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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 364
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Chapter 364

In response, Kenneth shook his head. “It’s just an old ailment of mine acting up. Just drop a note to Mr.

Coleman will do. There’s no need to tell Samuel and the others.”

Realizing that her plan had failed, Yara grew anxious.

“Grandpa, shouldn’t you tell Steven and the others? Or else, they will be even more worried when they

find out you are hiding it from them.”

“Just do as I say. Samuel and Steven are busy enough with work.” Kenneth shot Yara a glance and

gradually added, “Besides, don’t I have you here? With you, the miracle doctor, by my side. I’m sure

this old bag of bones will be fine.”

Yara’s expression darkened.

Da*n it, how dare he orders me around.

She was just pretending to be concerned and didn’t expect him to take her seriously. Is he really

making me responsible for caring for him in his old age?

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Even though she cursed Kenneth to die early, she was still reliant on his support. Therefore, she

couldn’t afford to offend him.

Despite her exasperation, she forced herself to eke out a smile.

“Don’t worry. I’ll definitely take good care of you.”

“Thank you, Yara.”

Lying in bed, Kenneth couldn’t help but think about the brothers. Just the thought of them caused him

to smile.

The next time he saw them, he planned to buy them the most expensive toys and reward their mother

with a huge sum of money. It was to thank her for raising such good children.

Lost in thought, he didn’t notice the grumpy expression Yara had when she served him water.

After leaving the hospital, Clayton and Xavian rushed back to the Kindergarten.

“Where did the two of you run off to behind our backs?” Franklin demanded when he saw them return.

“Did you sneak out for some delicious snacks without telling us?” Sophia fumed.

Clayton and Xavian told them about their plan for hacking Johnson Group’s financial systems, causing

Franklin and Sophia’s ears to prick in interest.

That night, they were taken to dinner alongside Samuel and Natalie, while Xavian and Clayton

stayed at home. As a result, they saw with their own eyes how Natalie was accused and ridiculed in


Since they were powerless to help, they felt comforted that the brothers had vented their frustration on

their behalf.

However, Clayton and Xavian only told them about the hacking incident but not the part where they

saved Kenneth.

After all, Natalie had always taught them not to brag about such deeds, as that was how things were

supposed to be. In fact, not helping would actually go against their conscience.

Consequently, the brothers didn’t think too much of the matter and didn’t see the need to bring it up.

After chatting for a while, the four of them were picked up by the driver and sent home.

Under Gavin’s watchful eye, the children finished their food obediently.

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It wasn’t until eight in the evening that Natalie came home.

Subsequently, Clayton and Xavian knocked on the door to her study.



They then entered with a paper and pen.

“Does the kindergarten need me to sign your homework?” Natalie supported her chin with one hand.

“Haha, if you’re in a rush, you can let Clayton forge my signature. Given how good he is at it, it

shouldn’t pose any problems.”

Speechless, Clayton rolled his eyes at her. “Since when does a mother teach her children to commit

such deeds?”

Natalie rubbed his chubby cheeks. “That’s because all of you are so smart that there’s nothing for me

to worry about.”

When Clayton’s face was pinched by Natalie, Xavian asked innocently, “Mommy, the reason we’re here

is to ask you what medication should an elderly man with heart problems take?”

The moment she heard the question, Natalie let go of Clayton’s face and raised her eyebrows in

delight. “Have both of you finally taken an interest in medicine? Your great-grandfather will be proud to

know that he now has heirs to the Bayer family’s century-old medical techniques.”