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Twin Reincarnation: Epics Of The Worldline

Chapter 47 47 Start of the first massacre
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Chapter 47 47 Start of the first massacre

[OP: ]

[The Worldline has received the request for a system rank upgrade. Checking the qualifications…]

[Scanning of targeted individuals: complete. The eligibility has been confirmed.]

[Checking for external rank factors…]


[< Worldline has found a new achievement in the actions of the concerned individuals. Calculating data… >]



[Granting the rank of [[( Knight )]] to IDs: Lucifer and Auriel through special dimensional merchant: Azrial.]

[The linking body is highly conductive. The target bodies are abnormally accepting.]

[System rank upgrade complete with 96% rate of accuracy. Adding data to the achievement.]

[Congratulations! You are the youngest beings to achieve knighthood in Worldline #321CF. Asking for open announcement permission.]

El, Lucy, and Raz... all three of them were dumbfounded by that absurd accuracy rate.

It wasn't just good enough to be better than most but, it was mind-blowingly amazing!

The concept of "rate of accuracy" was inherent in all system rank, however high this number was, the strength of authority a person held varied accordingly.

It was amazing that they achieved something that very few in the world had been able to achieve but, it was mostly possible because they had Raz. His special body which was highly conductive of the worldline system played a bigger part than their heavenly constitutions.

They were happy by just this much so El hugged the kitten and the touch of 'that part' of her skin touching the pure white fur of this cat... excited the 'innocent' little merchant.

And of course, Lucy wanted to hit him.

But they were happy. And the answer to the question on the system window before them was naturally…

"Declined. There's no need for anyone else to know this thing."

The one saying that was Lucy as he tried maintaining his gaze that was sliding towards her chest more than usual today.

Maybe it was because of their perverted kitty?

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'Damn bastard…'

[Decline accepted. Bestowing 2 random item boxes as base rewards.]

Two white boxes with a glowing red question mark on them materialized before them. But they didn't surprise the happy kitten enjoying the warmth of Lucy's El, as much as the two of them.

To his two owners, this was a good opportunity but the kitten who sold these boxes to people who always cussed at him after not getting shit didn't like these things much.

The probability of them getting something good was as good as a… well, it was impossible from his point of view but for them, this was an amazing reward.

These boxes were influenced by luck and they had their lucky Lucy with them. They were sure to get something good but before that…

[You have received one <Wish ticket> as a reward for being the youngest one to have a higher status than most of this world's population.]

[You can now exercise your rank authority over the worldly elements at will. But beware, it consumes mental strength.]

<Nya! Nya, nya, nya! Six years together with you two and I still don't understand why this bastard worldline favors you so much, nya!>

He was smashing his tiny, soft paws on her chest as he shouted those words.

And of course, Lucy didn't like the things that poor kitten was doing under her masterful manipulations aimed to tease him.

So, he first took him from her and endured his adorable crying and relentless beating with his soft paws.

Thankfully the kitten wasn't using any of his strength behind those 'attacks' or else Lucy would suffer for real. Their own kitten was far stronger than them even after their stat awakening.

He was strong, and as he was a <Special> being in this Worldline as he had authority that was beyond even some of the Offsprings, he was beyond the normal standards.

Anyway, El was happy that Lucy was jealous and Lucy was happy that he at least won't have to suffer because of their kitten's actions.

The cat merchant was angry because his contractors were too lucky but the two of them were happy at the good rewards they got from their free great achievement.

This was ultimately very good for them but the rewards they got this time were extremely unique, unexpected, and useful.

"Hehehe," even El couldn't believe it as she stored their special reward in her prism space.

There will come a certain time when they would need this bright golden ticket. And they knew there was probably no traditional way for them to ever get this item aside from buying it from Raz for, ahem... nearly sixty million Oz.

It was an unexpected blessing that they received this good thing but this blessing of theirs was only a loss for their kitten.

<Nyaaa! Whaaaaaa… sob, sob!>

He was sad and needed El's hands but Lucy wasn't giving him to her. And she was enjoying the kitten's cry and her brother's sadness and reluctance.

Anyway, they got their good stuff and were now truly finished with everything.

So, El smiled happily as she looked at two of her cute kittens and Eva shook her head with a sigh as always.

She knew now that they were finished with this thing, they were going to do something that she had never done before.

They had told her many times that she can just stay back and watch if she didn't want to join them but she had to be there and watch what they would do.

She knew the details like they were going to raid a troll village and it was a common thing that many strong adventurer groups did but she had never seen a troll in person nor knew much about their village.

She didn't know everything but from what little things they told her, she knew she would have to make some kind of decision.

She knew she would have to do some things if she wanted to be with them. And she wanted to be with them more than anything else.

It was her wish and the goal of her life.

She was ready to do whatever it needed to be with them. She was ready for anything… or what she thought until she actually saw the unparalleled devastation and the propagators of that unthinkable bloodbath.


In the heart of the expansive great forest, a tranquil open space emerged, adorned with humble abodes crafted from clay, stones, and woven grass.

Encircled by sturdy wooden walls, this village-like structure nestled harmoniously within its protective embrace, housing a certain kind of beings.

The village inhabitants were large humanoid creatures with long limbs, strong bodies, and green or gray skin. Their facial features were distinct and ugly from a human point of view, with some having long noses and others displaying a more human-like but burly appearance.

Some wore cloth coverings on their lower bodies, resembling dirty underwear, while others covered both their upper and lower bodies, exhibiting a more feminine human-like form.

It was natural that the ones with ugly facial features but strong bodies were males but the smaller ones with more womanly features were females.

There were some young kids in the embrace of the female creatures who looked just like human children with green skins. Just that they were physically bigger than any healthy human baby.

The children were playing in the embrace of their mothers, some older children were playing around the establishments, and the men were either sparring with the other males or taking care of their ladies.

There was a wall and some of these creatures guarded the gates of this village.

The atmosphere inside was normal and cheerful and aside from the fact that these creatures ate the bigger monsters found around the area and their unattractive features, they weren't much different from the early humans we know about.

This was just like any other day of their lives. Some had gone out for hunting, some were doing their work, and some were making necessary stuff like weapons, food, and clothes.

Young ones were playing, mothers were feeding their babies from their naturally large breasts, and some couples enjoyed their lone time as some houses had 'familiar sounds' coming from them.

This was a normal day for the ones at the doors of the village too.

The sounds from the village were usual, the melodious chirping of the birds was usual, the winds were blowing calmly, and the rattling of leaves was also no different. If there was anything unique, then it would be the low sound that they had heard a moment ago which sounded like…


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Yes. Just like that. It was a clicking sound that was unusual but it was low so they didn't pay much attention to it just until…


They heard the sound more clearly than usual again and, then... suddenly, the head of one of their guards fell off and rolled on the ground.


And just after this one, when they were all in a confused and chaotic state, they heard this sound of clicking again, followed by the sound of…


Falling of another body without its head.


Some of them shouted suddenly and rushed inside the gate but even as they passed through the gate…


A clicking sound was followed by the sound of another body falling.


One more fell with its head separated and the blood from their bodies painting the ground green.


Then another.




And it kept happening until all the guards that stood before the gates just a moment ago were laying on the ground, their heads cleanly separated from their bodies.


They didn't know what had happened or how they even died but the people, normal villagers who saw the bodies of their family members falling to the ground, definitely saw the subtle flash of light which was followed by that strange sound of-


Yes. Another one of those clicking sounds but this time, a figure appeared before them.


The figure of a reaper holding a blood-red sword with chilly blue eyes so cold that just by looking at him… they knew the day which had seemed like any normal day, was actually, the last day of their lives.