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Trafford's Trading Club-Novel

Chapter 254 Too Young, At That Time
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"Are you ready? If you are ready, let me send you to the station first."

Watching Nikita and Anton walk out of the washroom, Oleg went towards them and gave Nikita some money, "Tell me when you settled down and I’ll go to visit you during my leisure time."

"Got it! And take care man." Nikita was very direct. He knew he was a burden staying with Oleg, so he’d better leave to make Oleg free from worry.

"Then go quickly, don’t waste time." Oleg nodded, throwing a glance at Anton with apology, "Sorry, Nikita got you into trouble this time, but his nature is not bad, just a little greedy."

"Hey! Dude! Are you praising me?"

Oleg smiled, but he didn’t talk more; instead, he gave Nikita a hug.

At this time, Anton said, "I won’t go."

The two frowned in the meantime, looking at this 20-year-old boy. Oleg looked into his eyes, which was clear enough to be seen through and read his thoughts.

He was puzzled again, "Won’t you go? You mean you want to go back to fight with Andrew?"

Anton inhaled deeply, whispering, "I won’t be a coward! I don’t want to be bullied! They are bad guys, why are we afraid of them! We should resist! So they dare not bully us!"

Oleg lips moved slightly, but didn’t avoid this pair of clear and very familiar eyes. He said indifferently, "You can think of these things when you become a grown-up."

"I’ve been an adult already!"

Oleg shook his head., "No, you’re still a kid."

At the moment Anton was about to dispute, the logistics company’s door was abruptly burst opened--- when the door hit the wall fiercely, a guy was seen standing at the door frame.

It was Andrew’s assistant, whom they had seen in Andrew’s study.

"Oh! Everybody, unexpectedly we meet each other again, time goes fast!"


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"Boss! We’ve caught back Nikita already."

Andrew could not help giving a start, as being silent in his office with a fierce look--- it was the room next to his original study.

"Oh? So fast?"

"Yes, boss." The assistant said with smile, "It might be because our henchmen spread the information to seek for clues. We never thought it’d be useful, but unexpectedly, someone delivered a message very soon. Then we took many brothers there, a lot of them got injured in the fight, but eventually we caught him."

There was still a bruise could be seen on his assistant’s face and his lips were a little bit pale. "Fortunately, Nikita is really just a burden to them. Because of him, Oleg and Anton have to give up resisting."

The assistant then walked to Andrew and whispered, "We fired a few shots... that’s all because those two guys are so strong."

Andrew nodded, "That’s just a small case, you can get it through paying for those heelers. Catching these two guys are the most important thing... Keep a close eye on Oleg and Anton, especially Anton, this guy was born with superhuman strength!"

"I gave them anesthesia, even an elephant would lose its ability to stand up!"

"Good job," Andrew smiled with satisfaction.

It was really a matter worth being happy--- After the fight in the study, he was shocked by Anton’s power!

The next matter was to consider how to guide Anton in an appropriate way--- of course, Oleg, who was a little older, was also a good choice. If he could control his physical power, he could manage to be a super-premium boxer.

A huge rock dropped from Andrew’s heart, so he felt relieved, and lighted a cigar comfortably as squinting his eyes, "By the way, is there any news about the Mr. K, who I asked you to investigate?"

The assistant face turned a little ugly, "Sorry, boss, we couldn’t get Mr. K’s information at all... In addition, his appearance didn’t show up on the video during the time he was playing blackjack in the gambling hall, all the cameras couldn’t show Mr. K’s appearance."

"What?" Andrew was stupefied, "What does ‘couldn’t show his appearance’ mean?"

The assistant answered quickly, "When he was in the gambling hall, we saw clearly the appearance of this Mr. K through the surveillance video, and I can promise that no one else ever touched and tampered these videos. But what’s weird, when we turned it on again, All the frames about this Mr. K become blur..."

"Excuse me?" Andrew frowned seriously.

He suddenly thought of that chip... After being silence for a moment, Andrew said slowly, "Stop investigating this guy. If he really wants to purchase boxers from me, he’ll show up again."



After replacing the messy sofa again, Luo Qiu sat down.

Here was the apartment Nikita rented by using the money Anton won at the boxing match--- these were everything in the apartment originally.

Now, the servant girl looked out of the window, before walking back to Luo Qiu, whispering, "Master, the chess piece that delivered the message came back. He looks very happy. It must have received some reward."

