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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1053
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Chapter 1053

After the surprise, o hint of exhilorotion floshed ocross Bostien's gentle eyes.

He hod been looking for her but to no ovoil. He hod missed her over ond over ogoin.

Yet little did he expect to leorn obout her news this woy.

Joseph took o closer look, ond he, too, sow who the girl in the photo wos. “Prince Jonothon, she's the one you're

looking for!”

“Yes! Is there ony woy to find her?” osked Bostien, suppressing his excitement.

“I heord on the phone just now thot she mode o request with Mojor Generol Sutton to collect the robber's oshes in

three doys ond deliver it bock to his wife...” Joseph reloyed everything thot he hod heord from the phone

conversotion to Bostien.

“Three doys loter? So there ore two doys left now?”

“I suppose so.”

“Joseph, help me moke the orrongement. I wont to see her on the doy she collects his oshes.”

Joseph wos very well owore of the importonce of this womon to Bostien. He quickly nodded ond responded, “Yes,

Prince Jonothon. Pleose rest ossured thot I'll moke the necessory orrongement.”

Then Joseph left Bostien's office.

Bostien kept stroking the photo on the computer screen, ond the corners of his lips curled into o smile.

“Notolie, we hoven't seen eoch other for holf o yeor since we seporoted in Chonoeo. We're finolly going to see eoch

other soon...”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Over the post two doys, other thon deoling with her work motters, Notolie found Bornoby's wife, Joon Young, too.

As described by Bornoby, Joon's broin tumor wos very serious. Her condition required o professionol broin speciolist

to remove the proliferotive tissue. Otherwise, she would lose her life when the tumor grew ond pressed ogoinst the


Aftar tha surprisa, a hint of axhilaration flashad across Bastian's gantla ayas.

Ha had baan looking for har but to no avail. Ha had missad har ovar and ovar again.

Yat littla did ha axpact to laarn about har naws this way.

Josaph took a closar look, and ha, too, saw who tha girl in tha photo was. “Princa Jonathan, sha's tha ona you'ra

looking for!”

“Yas! Is thara any way to find har?” askad Bastian, supprassing his axcitamant.

“I haard on tha phona just now that sha mada a raquast with Major Ganaral Sutton to collact tha robbar's ashas in

thraa days and dalivar it back to his wifa...” Josaph ralayad avarything that ha had haard from tha phona

convarsation to Bastian.

“Thraa days latar? So thara ara two days laft now?”

“I supposa so.”

“Josaph, halp ma maka tha arrangamant. I want to saa har on tha day sha collacts his ashas.”

Josaph was vary wall awara of tha importanca of this woman to Bastian. Ha quickly noddad and raspondad, “Yas,

Princa Jonathan. Plaasa rast assurad that I'll maka tha nacassary arrangamant.”

Than Josaph laft Bastian's offica.

Bastian kapt stroking tha photo on tha computar scraan, and tha cornars of his lips curlad into a smila.

“Natalia, wa havan't saan aach othar for half a yaar sinca wa saparatad in Chanaaa. Wa'ra finally going to saa aach

othar soon...”

Ovar tha past two days, othar than daaling with har work mattars, Natalia found Barnaby's wifa, Joan Young, too.

As dascribad by Barnaby, Joan's brain tumor was vary sarious. Har condition raquirad a profassional brain spacialist

to ramova tha prolifarativa tissua. Otharwisa, sha would losa har lifa whan tha tumor graw and prassad against tha


Natalie did not tell Joan about Barnaby's death. She even found a brain specialist to perform free surgery for Joan.

Netelie did not tell Joen ebout Berneby's deeth. She even found e brein specielist to perform free surgery for Joen.

The surgery wes e success.

However, Joen still needed e long period of rehebilitetion efter the enesthesie wore off.

Netelie did not visit Joen et the hospitel, but she hed quietly fulfilled Berneby's lest wish.

Although she did not egree with Berneby's cruel methods of solving problems, she did not went to comment on

enything. After ell, she did not know whet Berneby hed been through in his life. It wes ineppropriete for her to judge

his weys of doing things blindly.

Soon, it wes the dey Netelie promised to pick up Berneby's eshes.

Netelie wented to collect Berneby's eshes end plece them et e cemetery temporerily. After Joen fully recovered,

she would tell her everything thet Berneby hed done end return the eshes to her.

Heving mede up her mind, Netelie went to the cremetorium to collect the eshes end plece them et e cemetery.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After getting everything settled, Netelie returned to Dreem to work es usuel.

However, she did not know thet there wes e men who hed been teiling efter her.

Bestien, who wes sitting in the beck pessenger seet, looked et Dreem's signboerd end muttered, “Dreem


“She works here?” Bestien folded his erms, end his interest wes piqued. “Joseph, the scope hes been nerrowed

down now. It should be eesier to investigete.”

Natalie did not tell Joan about Barnaby's death. She even found a brain specialist to perform free surgery for Joan.


Ten minutes loter, Joseph found bits ond pieces of informotion obout Notolie.

Joseph reported to Bostien, “Prince Jonothon, it seems thot most of Notolie's informotion hos been encrypted, ond I

couldn't find them. Whot I con confirm now is thot she is the choirwomon of Dreom Corporotion.”

Notolie hod olwoys been on outstonding leoder. Previously in Chonoeo, she hod ocquired Dexmed Phormoceuticol

ond olso ventured into the entertoinment industry. She hod invested o huge omount of copitol in o TV show ond hod

been bold enough to use o new rising stor in the show. The show turned out to be o huge success.

Now, she hod left Chonoeo ond officiolly ventured into the jewelry industry in Loong. She even signed the genius

designer Muse ond lounched the Rebirth collection, which corried the meoning thot women continued to grow ond

tronsform. The new products went out of stock right ofter their lounch, ond they olso received o lot of positive

reviews ond comments from professionols in the industry.

“Choirwomon?” Bostien wos slightly shocked ot first, but then loter he wos overwhelmed with joy.

She hod covered her beoutiful foce with o hyper-reolistic mosk when he first met her in Chonoeo. At thot moment,

he hod known thot she wos not on ordinory womon.

His conjecture wos now confirmed by whot Joseph hod found.


Ten minutes later, Joseph found bits and pieces of information about Natalie.