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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 727 - The Light And The Darkness
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"Milord, protect our Lord!" Mong Ki was overwrought by fear, he never saw Zhao Li Xin hurt since he was healed by Lory.

But Zhao Li Xin quickly raised his hand to stop them, and everyone's movements stopped, "STAY AWAY!" Zhao Li Xin shouted, he knew Lazarus would kill them if they got close to him, there was no point in them coming because none of them could match Lazarus' strength.


There was only one person who lost his patient and that person was sanguan Wu Ci, he didn't want to lose his chance to kill Zhao Li Xin, he lunged at Zhao Li Xin while brandishing his sword, but he underestimates Zhao Li Xin's resilence, although he was badly hurt he still able to dodge from Sanguan Wu Ci attack, he grabs then twisted Sanguan Wu Ci's wrist until he dropped his sword then Zhao Li Xin hurled him to the ground then he rained down on Sanguan Wu Ci's face with endless punches.

This was more like a street fight than a graceful martial art, but Zhao Li Xin didn't care, he just wanted to enjoy a moment where he couldn't punch the man who dared to crave for his wife.

Sanguan Wu Ci cried out in pain as the sound of breaking bones resounded through the air. Knowing his son was in big trouble, he ordered his people to attack Zhao Li Xin at the same time but he forgot Hei Shen's people were still there too, they were also lining up to protect their Lord, once again war broke out and greater chaos broke out again.

Sanguan Jin Sheng and Zi Quan Mei tried to help Sanguan Wu Ci, they simultaneously attacked Zhao Li Xin from two different directions, but Zhao Li Xin jumped into the air and released the immortal flame, Zi Quan Mei was still able to block Zhao Li. Xin attacked but Sanguan Jin Sheng wasn't that lucky, his right arm was hit by Zhao Li Xin's fire and immediately burned, he fell to the ground and rolled in a panic because he is unable to put off the fire.

The immortal flame is not like any other flames, once it burned someone it will never stop until the victim turns to ashes, Zi Quan Mei can't let Sanguan Jin Sheng die, she runs towards him then pours elixir liquid into his arm to extinguish the fire and ease the pain a little.

Zi Quan Mei's heart ached from wasting high-grade elixirs for the sake of others but she had no other choice right now, without sanguan Jin Sheng then Zhao Li Xin's next target would be him.

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Facing Sanguan Jin Sheng and Zi Quan Mei at the same time exacerbating his internal wounds, he felt sure that Lazarus' hit was not simple because he felt the pain in his chest intensify, and the amulet from Lory shone as a signal that the dark magic signal had inflicted his body but the talisman was too weak to resist Lazarus's black magic, before long suddenly the stone amulet shattered into pieces. 

"It seems you lose your protection, little boy" Lao Min Na swagger towards Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin gritted his teeth, he had never been cornered like this before, he closed her eyes to focus his energy while gathering enormous Qi within him, he suppressed the pain within him because he knew that if he didn't kill Lazarus right now that demon will kill everyone here. 

Li Xin! Jin Hao screamed bursts of fear at Zhao Li Xin's anxiety. Jin Hao knew that Zhao Li Xin's condition was not good, he wanted to help him but this group of experts continued to pester him.

The golden flames swirled around him like a tornado, the temperature in the air was rapidly increasing, his movements had aggravated his wound but he didn't care. Zhao Li Xin didn't know how he got that power, he had never fought for someone else before, strangely it didn't feel so bad.

In one swift motion Zhao Li released a powerful flame like a blazing inferno, Lao Min Na raised her hand as the black miasma created a strong barrier, however, the immortal flame made Lao Min Na's hand tremble profusely, even though she was possessed by Lazarus but it didn't change the fact that her body was still human, the flame managed to sipped between the crack and lick her fingertips, slowly her finger was burned and Lao Min Na winced in pain.

The excruciating pain awakened Lao Min Na's consciousness because one of her eyes had turned normal it meant that a part of Lao Min Na's soul had returned and Lazarus' influence had weakened a little. Unfortunately, Zhao Li Xin pushed himself so much that he couldn't hold it in anymore, he coughed up a lot of blood and fell to his knees.

Lao Min Na takes a deep sigh of relief, she didn't know how long she could take.

"Looks like you reached the end boy" sneered Lazarus.

Zhao Li Xin clenched her fists, she refused to give up, she didn't mind dying but she didn't want to die before she confirmed Lory's safety. If he leaves now, what will happen to Lory?

Suddenly he felt warmth coming from his finger, he looked down, and strangely a little blue flower was blooming on his black thumb ring then he heard a soft whisper 'Let me out, Li Xin...'

he heard Lory's voice clearly as she pleaded before him, but Zhao Li Xin hesitated, he didn't want her to face Lazarus right now since her strength was still not fully recovered. Lory's soft voice sounded again, 'Trust me, Li Xin….' 

"Tell Lorient, I'll come for him!" Lazarus chuckled in a terrifying voice, he raised his hand and black miasma circled around him, then he unleashed his power at Zhao Li Xin. 


"Li XIN!"

Everyone screamed in fright.

Suddenly a bright purple light shone brightly, illuminating the entire forest like daylight. The light was so bright that it forced everyone to cover their eyes. In the midst of the chaos, Zhao Li Xin felt a soft hand touch his chest, it was the same touch that engraved in his memory. 

Suddenly a Memory from the past flashed through his mind when he was dying alone in the dark forest and everything seemed dark and calm as he waited for the grim reaper to claimed his soul, but it's not the grim reaper who came for him but instead a goddess, she touched her soul and led her to the light. 

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When his sight becomes clearer he saw Beautiful purple eyes staring back at him "Lory…" he muttered.

Her bluish hair fluttered behind her back, her gentle smile calmed his heart like a breeze in spring, the pain in his chest lessens, Lory, placed one hand on Zhao Li Xin's chest while the other raised to create a barrier around them. She was glad she didn't arrive late and Zhao Li Xin's wounds weren't as bad as they seemed just a little cursed left, luckily she had given her a stone talisman thus nullifying some curses while the rest she could easily purify. 

"You feel better?" she ask.

Zhao Li Xin sighed heavily "Yes ... that demon is stronger than I thought" he was annoyed that his strength was still insufficient. 

"It's fine, you are not alone…" Lory smiled.

She rose on her feet, then turned around facing Lao Min Na who clearly possessed by Lazarus. Lao Min Na grinned widely "Princess Lorient, it's good to see you again" 

Lory narrowed her eyes, "have you never learned not to touch the people I love" 

"What can I say, I'm a slow learner…" she opened her arms and smirked wickedly.

"Then I have to teach you again" Lory hissed, the wind suddenly blows with powerful passion blow everything around it, several people unable to stand as the wind almost blown them away.

Anger stirred within her, Lazarus almost kills her beloved one she will never forgive him! Lory open her palms as she begins to whisper  I summoned the spirit water who sleep beneath the ground and the spirit of wind that flew above the cloud heed my calls!' as she chanted her spell the water droplet appear from the ground then gather around her as if it alive, she waved his hand and the droplet water transforms to an icicle and rush toward Lao Min Na in speed.

Lao Min Na blocked the icicle with her black miasma, but Lory didn't falter she walked steadily towards Lao Min Na, she waved her hand and the water whip of Lao Min Na's barrier and when she failed again she throws wind blades towards Lazarus barrier, Lory repeatedly hit Lao Min Na without stop, Lazarus doesn't want to lose either, he increased his power and the miasma get bigger then he throws another strong hit at Lory quickly cast the Lucient barrier, and the two forces clash like fireworks.