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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 572 - Love Is On The Air
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While the three girls bickering as always, the handsome man gets off from his black horse, he throws the horse reins to his subordinate, the handsome man gathers a lot of attention from beautiful ladies but his eyes search for one person he missed for every night, that person seems distracted because of her friends so she doesn't realize he takes long strides toward her.

"Xi Ying stop reading my letter!" Ming Yue Yin reprimands her.


Yang Xi Ying pouts her lips "I told you it was an accident…"

"Yeah, she accidentally opens the letter, read it, and memorized the content!" Lory raised her brows as she pretend to take side with Yang Xi Ying.

"I have a very good memory!" Yang Xi Ying defends herself.

Ming Yue Yin has the urged to slap her two girlfriends but then someone called her.

"It's been a while, I'm glad you alright" he dazzling smile as his eyes burn with passion and longing. He is rejoicing and delighted to find her save and sound, when she heard her ship is caught in the mighty storm he felt his soul has left his body, then his body trembles and he can't think anything.

He immediately took his horse without saying anything to his subordinates he searches for Ming Yue Yin whereabout, luckily he finally heard about Hei Shen ship docked at Tin Cu island, the news said all Hei Shen people was fine they even have time to mess up with Sanguan family. 

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When he heard about it he finally calmed down but still, he needs to see her with his own eyes to make sure she is okay and that's why he broke his promise and search for her at Yun Dao city.

Ming Yue Yin gulped she looks flustered and shy no one ever saw her like this, she wants to avert her eyes but she doesn't know where's to look and so the great empress stood there helplessly with a crimson face.

"Yes…I…I…I'm good…" Ming Yue Yin pretends to be cool but it only makes her look nervous and awkward when she doesn't know where to put her hands.

Lory struggle the urged to tied Ming Yue Yin hands that move aimlessly 'Please stop moving' Lory massage her head tiredly.

"General Yuan Shao, nice to meet you again" Lory deliberately shove Ming Yue Yin behind her back to save Ming Yue Yin from embarrassing herself further.

"It nice to meet you too madam Zhao" Yuan Shao politely said but his eyes fixated on Ming Yue Yin who is standing behind Lory as she tries to calm herself, he obviously didn't realize Ming Yue Yin odd behavior because he stares at her with a fire burning in his eyes.

Lory is familiar with that gaze all too well because it's the same gaze that Zhao Li Xin gave her before he devours her all night. she feel like an invisible wall between the love bird so she decide to step aside and let the brat handle the 'Lover boy'

"I'm sorry I break my promised, I should have met you a year later but when I heard your ship is caught in the storm I need to meet you right away, I need to make sure you okay," Yuan Shao said with a mellow voice that make the woman who hears it blushed.

Ming Yue Yin looks down she doesn't dare to look at him in the eye and also she is certain her face is so red just like her dress "I…I'm fine now, are you going to leave again now" Ming Yue Yin bit her lower lips when she realizes she talks as if she doesn't want him to leave.

Yuan Shao stunned for a second and his expression soften "No, I think I would stay for a while…"

Ming Yue Yin face lit up instantly like a lightbulb but she quickly gathers herself again "Well, do what you want then….it got nothing to do with me anyway" She crosses her arms in front of her chest pretends to be cool.

Yuan Shao doesn't look the slightest bit offended in fact his smiles get wider "I know, I'll do anything I want then..." he grinned ambiguously.

Somehow Ming Yue Yin felt her safety was being threatened.

Behind them, Lory pulls yang Xi Ying sleeve excitedly and Yang Xi Yin bit her nail to stop her from squeal. The Su sister who follow Ming Yue Yin painstakingly hold their face from grin ear to ear. Li Mo Zhen smiles amicably like a refined nobleman, Bei Li Yan snicker, while Jin Hao covers his mouth with a fan when he yawned and Zhao Li Xin...his expression remain the same.

"Let's get in" Zhao Li Xin suddenly disturbed the lovely scene and the romantic atmosphere drops the moment they hear Zhao Li Xin monotone voice.

Yuan Shao and Ming Yue Yin snapped back from their bubble, Yuan Shao clear his throat awkwardly and nod "Yes, Of course!"

Ming Yue Yin realizes she make a fool of herself in front of her people, an imaginary smoke came from the top of her head. She doesn't want to get close to Yuan Shao right now because she can't control her face especially her heart, because of him she can't hear anything but the sound of her heart beating like a drum, Ming Yue Yin decide she better to keep her distance from Yuan Shao for a while.

