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Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 153 - 152 Marcus’ Trump Cards
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Crashing into the ground after being hit by Jared's spell, Marcus let out a low groan as he felt pain throughout his body, and looking over at his left arm saw that it was bent at an unnatural angle.

However, Marcus knew he did not have time to worry about the injuries he had sustained since one, they would heal anyway and two, he had a fight to finish.

Shakily standing back up, Marcus cast his gaze into the sky where he saw the figure of Jared still floating there but now his left leg was missing and the stump that was left behind was bleeding profusely.

Pulling out a healing potion and mana recovery potion, Marcus quickly downed both of them while he watched Jared do the same.

Luckily for Marcus, his injuries while bad were far less debilitating than Jared's and his innate toughness and regeneration meant he could take far more punishment.

The only problem was that his limit using his unique skill was approaching and as soon as that happened, he would be unable to keep up against Jared who is eleven levels' higher than him.

Having taken his two potions, Marcus felt his arm snap back into place and with his mana refilled to about the halfway point, Marcus took back to the sky heading towards Jared once again ready to finish this fight.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck. This little bitch she took off my leg, I am going to rip her apart. Fuck it I am going to use that.'

While Marcus had been making his preparations, Jared had been doing the same and along with the healing and mana recovery potions Jared had taken out a large syringe and when Marcus began flying up towards him, he jammed it into the stump on his left leg.

Feeling the cold liquid flow into his veins, Jared immediately felt a rush of power and even the horrible pain from his leg was gone.

Marcus while flying up towards Jared saw him take some sort of syringe and jam it into himself and right after his body began convulsing, and Marcus could feel a sinister power growing inside of him.

Feeling that approaching carelessly would be a mistake, Marcus abruptly stopped and cast his laser spell, aiming for Jared's head hoping to kill him before the effects of whatever he had taken began working.

However, as the beam of light flew from Marcus' hand a powerful burst of mana erupted from Jared's body and blocked the laser spell.

Except this mana was definitely not normal as it had an unnatural hue to it not being the common green but it seemed duller and more sickly.

Staring at Jared who was now emitting an ominous aura, Marcus watched as his leg rapidly grew back, but instead of coming back normally it looked like it was made out of hundreds of tumors and was misshapen horribly.

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"HA, HA, HA, HA. This feels incredible, I knew the effects would be strong but this is much more than I ever thought possible."

Jared while laughing like a mad man began tearing at his skin ripping it off of his body, and while it was regrowing rapidly it was with the same tumorous skin as his leg

However, Jared just seemed to have a face of ecstasy as he was reveling in the power he had just obtained, though at what cost Marcus did not know.

'Darkness Drill.'

Shooting off is tier four darkness magic spell, Marcus did not care to watch Jared's descent into madness and was hoping to catch him off guard and end this fight before Jared could use the new foul power he had obtained.

"Such a pitiful show of power you cannot hope to hurt me anymore."

With the wave of his hand Jared unleashed a powerful burst of pure mana, that clashed with Marcus' spell and eventually overtook it.

Marcus stared stunned; he did not expect Jared to gain such a drastic increase in power so suddenly, giving him the strength to overpower his spell with pure mana.

Thinking desperately Marcus was hoping to maybe get Jared monologuing long enough for whatever he had taken to start having adverse effects.

"What the hell did you take, you must realize that this power is going to eat away at you just look at your leg you think that is natural."

Jared who definitely had more than one screw loose now began cackling before saying, "Say what you want you are just jealous of my power. But do not worry about me all that matters is that I kill you."

Unfortunately, Marcus' attempt to stall for time only lasted a few seconds before Jared burst forward towards Marcus moving much faster than he had before.

Swinging his scythe forwards towards Jared who had uncharacteristically rushed towards him head on, Marcus was surprised that, Jared put his left arm out and allowed for the scythe to cleave through his arm in order to block his attack.

This did however, allow Jared to slam his staff right into Marcus sending him hurtling back into the ground.

Smashing into the ground Marcus could not believe the strength behind Jared's physical attack since up until now he had a clear advantage in close combat.

Trying to stand back up and continue the fight Marcus was interrupted when Jared landed right in front of him and cast a spell.

"Gale Force Wind."

Being hit by a powerful gust of wind Marcus felt his body beginning to break under the pressure as he was blown back hundreds of feet while bouncing off the ground before smashing into the barrier that Jared had set up before his ambush.

