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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 708 - It’s Time To Settle The Debt
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She took a sharp breath knowing it might be possible if it's Long Ming but her greed has risen beyond the Celestial Immortal sect, right now there something she wants more, her eyes glistening as she yearning for him, however, she can't say what she really wants out loud, she needs to be patient "I want to be strong, I don't want to rely on Celestial Immortal anymore so if you can help me…I will do anything" 

In short, she told him she ready to leave The celestial Immortal, she thought Zhao Li Xin would think she was an independent woman but on the contrary, Zhao Li Xin thought he was an ungrateful Basta*d who bite the hands who feed her, a woman like her would never be accepted even as ordinary members of his sect, who wants to keep traitor anyway.


"So it's not really nothing isn't it?" he looking at her with disgust. 

The greed brimmed in her eyes cannot be more clearer, he knew he has changed his target from Lu Xin to Long Ming. Bai Xue wants to paved her future using him as a stepping stone. At least when he said he cares with Lu Xinmaybe there still a little sincerity in her words but when she shows her fondness to Long Ming it was clear it was not loved that motivated her.

For a long time, Zhao Li Xin knew that women around him didn't see him as a man, they treated him like trophies or treasure they must obtain. They would measure his worth, checked his countenance, and decide what benefit they can derive from him. 

This the world where women can only increase their value by married well, so they saw him as a tool to elevate their position in their family and country, when they said they want him is not him that they truly wanted, what they wanted is his position as Hei Shen master and also his power as Long Ming.

If they really love him why no one wants to be with him when he was a sick sixth prince, why no one wants to be his consort even Xiang Feng Rang's love for him was a misguided obsession to possess him. In the end, no one loves him as a simple man, no one gave him anything without something in returned, it was a cold and heartless world until he met Lory. 

Zhao Li Xin take out a green jade bottle then he throws the bottle toward Bai Xue, using his Qi he controls the bottle to land smoothly on her hands "The pill will raise your cultivation to saint level"

Bai Xue beamed in delight, she gripped the bottle tightly as if she afraid someone would take it from her. The corner of Zhao Li Xin's mouth curled faintly, although jumping levels sound great, however, it's bad for the cultivator foundation just like people who run before they know how to walk properly. In fact, no one in the Hei Shen sect used pills to increased their cultivation because they know the consequences were dire.

Even though Bai Xue increased her cultivation to saint level but when she fought the cultivator who had lower level but had a solid foundation Bai Xue will not stand the chance to win the battle.

"You can leave now" Zhao Li Xin gives a dismissive wave.

Bai Xue startled "Eh, now…?" she foolishly asks, she still wants to spend a bit more time with him.

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  "You have more information to tell?" Zhao Li Xin let out a long sigh.

"Un..no?" she embarrassedly said.

"Then leave, I'm busy!" Zhao Li Xin raised his hand to sign his shadow guard to drive her away.

Bai Xue wanted to take this opportunity to get close to Long Ming but who could have thought that man would throw her away after the business is done, turned out he was as heartless as Lu Xin but she will not be discouraged, unlike Lu Xin who only have a pretty face, Long Ming is a dragon among men so she must work hard to have him. Bai Xue bites her lips feeling as she wrecked her brain to find another way to meet Long Ming again.

One way or another she would have Long Ming and Hei Shen, is it because of love…who she was kidding, it's about power and most of all is about her future.

  When Bai Xue left Zhao Li Xin took off his mask, a man came with a tray with wine set on the top, he arranged the wine cup and flask on the table, Zhao Li Xin wait until the wine cup filled then he lifts the wine cup "Where's that Lao woman now?"

The man lifts his head and that man turns out to be Mong Ki, he finally returned after he keeps in eye Lao Min Na for weeks "She found out what happened on the island so she checked the island herself, she was on the way as we speak" Mong Ki hold put down the wine flask carefully on the table as he reports his investigation.

"And the people who bought that damn beast?" Zhao Li Xin sipped his wine.

"The four palace have joined together to strike every single one of them, empress Ming, Mater Yuan Shao and Jiu Yun sect also joined hand in hand to eradicated the beast and people who bought it," Mong Ki had watched Lao Min Na from afar for quite some time and he began to understand how cunning and notorious she could be, she had no problem to sacrifice her owned people and punished them heavily for the slightest mistake, in this area Lao Min Na is more ruthless than Zhao Li Xin. 

Mong Ki has also noticed something peculiar about Lao Min Na "Milord, I don't know if it's important or not but…." He rather hesitated as he speaks.

