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Transmigrated as a Ghost

Chapter 152 - 151 Marcus Vs Jared
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With two powerful weapons in hand Marcus charged towards Jared hoping to get into melee combat where he would have the advantage.

Of course, Jared also knew that for a straight spell caster like himself, getting into a close quarters fight would put him at a disadvantage so utilizing the flying spell he had already cast, quickly shot up into the air where he planned to bombard Marcus with spells.

Seeing this Marcus activated the enchantment on the dark sword he had, which absorbed his mana, stamina, and rage, before converting it into darkness energy.

'Darkness Drill.'

Casting his tier four darkness magic spell using all of the accumulated energy he had gathered with his black blade, a drill of darkness that was incredibly powerful formed and flew towards Jared who was still trying to gain altitude.

Jared seeing this sudden and far more powerful attack than he thought Marcus was capable of, had to deploy his own magic casting a tier five defensive spell.

"Hurricane Sphere."

A swirling mass of wind quickly surrounded Jared fighting against the huge darkness drill that Marcus had conjured.

Watching his spell clash against the defenses that Jared had deployed, Marcus quickly stored his two weapons before taking out two high quality mana recovery potions and downing them both at the same time.

His mana rapidly replenishing, Marcus recast his tier five iron magic spell sprouting six iron wings out of his back before taking his scythe back out and flying up towards Jared.

Jared his focus on the clash of spells, controlling his hurricane sphere and using a counter spin against Marcus' darkness drill, causing it to rapidly loose power until Jared had successfully defended against the spell.

However, Jared was now incredibly angry since someone over ten levels lower than him had managed to force him to use a tier five spell to defend against a mere tier four spell.

Glaring down towards Marcus, Jared was surprised to see him actually flying up towards him with a mithril scythe that was emitting a deadly aura of darkness.

"Whirlwind Blades."

Casting a tier three wind spell, thirty blades of wind formed around Jared's staff before flying towards Marcus with deadly sharpness.

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"Blades of Darkness."

With the slash of his scythe Marcus sent out the same number of blades only they were made out of darkness.

The two similar spells clashed, blade against blade, as Marcus used this opportunity to catch up to Jared, flying up glad in darkness like an angel of death far faster than Jared thought possible.

Jared seeing Marcus slashing his scythe that was clad in dense darkness, in a desperate move brought his staff in front of him to defend.


The two weapons connected and while Jared was able to block Marcus' first strike, his staff was pushed out of the way and changing the grip on his scythe Marcus spun around and tried to stab the tip of his spear into Jared's chest.

However, as the scythe blade was about to connect with Jared, a shimmer of light formed around his body and with a thundering cracking sound the barrier shattered and pushed Marcus back with tremendous force.

Being pushed back around a hundred feet before he stabilized, Marcus looked over towards Jared in time to see that the amulet around his neck had shattered and he had an expression of incredulous anger on his face.

Smirking Marcus began closing the distance once again but before he could Jared had cast his next spell.

"Tornado Spears."

Large spears made of wind formed behind Jared each being more the size of ballista bolts rather than spears.

The eight spears swiftly began flying towards Marcus, forcing him to take evasive actions instead of continuing his charge.

Flying to his left Marcus spun around like a fighter jet avoiding the eight spears as he began flying towards Jared.

Except instead of the tornado spears continuing on their current trajectory the spears twisted around and began following Marcus like heat seekers.

Seeing that the spears were still after him, Marcus tried to outmaneuver them but found that they could easily keep up with him and were slowly gaining.

Clicking his tongue, Marcus abruptly stopped before throwing up a wall of darkness in front of himself.

The first spear smashed into the wall losing its power but also shattering the wall, allowing the other seven to continued unabated.

However, Marcus had been expecting this and when the spears were only thirty feet away from him, he summoned his iron golem in front of him.

The iron golem acting as an impromptu barrier was skewered by the seven tornado spears causing it to break apart instantly, though it did its job of defending against the spears.

