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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

Chapter 536
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Chapter 536 The Way He Said It

“We’ll just have to look into this and weed out her accomplices, whoever they are,” Toby said darkly,

narrowing his eyes ominously.

Sonia nodded in agreement with him. There was little point in guessing who might have helped Tina

escape when a thorough investigation could give them all the answers.

“Get the bodyguards to come back for now,” Toby instructed, pinching the space between his brows

wearily as he glanced at Tom. Now that Tina had managed to get away, sending bodyguards after her

would be redundant.

Adjusting his glasses, Tom answered, “Yes, President Fuller.” With that, he returned to the phone

conversation and ordered the bodyguards to come back.

Meanwhile, the doctor was done tending to the abrasions on Sonia’s arm. He slipped off his disposable

gloves with a flourish and announced, “You’re all done, miss. I’ve disinfected and put ointment on the

wounds. Now, you may be tempted to scratch the wounds while they’re healing, but let the itching

subside on its own, or the wounds might leave the scar.”

“Got it, doctor. Thank you,” Sonia said with a polite smile.

“You’re welcome.” The doctor grabbed the medical kit from the coffee table and slipped the strap over his

shoulder. “I’ll be taking my leave now, President Fuller.”

Upon hearing this, Toby jerked his chin at Tom and said, “Tom, see the doctor out and drop by the

security office along the way. We need to find out the precise time when Tina showed up around the


“Yes, sir!” Tom nodded respectfully, then politely indicated for the doctor to leave through the door. The

doctor took the lead, and Tom fell in step behind him.

When the door clicked shut, Sonia and Toby were the only ones left in the large office.

Presently, her gaze flickered over to his bandaged ankle as she asked, “Do you need to use the

restroom or go back to your work desk?”

Toby shook his head. “No. Why do you ask?”

Sonia replied, “What I meant was, if you need to go to the restroom or back to your desk to sort through

documents, then all you have to do is tell me. Think of me as a human crutch, if you will, since you can’t

exactly walk on your own at the moment.”

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“Oh,” he said, then nodded slowly as he considered this option. “Got it. I’ll let you know if I need your


“Right, so you will,” she said with a smile. “And if you don’t because you want to save me the trouble or

whatever, just know that it’ll add to my guilty conscience. Regardless of how things culminated, the fact

remains that you busted your ankle because you wanted to save me.”

In all fairness, Tina had wanted to run the both of them down, but if Toby had dodged away without

pulling Sonia along with him, he would have been completely unhurt. At the end of the day, Sonia was

the reason he would be limping for the next few days.

At the sight of her guilty expression, Toby sighed. “Come on, don’t be too hard on yourself. I brought this

onto myself when I rushed to keep you from getting run down.”

“You could say that, but—” She was cut off abruptly by the sound of her phone ringing. Frowning, she

fished the phone out of her purse and saw Charles’ name flashing on the screen. She turned to Toby and

muttered, “Sorry, I have to get this.”

Toby hummed in response. “Go ahead.”

She slid her thumb across the screen to pick up the call and pressed the phone to her ear. “Hey,


“Hey, baby. I thought you’d have dropped the jewelry off at Toby’s by now,” Charles said on the other line.

Sonia gave Toby a brief look and replied, “I have.”

“Then why aren’t you back yet? It’s been ages, and we said we’d go over to sign off on the factory later,

remember?” Charles pointed out.

She checked the time. “Sorry, but I’ll be running late. Something came up.”

“Something came up? What is it, baby?” Charles grew concerned. “Do you need my help?”

“No,” she said, smiling as she shook her head. “It’s fine. Everything has been handled for now.”

Relieved, Charles prompted, “Oh, well, in that case, hurry back. Any later and the construction team will

be getting off their shift.”

Sonia nodded and gave a small hum. “Okay, I’ll get back as soon as possible.”

“Alright. See you later, then.” Having said this, Charles ended the call.

Sonia set the phone aside, and Toby handed her a glass of water as he asked, “So, what did Charles


“Thanks,” she mumbled as she took the glass. Then, in response to Toby’s question, she explained, “You

know how you gave me a piece of land a couple of months ago because of Tina? I built a factory on it,

and now the construction is nearly done. They want me to go over and run a final check before signing

off on it.”

