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Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 453 - Right The Wrongs
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Chapter 453 - Right The Wrongs

When the doors of the room were finally pushed open, the speculation in Yvonne's head was proved right.

'I thought that I had smelled almond oil!' She gleamed as her olfactory senses were right on point.

While the rest of her family was wondering what was going on inside, Yvonne's sharp nose was sniffing the sweet scent that had wafted in her direction through the shut door.

The moment the door was opened, the scent got stronger than ever which proved that she was right about the guess she had made.

A vast combination of various scents assaulted her nose and the rest of the people standing with her.

However, unlike those ignorant men with her, she was sure of what she was smelling right now.

Her lips curved into a secret smile when she found that these were scents she was familiar with.

'Hmm… Coconut, almond, olive…' She pointed out the few scents reaching her nose.

She could also smell her favorite cocoa butter in the mix which gave her a pleasant surprise as she had not seen that being used in this world.

While she was still in her thoughts about the various scents that she could make out, a figure was seen walking out through the opened doors.

A man with a thick brown beard which reached down to his throat and heavy dark circles under his eyes soon stood before the crowd.

His eyes filled with confusion first glanced at everyone before him after which he turned towards the man who had escorted them here.

"They are?" He questioned his younger brother with anger and dissatisfaction apparent in his tone.

The man who had brought them here rubbed his nose and coughed before introducing Rutherford and Marcus to the new man with the beard.

"Sir, if you are here to make sure that we are not selling our… your products then you do not have to waste your time here any longer." He uttered in a rude manner after which his jaw clenched.

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Yvonne noticed how he changed the 'our' to 'your' and hostility took over his face.

'He thinks we are here to check up on him for Earl Blaise.' She scoffed at this misunderstanding.

However, Viscount Valente did a better job and explained to this man that they were here to talk to him and were in no way related to Earl Blaise.

Though suspicious, he nodded and led them in a different direction, not letting them enter the room he was inside until now.

'Got something to hide?' The little girl smirked while glancing at the door before turning around with her father and the rest.

The two brothers then led the group to the other side of the house where a large porch was visible.

Only two long benches were placed and one side was occupied by the brothers which left the other side for the men with noble titles.

The elder brother observed how they did not flinch or grumble while sitting on the dusty benches which was surprising for a nobleman to do.

This made him take another look at them and this time, he did not look as hostile as earlier.

His eyes scanned the men who sat next to each other then at the four children standing obediently behind them.

Since Roman and Knox were tall, they had no trouble in watching everything from their position and even Howard did not struggle as he had grown a little taller after his birthday.

However, the little girl who was the shortest of them all could see nothing thanks to the two tall men sitting before her.

The bearded man watched in silence as the girl tried to peek from between the two men and he let out a chuckle when he saw how cute she looked while trying to do so.

Rutherford followed his line of sight and understood what was going on.

In the next minute, he picked up his daughter and placed her on his lap as this was an important meeting for her.

"You need to be at the forefront today." He whispered in her ear when she was wriggling to get out of his hold.

'Fine!' She sulked and sat still in his arms as he was right.

Therefore, though Yvonne did not want to sit on her father's lap, she had to do so for the sake of what was about to happen.

Once everyone was settled in, the younger brother alternated his gaze between the two silent parties and cleared his throat to get their attention.

"This is my elder brother, Tim, the head of our family and I am Joe." He introduced his brother and himself alike.

Commoners did not mention their family names unless it was for official purposes so it was not odd for him to skip out on revealing their family's name here.

Yvonne noticed how he called Tim his elder brother and not eldest brother, implying that he did not wish to mention the existence of a middle brother.

'I would do the same if I was in his place.' She scoffed as the middle brother had betrayed this family without remorse and ran away with the money.

"Why have the Lords taken the trouble of coming here?" Tim questioned as he returned to his earlier cold face, leering at the two noblemen.

Rutherford had never seen such a disrespectful man but thinking of his daughter's plan, he chose not to voice out his dissatisfactions.

Marcus on the other hand was feeling guilty for what had happened to them and did not object as well.

"We wish to speak to you about what had happened in the past." Viscount Valente disclosed his reason for appearing here.

As these words came to an end, Tim and Joe's faces hardened and they appeared to be unwilling to speak about this.

"You might as well leave if you are here to scrape old wounds." A mocking voice coming from behind them made them turn around.

Walking in from behind the twins was a young man who appeared to be in his early twenties.

The young man's clothes were clean as though he was preparing to go outside just now.

Walking past them, he stood behind Tim and Joe while looking unfriendly right from the beginning.

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"My son, Leo." Tim introduced while glancing at him from the corner of his eye.

Leo nodded but did nothing other than glaring at the nobility sitting before him.

He was about to head out to his job when he heard from his sisters that noblemen and children had come to meet his father.

Without delay, he dropped the idea of leaving for work and headed towards the porch where he found this little gathering.

"My uncle… He…" Leo gritted his teeth while speaking of this.

"What he did was wrong but what the nobles did was even worse so why would we want to talk to you about anything?" He scowled and the elders' silence was an agreement to his words.

"Because we want to right the wrongs." Marcus answered right away.

He knew that he was wrong for his silence in the past and had come here to make amends.

"It was my negligence that caused you and your family to suffer but I had no idea your brother had stolen the recipe from you and sold it to Earl Blaise." He revealed what he thought was the truth at that time.

These words made Tim let out a burst of bitter laughter before it died down.

"That's what everyone thought… That we were trying to scam the Earl when he was the one who scammed us with my brother." He uttered in a hoarse voice.

Leo was silent as he was present while everything had taken place and had witnessed how the tricks of that nobleman had made their lives miserable.

"Our business was snatched away, our friends deserted us, our townspeople mocked us and our father's home became a place of derision and ridicule for us." Joe, the younger brother, finally spoke up about his experiences.

"So how could you possibly right those wrongs?" Tim added when Joe could no longer speak due to the lump in his throat.

Yvonne had been watching everything in silence and she could sense the bitterness buried deep within the members of this family.

She could feel their animosity against their greedy brother who betrayed them for money, the Earl who had wrecked their life, and everyone who had mocked and tortured them.

"Prove to them that you were right."

"Prove that you were innocent all along."

"Show it to the world that you were the true makers of soap and the other person was the imitator."

"Prove your worth, that you are way better than anybody else."