full of uncertainty and unnecessary challenges caused by some petty bastards, but, we saw through it all...

"I love you Auriel."

"I love you too, Lucifer. Always have and always will."

<Me too, nya. You two are lovely~.>

I still wonder how can he be so innocent sometimes and still be cruel enough to destroy countless lives without blinking. But, that was what made him her favorite. And mine too, but for a little different reason from hers.

Anyway, we were going to lay here for a little longer now.

Just a little longer…