“Congratulations,” Toby said cheerily. “Now that you have a factory, you won’t have to outsource

manufacturers for your inventory.”

He raised his own glass of water and made a toast to her new achievement.

Seeing this, Sonia broke into a smile and clinked her glass against his. “You’re right. I won’t have to

stoop down to beg for others’ favors or put my pride on the line now that I have the factory set up.”

She still remembered how she had gone to Autumn Crest Hill for a meeting with Director Sandberg and

his team. She had only just taken over Paradigm Co. then, and she was supposed to negotiate for

manufacturing contracts with Director Sandberg, but all she got out of the deal was a round of

harassment from the old director and his team of leering men. If Toby had not shown up to intervene

back then, Director Sandberg and his employees might have had their way with her.

She shuddered at this, disgusted by how vile the experience had been and how she would hate to relive


“With the factory close to completion, have you looked into equipment suppliers?” Toby asked after

sipping his water, drawing Sonia out of her thoughts.

She frowned. “I haven’t actually decided on that, but I’m considering international suppliers, since their

engineering technology is much more advanced than what I could find in the local market. That being

said, I’m going to need a buying channel if I set my mind on overseas equipment, and I am without one

at the moment.”

“I could make arrangements for you,” Toby offered, eyeing her steadily.

She shook her head vehemently when she heard this and flapped her hand to turn him down. “Oh, no,

don’t trouble yourself. I intend to take a look at the equipment myself when I go overseas.”

He cocked a brow at this. “I didn’t know you were planning a trip abroad.”

Clasping her glass of water, Sonia hummed thoughtfully and said, “A friend from my alma mater is

throwing an engagement party next month on the tenth. She called me up two days ago and invited me

to the party, and apparently, her fiancé comes from a family that owns a mining company. They’re

supposedly collaborating with a lot of engineering companies, so when I go over next month for her

party, I’ll try my luck and see if I can set up a buying channel.”

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Next month on the tenth… Engagement party… The fiancé comes from a family that owns a mining


These strung together in Toby’s mind, and he wondered idly if they were part of a coincidence as he

glanced in the direction of his work desk, the drawer of which contained the invitation to an engagement


Much like Sonia’s friend, the soon-to-be groom who had sent Toby the invitation was having the

engagement party on the tenth of next month, and his family happened to also be in the mining business.

Connecting the dots, Toby deduced that he and Sonia would be attending the same engagement party in

the following month.

Amused by the thought of this, he began to smile, and soon a low chuckle escaped him.

Next to him, Sonia shot him a baffled look and asked, “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing,” he sputtered softly, lowering his gaze to hide the lingering amusement in his eyes. He had no

plans of telling her that they would be attending the same engagement party, because he would very

much like to see how she would react when she saw him on the day of. Would she be surprised or

overjoyed? Or both?

He could almost see her staring at him, wide-eyed with astonishment. The picture alone was enough to

entertain him, and he resisted the urge to laugh once more.

Sonia, on the other hand, was a little flustered by Toby’s sudden mysterious front, but she didn’t want to

press further if he had no intention of telling her in the first place. Everyone had their own secrets, after


She put her phone into her bag, and she had only just tugged on the zipper when she heard Toby ask,

“By the way, is Charles still calling you baby?”

At that moment, Sonia wasn’t sure if she was imagining it, but she thought Toby had added emphasis to

the word ‘baby’. He had also said it in a hoarse voice, which only added a suggestive edge to the word

that gave her stomach butterflies and made blood rush to her face.

Worst of all, he made a point to look deep into her eyes when he said the word ‘baby’, and she was

having a hard time deciding if he had done so on purpose.

For a moment, she thought her face was heating up too much and too quickly for her own good. She

instinctively reached up and patted her cheeks with both hands. Sure enough, her skin felt hot to the

touch. It didn’t help that her heart was suddenly thumping wildly in her chest, threatening to fly out of her

chest even though she was trying to stay calm.