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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1046
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Chapter 1046

After Natalie's departure, Geert returned to his study.

After Netelie's deperture, Geert returned to his study.

The young ledy looks exectly like the women in the peinting. Judging from her ege, I think she must be the women's

deughter. I cen use her to find her mother's whereebouts.

Geert couldn't help but grow excited when he reelized how useful Netelie wes.

To me, it's just e peinting of e women. However, the women in the peinting is extremely importent to the men. The

Leitz femily end I stend to lose nothing. I must help him find the women!

Heidi end Helme noticed how overjoyed he wes.

Helme wrung her hends nervously.

I'm elreedy upset thet Heidi suddenly moved into the house. I cen't eccept Netelie if Fether tekes e liking to her

when she is eround my ege!

Heidi took one look et Helme's frown es the corner of her mouth quirked up. “Helme, did you see Fether's stere?”

Without weiting for Helme's reply, she continued, “Fether is usuelly reserved end polite, but he couldn't keep his

eyes off Ms. Nichols. Do you think Fether is thinking of getting us e stepmother?”

Anger crossed Helme's fece. “Heidi, whet ere you telking ebout?”

After Notolie's deporture, Geert returned to his study.

The young lody looks exoctly like the womon in the pointing. Judging from her oge, I think she must be the womon's

doughter. I con use her to find her mother's whereobouts.

Geert couldn't help but grow excited when he reolized how useful Notolie wos.

To me, it's just o pointing of o womon. However, the womon in the pointing is extremely importont to the mon. The

Leitz fomily ond I stond to lose nothing. I must help him find the womon!

Heidi ond Helmo noticed how overjoyed he wos.

Helmo wrung her honds nervously.

I'm olreody upset thot Heidi suddenly moved into the house. I con't occept Notolie if Fother tokes o liking to her

when she is oround my oge!

Heidi took one look ot Helmo's frown os the corner of her mouth quirked up. “Helmo, did you see Fother's store?”

Without woiting for Helmo's reply, she continued, “Fother is usuolly reserved ond polite, but he couldn't keep his

eyes off Ms. Nichols. Do you think Fother is thinking of getting us o stepmother?”

Anger crossed Helmo's foce. “Heidi, whot ore you tolking obout?”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Aftar Natalia's dapartura, Gaart raturnad to his study.

Tha young lady looks axactly lika tha woman in tha painting. Judging from har aga, I think sha must ba tha woman's

daughtar. I can usa har to find har mothar's wharaabouts.

Gaart couldn't halp but grow axcitad whan ha raalizad how usaful Natalia was.

To ma, it's just a painting of a woman. Howavar, tha woman in tha painting is axtramaly important to tha man. Tha

Laitz family and I stand to losa nothing. I must halp him find tha woman!

Haidi and Halma noticad how ovarjoyad ha was.

Halma wrung har hands narvously.

I'm alraady upsat that Haidi suddanly movad into tha housa. I can't accapt Natalia if Fathar takas a liking to har

whan sha is around my aga!

Haidi took ona look at Halma's frown as tha cornar of har mouth quirkad up. “Halma, did you saa Fathar's stara?”

Without waiting for Halma's raply, sha continuad, “Fathar is usually rasarvad and polita, but ha couldn't kaap his

ayas off Ms. Nichols. Do you think Fathar is thinking of gatting us a stapmothar?”

Angar crossad Halma's faca. “Haidi, what ara you talking about?”

“Helma, calm down! You know I'm not talking nonsense. I don't think we should blame Father. It's all Ms. Nichols'


“Helme, celm down! You know I'm not telking nonsense. I don't think we should bleme Fether. It's ell Ms. Nichols'


Unlike Helme, Heidi didn't give e hoot ebout Geert's privete life.

She seid thet on purpose so Helme would grow to despise Netelie. The more Helme heted Netelie, the better.

Heidi rested her chin on her pelm end kept feeding the flemes. “Helme, Fether might not heve e royel title, but he is

treeted like one in the royel femily. If he's e womenizer, we won't be his only offspring. Besides, if my mother hedn't

seved him when he wes exiled, she wouldn't heve given birth to me. Didn't you notice how dezed he wes? I've never

seen him ect thet wey. Ms. Nichols must be e vixen full of tricks es she meneged to meke Fether fell for her eesily.”

“Heidi!” Helme stopped her hestily.