"That is to say, Oleg and others have been caught." Luo Qiu opened a soft book, talking as looking at it, "The father and son should have been caught in the gambling hall... But since they escaped, there’s no difference between the two results."

"Let me go arrange the meeting tomorrow, and inform him get ready for it seriously."

Luo Qiu shook his head, "No, let’s wait for one more day... I, too, hope that my father to be a great hero."

You Ye tilted her head, long hair hung down next to Luo Qiu’s left face.

"Antonio took his diary just in his backpack when he ran away from home." Luo Qiu turned to a page, continuing to read it softly.

Suddenly, he read a sentence loud.

"But my dad is a meanie! He even forgot today is my birthday!"

"Today I fought with Cass. Cass was no match for me, but he called his dad, and I called mine later. My father didn’t ask me the reason I fought with him; he just apologized to Cass and his father! But it’s because Cass played tricks on me. My father is obviously taller than Cass’s, why did he apologize? I don’t understand. Are my classmates right, saying that my dad is a coward?"

"Today, Uncle Nikita told me that my dad is a great man. I asked him why he said that, and he looked at me with smile, My dad spoiled me, so that I dare even skip class now, isn’t it considered to be great?"

"I saw! Today I saw! I think I’ll never forget in my life! I saw my father kneel down to other person! I saw that person pour beer on my dad’s head! I know that guy is a hooligan because I heard Aunt Catherine talked about him! Oh my God, my dad is kneeling down to a hooligan! Did I see it wrong? I don’t believe it! That’s not true! Is my dad really a coward?"

"I don’t want to be bullied! I wanna grow up! And I will beat all of those who used to bully me!"

"New Year, my father is still working overtime, and I eat alone at home. It’s disgusting."

"I miss my mum, but I forgot her appearance. I can only look at the picture of her."

"I saw the hooligan again that bullied my dad! This time, he was bullying Calcache’s grandpa! He’s so hateful, so I pinched a piece of mud, and threw it toward him! But I ran slower than him, I was caught and punched. My dad called me to have dinner, I can only say that I’m not hungry, so painful! I want to grow up quickly!"

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I want to grow up! I want to grow up! I want to protect my dad, I want to protect Uncle Nikita! I want to grow up! I want to leave this home to prove that I’ve already been an adult! Goodbye, dad! I’ll make a huge base, and do a lot of exercises in it, and then come back!


The diary was flipped until the end.

He’d been reading until the end, and the servant girl poured a glass of water and sent it to Luo Qiu.

Luo Qiu suddenly said gently, "Probably seven or eight years old, I also wanted to be an adult quickly; but later when I really grew up, at sixteen or seventeen, I felt the idea was quite childish. For a period, I hated children very much."

Luo Qiu blinked his eyes as saying, "Especially those naughty children... but actually I was in their age that time, 16 or 17 years old. There was no obvious maturity comparing with myself of the past."

Luo Qiu shook his head, laughing at himself, "I thought I’ve grown up after reading more books, listening to some specious principles, or perhaps experiencing something I shouldn’t have at that age. However, when facing a problem, I’ll become nonplus like a child, thinking that the way I dealt with problems was very good but actually, it’s full of loopholes. Some time after, I realized that’s not growing up, but just becoming sensible... The period of growing up might be a mirror, I can see clearly my childish self at the young age. I hated it."

Luo Qiu looked at the peaceful water in the cup, which was not be stirred, saying softly, "However, I’ve grown up now---My hope has been achieved, but I still cannot get rid of the naiveness after so many years."

The servant girl was a good listener to Boss Luo.

She wouldn’t voice her opinions, nor say something to enlighten him... He would feel comfortable, perhaps because of her accompaniment.

One could even say, he liked her?.

Luo Qiu smiled, "I want to eat braised meat balls in brown sauce, is that alright?"

"OK, I’ll go prepare the ingredients right now."



"Boss! Mr. K is coming! He’s still at the blackjack table!" The assistant hurriedly ran into the room, saying loudly, "But this time, Mr. K bet 20 million Rubles on the first bet... "

Andrew suddenly jumped up due to astonishment.

It made him recall the horror and humiliation from the dozens of losing streaks that day!

He had to console himself; however, fortunately the game that day was just for fun.

But today he bet 20 million Rubles from the beginning... it probably showed his purpose of making the boss go bankrupt!

"Hurry up! Invite him to the VIP room! BE QUICK!"