"Go on…" Zhao Li Xin raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I noticed a lot of her subordinated suddenly missing, well, Lao Min Na said some of them decide to leave and some of them sent to tackle a dangerous task, but how they disappeared was quite mysterious…" Mong ki expression becomes tensed.

Zhao Li Xin rarely saw Mong Ki look frustrated "How mysterious?"

"I don't know how to explained it, but I can't find where they are not even their remains as if they are disappeared on a thin air" Mong Ki look agitated because he never in this situation before. 

But after two weeks he followed Lao Min Na without blinking and tried to investigated where Lao Min Na subordinates had gone he ends up stumbling into a dead-end, without body or remains he had no clue where to find them.

Zhao Li Xin rubbed his chin, he guessed it might have something to do with Lazarus but he didn't know what Lazarus has done, not even Lory have much insight about Lazarus's power and ability.

"You don't have to follow That Lao woman again when she know what we had done she would be the one who comes to us" Zhao Li Xin put down the wine cup gently on the table then he raised from the stool and left.


A few days later, Sanguan Jin Sheng searched for Zhao Li Xin in panic, no one knows when he's gone or where he left. Sanguan Jin Sheng used up all his power to find Zhao Li Xin, they searched all inn in the city, restaurants even abandoned houses in the whole city but he didn't found him not even his shadow.

At the same time Zi Quan Mei arrived in the city, she came with grand entourage Sanguan Jin Sheng held a lively parade to welcomed her and Celestial Immortal sect. The road to the sanguan manor is adorned with red lanterns then people throw flower petals and lit up firecracker to enliven the atmosphere. A giant palanquin made with brown wood was carried by twelve people the palanquin window was covered with a white sheer curtain from the silhouette people could see it was a woman inside the palanquin.

Because of Zi Quan Mei arrival, Sanguan Jin Sheng must put on hold Zhao Li Xin matter he also unable to punished Zi Yi Ru because her elder sister was here, Sanguan Jin Sheng felt suffocated by his own anger but he had nowhere to vented he also need maintained his attitude and show his best performance in front of Zi Quan Mei and Celestial Immortal sect, one can only imagine how stressed he is right now.

The Sanguan family waiting in front of their front gate manor, however, Sanguan Jin Sheng cannot hide his anxiousness and the same thing happened with Sanguan Liu Wen.

"How is it, did you found Lu Xin?" Sanguan Liu Wen whisper.

"No, I can't find him anywhere" Sanguan Jin Sheng anguish.

"How could that be, is he leaving the city?" sanguan Liu Wen looked distraught, without Zhao Li Xin their plan to get the lightning sword would be futile, they need Lu Xin at all cost!

"No, no one leaves the city this last past few weeks except Long Ming, but he has returned now so there's no report about people leaving the city"

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Sanguan Liu Wen eyes lit up "Could it be Long Ming hide Lu Xin, they have been work together in the past perhaps Lu Xin asked his favor again"

"Is that possible?"

"Only one way to found out"Sanguan Liu Wen narrows his eyes.

"Tck, Long Ming again!" Sanguan Jin Sheng clicks his tongue indignant.


Meanwhile, at another place someone throwing tantrum by kicking and smashing a table in pieces "DAMN YOU ZHAO LI XIN!" she throws the cup to the wall "DAMN YOU LUO RI YI!" she kicked the stool to the wall and broke into pieces.

Lao Min Na vent her anger to anything around her, she keeps cursing and yelling like a madwoman. Her beautiful face contorted into an unsightly appearance. She didn't look as elegant cold beautiful as she used to.

"His attacked all my client and killed all my beast, all my money, all my time….it's all become nothing because of him, that man ruined me again!" she shouted furiously.

When Lao Min Na in her frantic episode no one dared to get approach her, all her subordinates were hiding in fright. Recently Lao Min Na become more unpredictable and she can't control her rage, she was like a volcano that could erupt at any moment.

A young man about fifteen casually enters the cave, he touches the wall lightly then he retracted his hand abruptly when he felt slight electrocution on his skin "This place had been purified with holly power, we can't use this place again…" he pondered quietly.

"This is that women doing isn't it, that wench princess!" Lao Min Na glare with bloodshot eyes.

"Obviously.." he replies coolly.

"I hate that woman, I will kill her this time and you can't stop me!" she shouted at him.

The young man opens his arms and bowed "Be my guest?!"

Lao Min Na gritted her teeth as her chest moved up and down rapidly, she still has more beast left in her secret place and the beasts in her possession were far more superior than any beast she has sold before since she always keeps the best for herself.