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The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 129 7 Day Test
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Aizel's thoughts raced with endless possibilities as he stared at the old guy in front of him. Escape seemed unlikely, for this man was not only his captor but also the revered master of Vespara.

He knew he must pass the test, the only path to obtaining the powerful magic artifacts he so desperately needed.

With each passing moment, the weight of his predicament bore down on him, leaving him no choice but to face his fate head-on.

"Okay, I will do it!" Aizel replied.

"Ohooo…" As he listened to his grand disciple's response, the old man's withered fingers traced the length of his long beard, and a small smile played across his lips.

The corners of his eyes crinkled, revealing a lifetime of knowledge and experience carved into the lines of his aged face.

"I hope Vespara has trained you well, little Aizel... If not, the test might claim your life."

"Is dying really necessary? Can't you give me a test where there is no danger to life?" Aizel replied.

"Do you think you can keep that mentality in this world? There is no better way to become stronger than to always walk the thin line of death."

"Sorry sir, I will try my best," he replied. His head dipped in a quick bow, a show of respect as he considered the old man's words.

"Good! Now let me think what would be best for you... hmm…

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"Let's do it this way. Come follow me."

Aizel nodded, falling into step behind the old man as they made their way toward a massive inscription on the ground. He felt a shiver run down his spine, sensing the immense power that radiated from the ancient markings.

"A magic circle?" He thought.

"Come stand beside me."

Aizel approached the elderly man, intrigued by what he saw as the old man summoned a dazzling pink crystal from his ring.

With a delicate touch, the old man placed the crystal at the center of the magic circle inscribed on the ground, and Aizel gasped as both the crystal and circle began to emit a brilliant light.

Aizel experienced an abrupt tearing sensation as the world around him vanished into a haze of hues before he could even start to examine the circle.

When the world resolved itself once more, Aizel found himself in a completely different location, his mind reeling from the dizzying effects of the teleportation magic.

"A teleportation circle," he thought while rubbing his forehead.

Aizel's senses were overwhelmed as he slowly became aware of his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was that he was no longer standing on solid ground.

He and the old man were suspended in mid-air, surrounded by a thick veil of crimson mist. His breath froze in his throat as he glanced down at the scene below them.

A vast forest spread out in every direction, swarming with hulking bear-like monsters that roamed and slept beneath the canopy.

Aizel couldn't even begin to count how many there were, and the sheer number of creatures suggested they were far within the monsters' domain.

"Here's your test, little Aizel. I wanted to clear this beast territory for materials for my work.

"Now that I have you with me, I will give you 7 days. Your job is to kill every single Dire Bjorn in the forest.

"Simple, isn't it?"

Aizel's gaze shifted to the elderly man next to him, a look of disbelief and worry crossing his features.

Was the old man joking or serious? The prospect of facing hordes of monstrous bears alone seemed impossible.

Had the old man's advanced age finally caught up with him, causing him to lose touch with reality?

"Now off you go," The thick veil of crimson mist that had surrounded them began to lift as the old man spoke those words.

Aizel's heart raced as he felt himself suddenly plummeting towards the ground below, the forest of bear-like monsters growing larger and more menacing by the second.

He couldn't tell if the old man was actually confident in his abilities or if he was just attempting to encourage Aizel with fake bravado at the time.

However, before he could say or do anything, the old man's final words, both a warning and a blessing, resonated in his ears. "Remember, I'll be back in 7 days. Fight! Little Aizel, ohoo…."

"Fuck you Vespara.." one more time he cursed in his head.

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As Aizel continued to fall through the air, he turned his head to look back at the old man. But to his surprise, the old man was nowhere to be seen.

He scanned the surrounding area, but there was no sign of the old man's presence. Feeling a sense of unease and vulnerability, Aizel quickly used wind magic to slow his descent and glide away from the hordes of Dire Bjorns below.

Aizel used his wind magic to land gently on a tall tree branch without alerting any nearby Dire Bjorns.

He spotted a small group of bear-like monsters resting quietly in their surroundings as he gazed around.

Despite their terrifying look, they appeared very tranquil in their sleep.

Aizel couldn't help but feel a shudder run along his spine as he observed the sleeping Dire Bjorns.

These monsters were gigantic, reaching at least 3 to 4 meters tall, with fortress-like forms. Their jet-black fur seemed to absorb all light, making them nearly undetectable in the forest's gloom.

Their claws were long and razor-sharp, and Aizel could only imagine the damage they could do to a human body.

Their faces were similar to those of bears, with one major exception: their teeth. Their large, sharp canines glistened in the moonlight, revealing their lethal might.

Aizel felt a lump rise in his throat as he surveyed the Dire Bjorns. The magnitude of his work became clear to him. The gravity of his situation was apparent.

He had no idea if there were any Grade III monsters lurking among the pack, and the thought sent a chill down his spine.

"Man, I literally have to go all out with my power this time if I am to pass this test. I think I can't escape from this situation. That old man is the master of that hag.

"Clearly, he isn't just a pushover."