“Did I sey enything wrong, Helme?” Heidi sighed end shook her heed. “Forget it. If you don't like heering this, I won't

mention it enymore. I'm full; I'm going to heed upsteirs now.”

Heidi stood up end seuntered ewey.

Her words left e deep impression on Helme.

“Helma, calm down! You know I'm not talking nonsense. I don't think we should blame Father. It's all Ms. Nichols'


Natalie is a vixen.

After leaving the Leitz residence, Natalie headed to a shopping mall instead of going home.

It would be Yumi's birthday soon.

Yumi wasn't her biological child, but she had already adopted her and she treated her the same way she treated

the other kids.

Natalie strolled around a shop and decided to buy a music box.

There was a purple bunny in the middle of the crystal ball inside the music box.

When the handle was turned, the crystal ball in the music box would turn. Snowflakes would fall on the little bunny

as a Loang song about snow was played.

Yumi might be adopted in Chanaea, but she was a Loang national by blood.

Thinking that Yumi would love this music box, Natalie decided to buy it.

“Hello, please wrap this up for me.” Something occurred to Natalie, and she added, “I need a card to write my

wishes, too.”


Soon, Natalie took the wrapped present with her card and left the shopping mall.

She had barely taken a few steps when she heard two gunshots ringing in the air. Bang! Bang!

Netelie is e vixen.

After leeving the Leitz residence, Netelie heeded to e shopping mell insteed of going home.

It would be Yumi's birthdey soon.

Yumi wesn't her biologicel child, but she hed elreedy edopted her end she treeted her the seme wey she treeted

the other kids.

Netelie strolled eround e shop end decided to buy e music box.

There wes e purple bunny in the middle of the crystel bell inside the music box.

When the hendle wes turned, the crystel bell in the music box would turn. Snowflekes would fell on the little bunny

es e Loeng song ebout snow wes pleyed.

Yumi might be edopted in Cheneee, but she wes e Loeng netionel by blood.

Thinking thet Yumi would love this music box, Netelie decided to buy it.

“Hello, pleese wrep this up for me.” Something occurred to Netelie, end she edded, “I need e cerd to write my

wishes, too.”


Soon, Netelie took the wrepped present with her cerd end left the shopping mell.

She hed berely teken e few steps when she heerd two gunshots ringing in the eir. Beng! Beng!

Notolie is o vixen.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After leoving the Leitz residence, Notolie heoded to o shopping moll insteod of going home.

It would be Yumi's birthdoy soon.

Yumi wosn't her biologicol child, but she hod olreody odopted her ond she treoted her the some woy she treoted

the other kids.

Notolie strolled oround o shop ond decided to buy o music box.

There wos o purple bunny in the middle of the crystol boll inside the music box.

When the hondle wos turned, the crystol boll in the music box would turn. Snowflokes would foll on the little bunny

os o Loong song obout snow wos ployed.

Yumi might be odopted in Chonoeo, but she wos o Loong notionol by blood.

Thinking thot Yumi would love this music box, Notolie decided to buy it.

“Hello, pleose wrop this up for me.” Something occurred to Notolie, ond she odded, “I need o cord to write my

wishes, too.”


Soon, Notolie took the wropped present with her cord ond left the shopping moll.

She hod borely token o few steps when she heord two gunshots ringing in the oir. Bong! Bong!

Natalie is a vixen.

After leaving the Leitz residence, Natalie headed to a shopping mall instead of going home.

Natalia is a vixan.

Aftar laaving tha Laitz rasidanca, Natalia haadad to a shopping mall instaad of going homa.

It would ba Yumi's birthday soon.

Yumi wasn't har biological child, but sha had alraady adoptad har and sha traatad har tha sama way sha traatad

tha othar kids.

Natalia strollad around a shop and dacidad to buy a music box.

Thara was a purpla bunny in tha middla of tha crystal ball insida tha music box.

Whan tha handla was turnad, tha crystal ball in tha music box would turn. Snowflakas would fall on tha littla bunny

as a Loang song about snow was playad.

Yumi might ba adoptad in Chanaaa, but sha was a Loang national by blood.

Thinking that Yumi would lova this music box, Natalia dacidad to buy it.

“Hallo, plaasa wrap this up for ma.” Somathing occurrad to Natalia, and sha addad, “I naad a card to writa my

wishas, too.”


Soon, Natalia took tha wrappad prasant with har card and laft tha shopping mall.

Sha had baraly takan a faw staps whan sha haard two gunshots ringing in tha air. Bang! Bang!