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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 709 - It’s Time To Settle The Debt II
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The road of Yun Dao city filled with people cheering and clapping their hands as they celebrated the arrival of people from the Celestial immortal sect, like wartime heroes or royal family, this behavior should not be allowed by the royal family and other aristocrats families, but who dare to criticize The sanguan family?

Clearly, The Sanguan family didn't care what other people said, they rather offend the royal family than the Celestial Immortal sect.


Meanwhile, On the third floor of the restaurant a man wearing a black robe watch the bustle on the street indifferently, no one can't read his expression because of the gold mask attaches to his face, only his cold dark eyes visible behind the mask but it does still not reveal much of the man emotion.

He rested his arms on the armchair while his index finger rubs the black ring on his thumb as he immersed on his thought, meantime two shadow guards stood behind him with a stoic expression, then they notice few people walk towards them, one of them look behind their shoulder for a second then turn around and opened the door and the man with dark purple robes and golden dragon embroidery on his chest entered the room with two of his bodyguard.

The young man is only in his mid-twenty, he looks gentle and kind but the gleamed in his eyes show that the man was not simple, he sashays across the room with hand clasped behind his back, he casually has a seat beside the black robe man.

The silver crown on his head shows high status but the black robe man didn't bother to greet the man next to him.

His behavior was very rude and should be reprimanded harshly, the two bodyguards behind the nobleman wanted to give the black robes a lesson but the nobleman quickly raised his hand then shoot daggers at his subordinates, being warned heavily by their master the two bodyguard didn't dare to make another move.

Unbeknown to them the two shadow guards clenched hidden knives on his palms, if the two bodyguards dare to make a move they would be dead right now, they didn't know they were saved by their master's wise judgment.

The nobleman tries to lighten the mood "Do you enjoy the parade?" he jest.

"I don't like crowd…" he said lazily without giving the nobleman a glance.

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His rude attitude made the nobleman's subordinated forehead creased deeply, they never see anyone dare to treat their noble master like this, but they didn't dare to say anything to disobey their master's order.

On the contrary, the nobleman didn't feel offended at all, instead, he was surprised that the man temperament was not as bad as the rumors said, this man was one one of the most powerful man in the continent if not the world, he was also the leader of one of the most mysterious and powerful sect, so it's fine if he wants to be a bit rude.

"Sanguan Jin Sheng, have been looking for you all over the place, I never saw him that panic before….it's quite funny, don't you think so Lu Xin, oh I mean Long Ming or I should call you Zhao Li Xin?" he gives a knowing smiled.

Zhao Li Xin did not even flinch as he calmly says: "Don't forget, you only figure it out now because I let you, crown prince…" he took off his gold mask and place it on the side table. 

His perfectly sculpted face made Yun Fang Zi hold his breath, even though he had heard rumors that Zhao Li Xin was the most handsome man in the  Jiang Wei kingdom but he does not expect he would be so devilishly beautiful it's almost surreal, seems like the God spent extra time when he created his face. Thankfully, Zhao Li Xin was a man if he was a woman he couldn't imagine how many Lord and emperor waged war because they were bewitched by his beauty.

'Long Ming should never take off his mask' the Crown Prince lamented to himself. 

"I understand, Lord Long Ming" Yun Fang Zi shook his head, he let out a long exhales then turn his gaze back on the street then he asked again "What would you do to the Sanguan family?" he curious if Long ming able to do carry his plan to destroy The sanguan family, he might have the ability but the Sanguan family is his biological family, as a Son could he killed his own Father?

Zhao Li Xin frowned "I thought you knew?" he replies perfunctorily while Mong Yi served wine for them.

Yun Fang Zi was still in doubt, not even he could kill his own Father, "They are your own family…" 

Zhao Li Xin lift the wine cup then cocked his head "Why everyone said lit it was a matter for me? He looks at Yun Fang Zi with a puzzled look then slowly sipped his wine.

His indifferent tone made the crown prince and the subordinates behind him shiver in cold. How could someone talk about killing their own family so lightly without any restriction or remorse?

Yun Fang Zi scrutinize Zhao Li Xin's face to see if he said the truth or not, but Zhao Li Xin didn't care nor understand how shocking his words for other people, he remains indifferent as he quietly sipped his wine and watch the street with disinterest eyes.

Yun Fang Zi grew up within the palace he had seen countless cruel and heartless people doing their dirty deeds, he also had his own fair share of doing something that he could not proud of. 

