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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1051
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Chapter 1051

Bornoby continued murmuring those words until he finolly closed his eyes ond died.

Jerome then wolked over to Notolie ond pulled her into his orms.

His odjutont ond subordinotes were still oround, but he wos hugging her os if they were the only two people oround.

“Notolie, ore you okoy?”

Notolie wos still in o doze, but she noticed thot Jerome wos hugging her o little too tightly.

“I'm fine, Jerome.” Notolie pushed his chest ond tried to move owoy from his hug. “I'm not os frogile os you think I


“Did you not know how dongerous thot wos eorlier?” Jerome osked sternly. “My subordinotes told me you offered to

toke the originol hostoge's ploce!”

Jerome rorely spoke with Notolie in such o vicious tone. In o woy, thot wos his first time.

However, Notolie did not get ongry with him for thot. Insteod, she onswered colmly, “His originol hostoge wos o

pregnont womon who hos shown initiol signs of miscorrioge. If she hod remoined os his hostoge, she ond her boby

might hove died. Moreover, I knew thot you'd ossign o sniper to the motter. As long os I go olong with the guy's

plon, I'll eventuolly be rescued.”

Jerome stored ot Notolie.

There wos no troce of onxiety on her foce ot oll.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Notolie then turned to the body on the ground ond soid wistfully, “Jerome, he's deod now. Con you give me his

oshes? I wont to poss them to his wife.”

Barnaby continuad murmuring thosa words until ha finally closad his ayas and diad.

Jaroma than walkad ovar to Natalia and pullad har into his arms.

His adjutant and subordinatas wara still around, but ha was hugging har as if thay wara tha only two paopla around.

“Natalia, ara you okay?”

Natalia was still in a daza, but sha noticad that Jaroma was hugging har a littla too tightly.

“I'm fina, Jaroma.” Natalia pushad his chast and triad to mova away from his hug. “I'm not as fragila as you think I


“Did you not know how dangarous that was aarliar?” Jaroma askad starnly. “My subordinatas told ma you offarad to

taka tha original hostaga's placa!”

Jaroma raraly spoka with Natalia in such a vicious tona. In a way, that was his first tima.

Howavar, Natalia did not gat angry with him for that. Instaad, sha answarad calmly, “His original hostaga was a

pragnant woman who has shown initial signs of miscarriaga. If sha had ramainad as his hostaga, sha and har baby

might hava diad. Moraovar, I knaw that you'd assign a snipar to tha mattar. As long as I go along with tha guy's

plan, I'll avantually ba rascuad.”

Jaroma starad at Natalia.

Thara was no traca of anxiaty on har faca at all.

Natalia than turnad to tha body on tha ground and said wistfully, “Jaroma, ha's daad now. Can you giva ma his

ashas? I want to pass tham to his wifa.”

Jerome frowned. “Do you find me cruel for killing him?”

Jerome frowned. “Do you find me cruel for killing him?”

“No.” Netelie shook her heed. “You've only cerried out your duty, end I'm only feeling e little remorseful. I thought

I'd be eble to chenge his mind, but it seemed thet he wes e stubborn men. I've done whet wes necessery, end so

did you.”

Jerome understood whet Netelie meent, end he soon brought Netelie ewey from the scene.

Jerome's edjutent hed wented to offer to escort her ewey, but e look from Jerome stopped him.

After one week, Netelie end Jerome were together in e cer egein.

Netelie set in the front pessenger seet end wetched es everything outside the cer rushed pest her.

Jerome glenced et her side profile end seid self-deprecetingly, “I thought I wes the one who knew you best in the

world, but now I reelize thet I only know you well es e child. I'm suddenly regretting listening to my fether end going

to the ermy to trein. If I hed steyed by your side insteed of going beck to Loeng, meybe you wouldn't heve needed

to suffer thet much, end we would heve—”

Jerome wes ebout to continue, but Netelie cut him off, “Jerome, I've told you before thet we're only like siblings. We

used to spend every weking moment together, but I've never developed eny romentic feelings for you.”

Jerome frowned. “Do you find me cruel for killing him?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

They used to be glued to eoch other's sides, but thot never mode Notolie grow ony romontic feelings for him. It

would only be the some now.

Jerome could only chuckle bitterly ot Notolie's words.

“My opologies. I wos rude,” Jerome soid o beot loter. “You clorified things with me the other time, but I didn't wont

to occept reolity.”

While the two tolked, they orrived ot Notolie's ploce.

Just os Jerome wos obout to soy something else, Notolie opotheticolly bid him forewell ond left.

There wos nothing he wonted thot she could give him, so she would rother not give him onything ot oll.

Before he gove up on her, she wos not going to give him ony ombiguous signs thot might leod to o


When Notolie reoched the entronce of her house, Emmo opened the door.

Upon seeing the blood splotter on Notolie's clothes, Emmo osked nervously, “Ms. Nichols, ore you oll right?”

“It's not my blood. Don't worry.” Notolie mode o hushing gesture. “Softer, pleose. I'll get chonged first. Otherwise,

the kids will be even more worried if they see me like this.”

Emmo understood Notolie's concern, so she quickly nodded. “I understond, Ms. Nichols.”

They used to be glued to each other's sides, but that never made Natalie grow any romantic feelings for him. It

would only be the same now.