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Touch of Flame

Chapter 268 So Close
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Ares couldn't believe his eyes. There she was, alive and well. Ephraim's words went in one ear and out the other as he introduced her as Darcy. She looked at Ares as if she had no idea who he was, and that feeling of disconnect gnawed at him.

"Nice to meet you, Ares. I'm glad you have recovered and are well," she smiled.

Ares blinked, unable to shake the disbelief. She had to be Corinna.

Corrina frowned, noticing the way he stared at her. "Have we met before?" She asked.

"Yes. We have met before." He replied. "I know you, but not as Darcy."

Her expression shifted, curiosity and confusion mingling on her face. "Did you perhaps know me as... Corinna?" She wondered, tilting her head slightly.

His heart leaped at the recognition. "Yes," he confirmed.

"Why don't we sit down and talk," Ephraim suggested, sensing the weight of the conversation that was about to take place.

As they settled into the parlor on comfortable couches, Ares continued to stare at Corinna. She had cut her hair short, but aside from that, she looked just like Ravina.

"How do you know me?" she inquired.

"I used to work with your father and spent a lot of time at the castle," he explained.

She nodded, but her response was distant as if she had to take his word for it and knew nothing herself.

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"You don't remember?" he asked, concern lacing his words.

With a sad smile, she shook her head. "No, not in detail at least. I'm not sure why."

"Do you remember your sister?" Ares asked cautiously.

"Ravina," she said, her voice softening.

He sighed in relief.

"She's been searching for you. That's why I came here."

Corinna's eyes shot wide open. "Where is she?" She stressed to ask.

Ares looked between her and Ephraim, knowing they wouldn't like what he was about to reveal next. "She is with King Malachi. She is his breedmate."

Corinna's face paled, and her voice trembled with repulsion and fear. "King Malachi?"

Ephraim put an arm around her, but she remained stiff, terror shining in her eyes.

"She's fine," Ares assured her, but his words seemed to do little to quell her anxiety.

"She... she is there? In those... kingdoms?" She barely breathed, panic palpable in her voice.

Ares couldn't help but wonder what she meant by "those kingdoms." A part of him felt like she spoke about them as if she knew those places as if she had been there. He didn't want to think about where she had been and what had happened to her.

Ephraim tightened his hold on Corinna.

"I know King Malachi doesn't have the best reputation in our world," Ares began, trying to find the right words to explain the complicated situation. "But Ravina is safe."

"He has caused a genocide. And you tell me my sister is safe with HIM?" Corinna's voice rose with indignation.

Ares knew that it would be best to let Ravina explain this one. He wouldn't have much luck with it.

"Ravina is eager to meet you," he said, changing the subject. "I will try to bring her here." He could see there was no way to get Corinna to the dragons. Whatever had happened to her made her shake, and Ravina would be deeply hurt to find out.

"And the king..." Ephraim began, also eager to change the subject for the sake of his breedmate. "I believe it is Richard and not Russell."

Ares blinked, surprised. How did he know?

"You know the king?" Ares asked.

"He's here. With us," Ephraim told him.

Richard and Corinna were both here? "Where is he?" Ares inquired.

"Unfortunately, he is not well," Ephraim replied, his tone heavy with concern.

"What happened?"

Ephraim hesitated, and instead of just explaining, he decided to take Ares to see Richard. They left Corinna behind, knowing the harsh wind and rain outside would be too much for her in her current state.

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As they approached the cave where Richard was being cared for, Ephraim explained his condition and what they were trying to do to help him. He asked if Nazneen would be willing to supply them with royal blood to aid in Richard's healing.

"Hopefully, the son-in-law will be willing to help," Ares said, now that Corinna wasn't around to overhear. Ephraim simply nodded, his expression grim.

"What happened to her?" Ares asked, unable to keep the question bottled up any longer.

Ephraim's face darkened. "Well, even under King Malachi's rule, the clans were taking breeders."

A sick feeling twisted in Ares' stomach. He had feared something terrible had happened to Corinna, but a part of him had clung to the hope that it might have been something less horrifying.

"She will be fine. She just needs time," Ephraim reassured him.

"Of course," Ares agreed, his heart heavy with worry.

"I'm sure once she meets her sister, they can figure it out together," Ephraim added.

Ares knew that Ravina would do anything for her sister, and he believed Corinna would do the same if she could remember their bond. The two had been inseparable, their connection stronger than any other.

With Richard in their midst, Ares also held onto the hope that the sisters' father would survive. He knew the revelation would be another heartbreak for Ravina, but in the long run, it would be worth it. They were family, after all â€" a broken family, but one bound by love. Richard had to live and make amends to his daughters.

Ares knew some anger would be directed at him too for keeping this secret, but he was just relieved to have found Corinna. Now, he was determined to reunite the family, no matter the obstacles. It was the least he could do for them.

"Let's not wait any longer," Ares suggested. "The sisters have waited long enough, and we should aid Richard as soon as possible."

Ephraim nodded in agreement. "I shall take you back," he said.



While waiting for the next chapter, hope to see you in the comments of my new book "Midnight Surrender". Thank you for all the gifts and votes.