Being born as a royal family made kinship and genuine love seem impossible, he was never close to his Empress mother, nor to his grandmother Queen Dowager, he especially not close to his Father's emperor. But still, he couldn't imagine he would kill his parents, he might lock them in the cold palace or strip their authority but he wouldn't kill them, how could he killed his own Biological parents?

He stares deeply to Zhao Li Xin's eyes. But his black onyx eyes reflect nothing, he didn't look bitter, remorse or sorry for what would do, his beautiful black eyes were like a frozen lake in the winter, it was deep, dark, and cold. 

Suddenly the hair on Yun Fang Zi's nape raise and cold sweat drench his back "Are you doing this because of the Qin family and your mother?" he probes further because he wanted to know what was Zhao Li Xin thinking.

Zhao Li Xin twirls his wine cup "More or less…" he replies vaguely.

Yun Fang Zi stared at Zhao Li Xin with a confused expression, he thought as the crown prince he smart enough to read people's thoughts, however, he realized only in front of Long Ming he always feel clueless. 

Zhao Li Xin chuckled lightly "You think too much your highness, this matter is not as complicated as you think" he shrugs nonchalantly 

"It just about repaying the debt, I debt I owed to my mother for saving my life, Sanguan Jin Sheng debt on me for trying to used, there also his wife and Celestial Immortal who involved with my poisoning, adding on the mix there also their daughter who insulted my wife, their Son who has an unacceptable idea about my wife everything mix together and rolls bit by bit just like a snowball, so I thought…why not end this old and new debt at the same time, why not end this gloriously" he smiled wickedly.

Yun Fang Zi swallow his saliva, the hair behind his neck raised intensely. Zhao Li Xin's amused expression stirred his heart to the core. The alarm inside his head ringing screaming he should never provoke this man in any way, he should never have an idea to manipulate or control this man or the consequences will be to heavy to bear.

"Still, I'm glad you didn't involve the royal family in this…snowball" Yun Fang Zi smile awkwardly because he knew his brothers provoke Long Ming's wife as well, he feel glad Zhao Li Xin didn't make the royal family accountable for his brother's foolishness.

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Zhao Li Xin snort in disdained "It's not me you should be thankful, it was all my wife decision. She was the one who decided not to involve the royal family on behalf of the innocent citizen of Yunmo kingdom, she was someone who will overlook past grudged if it for the peaceful future, but if you ask me….I really not care with peace" he blatantly pointed out that this cooperation only happened because of Lory's wish, she was the only reason he didn't do anything to those two stupid princes.

Yun Fang Zi's smile becomes stiff, he noted himself to reprimand his two stupid younger brothers sternly when he got home, because of them their kingdom was almost ruined!

"I understand, I will sincerely show my gratitude to your wife soon," said Yun Fang Zi.

"Rather than that, I want the Royal family to give up their support for Lao Min Na" he casually asks.

"That would be hard, Lao Min Na was the Queen Dowager and the emperor benefactor, we can't forget her good merit and leave her in the lurch" Yun Fang Zi felt conflicted. He didn't want to provoke Long Ming but he can't let people think the royal family was ungrateful people either.

"What if I told you Lao Min Na saving method is questionable?" Zhao Li Xin made a steeple with both his long finger on his stomach as he crosses his legs in a leisurely manner.

"What do you mean?" Yun Fang Zi frowned.

"Did you accept Lao Min Na diagnosed and consumed her pill blindly, is it never crossed your mind where she got all her knowledge and abilities?" Zhao Li Xin saw Yun Fang Zi anxious face and sneer as he continued "Did Lao Min Na ever offered you a beast. A very strange and powerful beast that didn't require a contract but it would follow your order regardless?"

"This….." Yun Fang Zi looked perplexed, Lao Min Na did offer him about that and to be honest he was quite tempted. Imagine an army of the powerful beast that would follow his command, but somehow he felt hesitant because of the non-existance contract between the master and the Beast.

The contract was used to ensure the Beast Loyalty and submission to their master without the contract how would he know the Beast would not turn against him one day, that's why Yun Fang Zi didn't agree right away with Lao Min Na offer since he needs time to think about it so when Zhao Li Xin raised this question his heart almost jumped from his chest.

"I' haven't agreed with Lao Min Na's offer and I haven't seen the Beast personally….why, is there anything wrong with the beast?" he anxiously asked.

"Everything about that woman is wrong," he said bluntly, Zhao Li Xin was quite impressed that the crown prince was not an arrogant fool who was blind with power like the others, seems like it was worth it to work with this man.

"On behalf of my wife who put her trust in the royal family, I will give you some advice, never trust that woman!"