"Xi Ying, let's go together!" Ming Yue Yin suddenly grabs Yang Xi Ying's arms and pulls her to the front door leaving Yuan Shao who stare at Ming Yue Yin back with a foolish smile. Li Mo Zhen shakes his head helplessly once again his wife is robbed from him "I hope you marry our empress right away or I have no choice but to share my wife with the Empress" he looks at Yuan Shao with pleading eyes.

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"I still have some problem to take care of so it would take a year to settled down everything" Yuan Shao pinch his chin while contemplating he also wants to marry Ming Yue Yin as fast as he could, every day without seeing her face is a tortured for him but he wants to prove his worth if he wants to marry an Empress.

"What problem? If you need my help with anything just send me the words…..ANYTHING!" Li Mo Zhen emphasized the last word with a determined look.

For some reason, she feel bad for Li Mo Zhen. Is like a classic story where the Emperor eyeing for his subordinated wife and the subordinated had no choice but comply however the one who eyeing Li Mo Zhen wife is the Empress and their relationship is very pure and genuine so Li Mo Zhen can't say anything to stop his wife to meet the Empress, Li Mo Zhen is not like Zhao Li Xin who can kick Ming Yue Yin whenever she spends too much time with his wife.

"Don't worry I will!" Yuan Shao patted Li Mo Zhen's shoulder.

The servants of the Dongchen auction house lead them to the second floor where the distinguish guest can clearly see all the items to be auctioned, the third floor was only given to the most influential people in the Kingdom like the prince, first rank official, or Sect leader from influential sect because Hei Shen sect name is not famous enough at the Gui Hong continent they only give him the second floor, Mong Ki wants to the auctioneer but Zhao Li Xin raised his hand to stop him. It doesn't matter for him, they always act like this but soon they all would end in the same way, they would kneel in front of his feet.

The second floor is only divided with a screen divider and curtain while on the third floor the place is divided by room, it's obvious the different treatment shows their different status, Zhao Li Xin smirk someone tries to humiliate him, what childish moves. Meantime on the third floor Sanguan Wu Ci, Lao Min Na, and Jin Kai stay in the same room.

Sanguan Wu Ci sneer at Zhao Li Xin who have no choice but to stay at the second floor despite his status in the Hei Shen sect, he wants to show the disparity of their position at Gui Hong continent although Zhao Li Xin is big at Xing Fang continent however in here he is nothing, Sanguan Wu Ci expression darkens when he remembers what happens at Tin Cu island, because of Zhao li Xin his good reputation is tainted and everyone in his family blaming for what happened to Zi Yu Tong.

The room on the second floor only contains four people in every section and that's why Lory and the other stay in the different section, Lory stay in the same room with Zhao Li Xin, Jin Hao, and Bei Li Yan while Mong Ki, Mong Yi, and the Su sister are waiting outside the building because only the participants could enter the building, on the next section Ming Yue Yin stay with yuan Shao Li Mo Zen and Yang Xi Ying.

The manager feel perplexed it was Sanguan Wu Ci request to put Hei Shen sect and his people on the second floor, it's a simple request and their own to the Sanguan family for supporting their auction house for all this time but he never could have thought that simple request would involve this impressive group. For someone who grew up in this line of work he had learned to distinguish between ordinary people with the extraordinary one and this group….none of them is simple.

Although he had heard the rumor about Hei Shen and long Ming he not completely believe it because rumor tends to be exaggerated from the truth however when he face to face with Long Ming, he feel his blood was chill, the cold sweat drenched his back, he has to clasped his hand tightly to stop it from tremble and his legs wobbly with fear, what kind of man Long Ming is, the manager realizes he had make a terrible mistake, he should never provoke this man!

Then suddenly the woman that he called wife, hold his hand, and their hands intertwine, the woman smile at him, and the dreadful aura that surrounded him before suddenly disappear. The manager dumbfounded 'Who is that woman?'

The manager still not recover from his shock when he is noticed Long Ming subordinate, with a quick glance he knows they are powerful cultivator, the glint in their eyes show that they are smart and cunning obviously they are not someone you should look down, the manager gulped his saliva he could feel his hand wet from sweat, then more of them came suddenly the manager is caught up with the men and women who carry dignified and overbearing aura, The manager wants to curse Sanguan Wu Ci to the hell and back, this is not a group that you should mess with!

The manager wants to cry but there are no tears, he could have guessed that his master would blame him because of this, oh well he would push all the blame to Sanguan Wu Ci, he refused to be drag down alone.