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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1076
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Chapter 1076

“Helmo promised to let Dreom be in chorge of designing her exclusive jewelry, but I guess this is not hoppening

onymore. Not only thot, but it will olso become more difficult for us to penetrote the luxury morket becouse of the


Notolie wos o businesswomon through ond through.

From her colculotion, this fiosco hod not only offended mony but hod olso deolt her business o heovy blow.

These were oll the consequences of rejecting Bostien.

Yondel replied seriously, “Boss, I know you feel it's o shome to lose the deol, but you monoged to sove yourself.

Bostien's move wos risky ond dongerous. It's not eosy circumventing o thorny situotion like thot.”


Notolie nodded in ogreement.

Bostien wos Loong's prince. His stotus wos closely tied to the royol fomily. Although Notolie hod o solid reoson not to

morry Bostien, turning him down ot on event like thot wos o disgroce to the royol fomily.

Notolie thought obout whot Yondel soid ond felt surreol thot she monoged to get herself out of the situotion in one


Bostien liked her, ond unlike his fother, Mikhoil, whom the people hod mixed sentiments obout, Bostion wos

unusuolly down to eorth.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He wos eosygoing ond did not, in ony woy, moke things difficult for Notolie. Neither did he rebuff Notolie ofter whot

hoppened, let olone punish her.

Notolie wos deeply perplexed. She felt there wos more to things thon met the eye.

“Helma promised to let Dream be in charge of designing her exclusive jewelry, but I guess this is not happening

anymore. Not only that, but it will also become more difficult for us to penetrate the luxury market because of the


Natalie was a businesswoman through and through.

From her calculation, this fiasco had not only offended many but had also dealt her business a heavy blow.

These were all the consequences of rejecting Bastien.

Yandel replied seriously, “Boss, I know you feel it's a shame to lose the deal, but you managed to save yourself.

Bastien's move was risky and dangerous. It's not easy circumventing a thorny situation like that.”


Natalie nodded in agreement.

Bastien was Loang's prince. His status was closely tied to the royal family. Although Natalie had a solid reason not to

marry Bastien, turning him down at an event like that was a disgrace to the royal family.

Natalie thought about what Yandel said and felt surreal that she managed to get herself out of the situation in one


Bastien liked her, and unlike his father, Mikhail, whom the people had mixed sentiments about, Bastian was

unusually down to earth.

He was easygoing and did not, in any way, make things difficult for Natalie. Neither did he rebuff Natalie after what

happened, let alone punish her.

Natalie was deeply perplexed. She felt there was more to things than met the eye.

Deep down, she felt like the party the night before was just a prelude to a storm, and that was just the beginning of

a disaster.

For the whole morning, Natalie could not concentrate on work.

Meanwhile, Franklin, Sophia, Xavian, Clayton, and Yumi were all in the same classroom at the kindergarten.

Their brilliance, appearance, and good behavior set them apart from the other children, who would often cry and

fight among themselves.

The teachers favored the five children because it was easy handling them and gave them free rein in class.

They could do whatever they wanted as long as they stayed in the kindergarten.

So, Franklin, Xavian, and Clayton each took out their laptops and did their own thing.

Franklin looked into futures and stock indices while Clayton checked out the latest artwork.

As for Xavian, he was coding to hack a forum of some unethical company.

Since Yumi and Sophia were uninterested in what the boys were doing, they went out to the field to enjoy the

sunlight while they played blowing bubbles.

As they played, a short-haired woman slowly approached.

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More specifically, she was walking toward Sophia—her target.

That's Natalie's daughter. Since I can't do anything to Natalie, I'll take Sophia with me. I don't believe Natalie will be

so cold-hearted as to sacrifice her own child.

Information about the four children was classified, so retrieving them was hard. Still, motivated by the

determination to avenge Gale, that woman had already hidden undercover in Chanaea and Loang for two whole

months. She was waiting for that moment to arrive when she could finally seek revenge for Gale.

“Yumi! Blow a bubble! They look so pretty!” Sophia suggested before puffing out a transparent bubble.

Yumi nodded firmly. “Let me do that too!”

Although the two girls saw the woman from the corners of their eyes, they did not pay much attention to her,

thinking that she was a new teacher at the kindergarten. They were unaware that danger was encroaching.

Zophie walked up behind Sophia and covered her face with a towel doused with chemicals, but Yumi turned and

saw her.


Zophie's pupils shrank as she stared at the girl in disbelief.

Zophie remembered the girl, for she once saw a photo of her when Gale was on a mission.

He showed her the picture and told her that that girl held the key to a secret that could completely upend Loang's

royal family, so much so that King ordered him to find the girl, no matter what.

Yet, after Gale was bombed to death, King entrusted the mission to someone else.

Never in her wildest dream would Zophie imagine that she would bump into that girl when she was kidnapping