Lying flat on his face in the snow, Marcus could feel that his physical body had taken an extreme amount of damage, and he was certain that if he was still human all of his organs would have ruptured.

Putting his hands under his body and trying to push himself up Marcus turned his head towards Jared who was now slowly walking towards him, but when he saw Marcus trying to get back up unleashed a barrage of wind blades.

Marcus feeling the impending doom, turned ethereal and invisible allowing the wind blades to pass him by harmlessly, now planning to wait out the power boost from the weird drug Jared had taken while hiding as a ghost.

Jared no longer seeing Marcus or feeling his presence momentarily lost some of his bravado, but soon cast a spell called searching wind which allowed him to feel anything within a certain distance using the wind.

However, even after his search of the entire barrier Jared was unable to find Marcus, it was as if he no longer existed.

But a big smile creeped onto Jared's face as he flew up into the sky and cast his gaze to one of the corners of the area he had sealed off where a gully in the valley floor had formed.

Inside this safe area where the colleterial damage from Marcus and Jared's fight did not reach, an injured lightning stag had dragged the living members of the Eternal Queens to safety.

Flying over above them Jared landed abruptly shocking Blitz who was the only one that was still conscious.

Blitz in an attempt to protect his master's friends charged at Jared while shooting off powerful bolts of lightning.

Unfortunately, the level difference between them was too high and Blitz's lightning was unable to pierce through Jared's defenses and when he tried to gore him Jared simply batted Blitz away with his staff.

Blitz having the horn on his right side broken as Jared smacked him, slid across the ground before running into the wall of the gully and falling unconscious.

With the only obstacle in his way out of commission, Jared went and grabbed the nearest Eternal Queen and picked up the limp body of Jesnay.

With his objective complete Jared flew out of the gully and into the air so that wherever Marcus was hiding he would be able to see him.

"Irene, you coward. Show yourself now or I will slowly kill every one of your friends as painfully as possible. You cannot escape me I have lost too much to not kill you here today."

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After saying that Jared actually forced a healing potion down Jenay's throat, causing her injuries to start healing as she regained consciousness.

Jesnay blinking her eyes rapidly as she came to consciousness tried to move her head around but found a vice like grip around the back of her neck keeping her in place.

That was when she noticed that she was a hundred feet in the air and that she was being held in place by someone.

"Who the hell are you, let go of me yo- AHHHHHHH."

Jared with a cold expression, crushed and ripped off one of Jenay's fingers, before moving to the next one and continuing the process.

Marcus who was still hiding in his ghost form watched mortified as Jared slowly pulled apart Jesnay one finger at a time while she cried profusely from the pain.

After Jared had ripped off all of her fingers, he shoved his hand into her mouth and stared on her teeth.

However, after pulling out six teeth Jared figured that Marcus was not going to show himself no matter how cruel he was to the Eternal Queens.

Of course, Marcus wanted to pop out and help Jesnay, but he was not confident in beating Jared unless he put his life on the line, and he knew that if he died Jared would just kill of the Eternal Queens anyway

"I see, it makes since I nearly forgot you are a monster. You must not care for these adventures that you have pretended to be friends with. But I wonder what about that cute little girl you have been playing house with, do you care for her."

At this point Jared pulled out a scroll that was tucked under his robe and said, "I have a teleportation scroll that will bring me back to the capital, if you do not show yourself now, I will go and pay your little sister a visit. But do not worry I will not kill her I think she would make a good little pet since I am sure she will end up a beauty just like you."

Hearing this Marcus could no longer hold back and stay hidden, repapering on the ground a few hundred feet away from Jared looking up at him with rage in his eyes.

In fact, his anger was so intense he had a dark aura that seemed to be warping the space around him.

"Ah good there you are, now stay there like a good girl and let me kill you, if you do not resist, I will leave you sister alone."

His fury rising by the second Marcus was no longer even listening to Jared as he was at the edge of going berserk.

'I don't care anymore, there is no need to hold back in order to heal everyone, it does not matter even if I die so long as I kill him.'

As Jared touched down on the ground and started walking towards him, Marcus who was waiting for Jared to land said, "I am sorry Jesnay."

'Soul Burst and, Supreme Skill, Embodiment of Eclipse.'