Unfortunately, four of the spears still had a bit of power left in them after piercing through the golem and continued towards Marcus.

Readying his scythe, Marcus slashed towards one of the spears slicing it apart with his blade, while using his spectral arm to punch another one dispersing it.

The remaining two spears managing to break through Marcus' defenses stabbed into his body one piecing into the thigh of his right leg, while the other stabbed into his left shoulder.

Luckily after having passed through his iron golem, they had lost a lot of their power and the two spears stopped before going in farther than two inches.

Gritting his teeth Marcus looked up at Jared who had a smug expression on his face as he threw away a bottle after having drank his own mana recovery potion.

"You certainly put up more of a fight than I thought you would, but your resistance ends here."


Yelling the name of his tier five spell, a massive tornado formed around Jared's staff before falling towards Marcus with high-speed rending winds.

Seeing the tornado coming towards him, Marcus fearlessly flew up towards it charging it head on.

Jared thought that this was a suicidal move and figured Marcus must have gone crazy in the face of death, as he began laughing thinking that about his impending victory.

However, right before the tornado was going to hit him, Marcus reverted to his ghost form and using his ethereal ability slipped through the raging winds harmlessly.

Jared reveling in his perceived triumph, pulled out another mana recover potion and began leisurely drinking it, before casting his gaze towards the area his spell had hit expecting to see Marcus' mangled corpse.

Except there was no corpse to be seen, not even a speck of a body, and in the next instance Marcus reappeared right above Jared who could only look in disbelief as Marcus was already mid swing with his scythe.

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Using his powerful slash skill, Marcus slashed into the wind barrier protecting Jared before cutting through and leaving a large gash down the side of his body.

Crimson blood began to flow down Jared who for the first time in quite a while had suffered a wound and seeing Marcus coming back for a follow up swing activated one of his spell storing rings.

Marcus while trying to finish Jared with another slash of his scythe, was suddenly pushed back by the spell that was sealed within one of Jared's ring which was a tier three spell called wind burst.

Flying backwards, Marcus managed to stop his momentum quickly and saw that Jared had taken out a healing potion that he had splashed over the wound Marcus had given him.

Not wanting to give Jared any more time to recover, Marcus fired off another darkness drill spell although this one was a bit weaker than his first.

The darkness drill was spiraling towards Jared who was still in a lot of pain from the attack that Marcus had afflicted him with, but seeing the attack coming towards him adrenaline was pumping through his veins.

"Tempest Hydra."

After saying the name of his tier five spell, seven heads in the form of a hydra appeared around Jared's staff and burst forward devouring Marcus' darkness drill.

However, they did not stop there and began chasing after Marcus, each one trying to crush him in their jaws of swirling wind.

Taking evasive action, Marcus utilized his aerial mobility to its fullest, making sharp turns and abrupt dives to dodge the deadly tempest hydra's onslaught.

During this time though, Marcus had not been sitting idly by as he was preparing for his arguably strongest single target attack.

Casting his iron sphere spell, Marcus instead of having at its normal size compressed it down to the size of a ball barring, and while normally this would make the spell mush harder to control and move around, but for what Marcus planned next that was unnecessary.

With his iron sphere at the optimal size, Marcus quickly shot up in order to get an angle on Jared, even if it meant getting hit by one of the tempest hydra's heads and cast the tier four spell extreme magnetism.

'Combo spell, Railgun.'

The small iron sphere blasted towards Jared breaking the sound barrier and catching him completely by surprise.

The tiny iron sphere then impacted the wind barrier Jared had redeployed multiple times and broke through with ease.

Unfortunately, the barrier threw off the trajectory of the railgun and instead of piercing through his stomach, the iron sphere impacted Jared's left leg, before tearing it clean off.

At the same time one of the hydra heads smashed into Marcus who had exposed himself to make his attack and was hit with a heavy impacted before hurtling towards the ground.