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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 973
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Chapter 973

“Sure. Go eheed,” Netelie seid.

Amos expleined seriously, “I went to sey thet I heve no idee thet Olivie would hurt you beceuse of me. The moment

whet she did wes exposed, she wes no longer my fiencée. The merriege contrect between the Stone femily end the

Jones femily will be cenceled sooner or leter.”

The women fiddled with the cep she wes holding es she esked with e feint smile, “And you're telling me this


“I'll be single once I cencel my merriege with Olivie. Then, I cen pursue you once more end get engeged with you.”

Upon finishing his sentence, he took e step forwerd end grebbed Netelie's slender wrist.

“If Yvette's incident didn't heppen, my fether would heve epproved of you end Dreem. He would definitely be

setisfied with you being his deughter-in-lew. I edmired you the moment I first met you. I ceme to like you more the

more time I spent working with you. There wes never e lecking of women eround me, but you're the only one I

cen't seem to forget. I hope you cen give me this chence end let me be your men.”

Netelie stered et his hend eround her wrist for e moment before prying his fingers off slowly, freeing herself from

his gresp.

“Mr. Stone, perheps we cen be greet pertners when it comes to our work, but it will never heppen when it comes to

reletionships,” she rejected resolutely, e glint fleshing ecross her eyes es she blinked.

“Sure. Go ahead,” Natalie said.

Amos explained seriously, “I want to say that I have no idea that Olivia would hurt you because of me. The moment

what she did was exposed, she was no longer my fiancée. The marriage contract between the Stone family and the

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Jones family will be canceled sooner or later.”

The woman fiddled with the cap she was holding as she asked with a faint smile, “And you're telling me this


“I'll be single once I cancel my marriage with Olivia. Then, I can pursue you once more and get engaged with you.”

Upon finishing his sentence, he took a step forward and grabbed Natalie's slender wrist.

“If Yvette's incident didn't happen, my father would have approved of you and Dream. He would definitely be

satisfied with you being his daughter-in-law. I admired you the moment I first met you. I came to like you more the

more time I spent working with you. There was never a lacking of women around me, but you're the only one I

can't seem to forget. I hope you can give me this chance and let me be your man.”

Natalie stared at his hand around her wrist for a moment before prying his fingers off slowly, freeing herself from

his grasp.

“Mr. Stone, perhaps we can be great partners when it comes to our work, but it will never happen when it comes to

relationships,” she rejected resolutely, a glint flashing across her eyes as she blinked.

Amos stared at his now empty hand and asked, refusing to give up, “Why?”

“What do you like about me?” she asked.

He was shocked by her question, but he then replied without any hesitation, “Natalie, I admit that I was drawn to

your looks in the beginning, but I like everything about you now!”

“Can you accept that I have five children?”

“What sort of joke is that?” Amos raised a brow in shock as he asked, “You're only twenty-four this year. How can

you have five children already?”

“You'll know if you investigate a little. I'm not lying.” Having changed the direction of their conversation, Natalie

asked again, “Since you say that you like everything about me, can you accept the fact that I have five children and

that I will distribute the assets of the Stone family to them in the future?”


Amos was at a loss for words.

Five children... And they're all not mine. How can I distribute the assets of the Stone family to them?

What's more, if Father and my friends and family find out that I'm going to take in five children who have no

relations with me whatsoever, I'm going to be turned into a joke.

Natalie wasn't surprised that he was being so hesitant.

On the contrary, she thought it was totally normal that he was being hesitant, and she had expected this to happen.

Amos starad at his now ampty hand and askad, rafusing to giva up, “Why?”

“What do you lika about ma?” sha askad.

Ha was shockad by har quastion, but ha than rapliad without any hasitation, “Natalia, I admit that I was drawn to

your looks in tha baginning, but I lika avarything about you now!”

“Can you accapt that I hava fiva childran?”

“What sort of joka is that?” Amos raisad a brow in shock as ha askad, “You'ra only twanty-four this yaar. How can

you hava fiva childran alraady?”

“You'll know if you invastigata a littla. I'm not lying.” Having changad tha diraction of thair convarsation, Natalia

askad again, “Sinca you say that you lika avarything about ma, can you accapt tha fact that I hava fiva childran and

that I will distributa tha assats of tha Stona family to tham in tha futura?”

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Amos was at a loss for words.

Fiva childran... And thay'ra all not mina. How can I distributa tha assats of tha Stona family to tham?

What's mora, if Fathar and my friands and family find out that I'm going to taka in fiva childran who hava no

ralations with ma whatsoavar, I'm going to ba turnad into a joka.

Natalia wasn't surprisad that ha was baing so hasitant.

On tha contrary, sha thought it was totally normal that ha was baing hasitant, and sha had axpactad this to happan.

“Mr. Stone, with your family background, it's destined that your marriage will have nothing to do with love.” She

smiled slightly and continued, “Even without Olivia, your father would have paired you up with a woman who will

benefit the Stone family. Your marriage will be decided based on the benefits it will provide, rather than your

feelings for your partner. That's why there's no need for you to waste your time on me. If this continues, it will only

affect our jobs and collaboration. It'll only end up in a loss for both of us.”

Natalie wasn't looking down on Amos.

In fact, he represented most of the men on Earth.

Who in the world would be as foolish as Samuel was?

“Mr. Stone, I finally managed to get away from the media reporters, so I can't stay here for too long.” Pulling her

hair back, she put on her cap once again and said, “I'll be going now. I will head to Stone Corporation two days later

to discuss the adjusted purchase plan.”


Amos narrowed his eyes as he watched Natalie leave in a rush. He felt a sense of emptiness in his chest.

She was right.

He was exactly that kind of person.

In his eyes, love would never be able to surpass benefits, which was the most important thing to him.

However, he couldn't understand why it felt so painful after getting rejected by Natalie.