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Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 719 - An Old Dream
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Chapter 719 - An Old Dream

Dinner at the St. Claire's household was a simple one which ended in no time.

Everyone was tired after a long day of doing their own tasks and thus had chosen to retire to their rooms soon after their meal.

Thanks to their early retreat to their rooms, the entire mansion was enshrouded in tranquility which was unlike its usual state.

However, the situation outside this estate was anything but peaceful.

The King's loyal ministers had begun their initiative of bringing the brilliance of the little girl from the St. Claire's family to the light.

They had been working hard and would continue doing so until they were asked to stop by the King himself.

Yvonne, the one being spoken about, was right now already lost in the world of dreams.

The child who was ignorant of what was taking place around her did not wake up until it was bright and early the next morning.


Mrs. Jacinth and Roselie appeared at the same time they did every day and stood outside their Miss's door as they waited for her to wake up.

Inside, Yvonne stretched her arms as she arose when the rays of the early sun shone into the room, proving that a new day had come about.

She had already decided what she would do for the day and thus did not waste time, calling her maids to enter the room.

The two maids hurried inside and scurried around to help their Miss get her day started.

Once she was washed and dressed, the little girl sat before the mirror and watched as Roselie tied her hair up.

Though her eyes were focused on their images in the mirror, her mind had been wandering from the moment she had stepped out of bed.

'Why did I dream about the same thing all over again?' Her brows furrowed as she thought back to what had taken place late last night.


Yvonne had another dream, something which she had experienced many times in the past.

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Each time she had a dream, it was always something new which taught her more about 'Yvonne' from the script and how she lived her life.

However, things were different this time around as she had not seen a new dream but one which she had already witnessed in the past.

While she was still in the St. Claire fief during the plague, she had seen quite a large number of dreams but most of them were regarding her daily life which helped her gain a better understanding of those who were around 'Yvonne'.

One such dream depicted the aftermath of certain unfortunate incidents that had taken place in the life of someone she did not know all too well.

While the little girl now had a better understanding of that person, the same could not be said for 'Yvonne' as they were practically strangers.

The only relationship the two had in that dream was that they belonged to the same noble circles and that was where they met in passing.

Yet that changed after the events that she had watched in that dream once again last night.

Yvonne shook her head but continued to recall everything she had seen.


"Do I have to come along?" A childish groan escaped from the young lady's lips as she displayed her reluctance to the reminder she just received.

Seated in the Parlor of the St. Claire mansion were the siblings who were the only ones living here for a few months now.

Their parents had recently moved to their Summer estate and would stay there until a few more months.

Ever since Earl Rutherford had passed his title onto his son, he had expressed his desire to spend more time with his wife and children.

However, Yvonne was often busy with her classes in the Palace and her friends who liked to spend time together rather than at home.

Not to mention that Howard had more responsibilities on his shoulders now that he had become the new Earl of the St. Claire fief.

Thus the couple had chosen to spend time in each other's company and thus had moved back to the Summer estate.

Their children were growing up and they used this chance to teach them the meaning of independence.

The previous Countess had an ulterior motive in mind while suggesting her husband about making this change in their lives.

She hoped that if Yvonne was left in Howard's care then the chances of the two interacting with each other would increase and might even thaw the relationship between them that had gone cold from a very young age.

However, not everything was going as she would like but Raylene was enjoying her vacation with her husband and had no clue about it.

Yvonne and Howard had been living under the same roof but as perfect strangers, interacting only when it was necessary.

Howard's aid was the one who looked after the Young Miss's every needs and there was Mrs. Jacinth who coordinated with him.

This led to the siblings having no reasonable excuse to even glance at each other.

Therefore, they had been living their own lives until this particular day.

A certain shocking news had spread in the noble society which Yvonne had also heard about but she had not paid much mind to it as it had nothing to do with her.

However, now that same shocking incident had thrown a wrench in her plans.

Yvonne, Glennise, and Princess Felicia had decided to have tea with a few other Young Misses from different families as Glennise had insisted on doing so.

'Her father must have forced her to.' She sighed as this was the most probable reason why she had agreed despite not liking most of the ladies on the guest list.

While Glennise could not decline her father's instructions, the other two friends did not wish to leave her alone.

Thus they had agreed to help her plan this small party and the Princess had even offered to allow those ladies into her Rose Palace.

This was the reason for Yvonne's tantrum just earlier as she had to be there with her friend today and did not wish to accompany her brother to the place where he would soon be heading to.

"No excuses. You are a daughter of nobility and this is the responsibility you must bear." Earl Howard reprimanded the young miss seated on the other side of the table.

They were siblings but anyone who observed their interactions could catch the dissociation present in their speech.

Yvonne was chided and could only reluctantly agree to what he had said.

"Why should I come along?" She did not forget to mutter her dissatisfaction with the present scenario which Howard had heard but chose to ignore.

In no time, the siblings then were in a carriage which brought them to a different location where they were meant to get off.

Yvonne looked up at the mansion they had halted before and alighted the carriage soon after.

There was a gloomy air around this mansion and the young miss was quite aware of the reason for the eerie silence all around.

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The servants brought the siblings into the mansion and led them, not to the Parlor which was customary, but to another room.

The door wasn't grandeur but Yvonne could discern the elegance in it.

Howard held his hand out and his little sister placed her dainty palm in his before they could enter the room.

As the servant opened the door for them, the first sight to fall onto her eyes was the bright sunlight that came into the room through the beautiful arched door made entirely of glass which she assumed led to a balcony outside.

This made her wish to see more of this beautiful room but her plans were interrupted soon enough.

The moment the siblings entered this room, the Young miss of the St. Claire's family could see nothing more of the decor or design of this room as a sudden darkness had fallen on her.

The young girl panicked but her brother's voice made her freeze.

"Just wait a minute!" He urged her to stop squirming and was glad when she paid heed to his words.

The strong voice coming from her side reminded her that her brother was right next to her.

In fact, he was also the cause of the darkness that had overshadowed her just now.

His large palm was covering her eyes making it difficult for her to either see or even move away from his grasp.

For once she was being obedient without retaliating as she had sensed the urgency in his voice which had stunned her earlier.

Now thinking of what could have caused it, the young miss tried to make sense of what was going on here.

Due to her sight being snatched away out of nowhere, her other senses had been heightened which allowed her to hear hushed murmurs followed by shuffling sounds to be heard in the room they had just entered.

Yvonne felt uneasy when her brother continued to cover her eyes, making her wonder what exactly he did not want her to see.

It was only after many seconds that Howard removed his large palm away from her face, allowing her to see once again.

The Young Miss sighed at this change and finally took this chance to scan the room, something that she had been hindered from doing so just now.

To her right was a couch with numerous papers laying on the table before it and Yvonne was not interested in it.

This made her turn the other way and the sight that fell on her eyes made her stop and stare.

"Greetings, Young Master.." She curtsied after regaining her sense thanks to the slight nudge her elder brother had just given her.