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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate by Sumi

Chapter 332
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My heart is bubbling in my throat as I watch Alpha Reagan give his speech from the dais. The dry smile which formed at the side of his lips during our Intense eye contact a while ago awakened something in me. Flowers bloomed in my stomach, their soft, delicate petals tickling my organs and makingfeel the things I used to feel two years ago when we were together.

I am dissapointed in myself for feeling this way. This man hurt me. He treatedlike his subordinate instead of his equal given the fact that we were mates. I left him because of all that, but here I am, staring at him, marveling at the ease with which he addresses the people gathered in here. This is what he was born to do. To address people, to lead them, to rule over them and he does it so well, it amazes me.

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A shiver runs down my spine when I feel a warm palm graze over my hands that on my lap. I quickly look down to see a familiar, masculine hand covering mine and follow the arm up and meet Ryan givinga concerned look.

"You're going to rip that dress apart if that grip on it gets any tighter." He cautions and I look down at our hands. Indeed, I have the poor fabric in a tight grip that could ruin it any tsoon. I quickly let go of the dress and shot Ryan a tired smile. He takes my hands in his and the gentle feeling of his thumb dusting over the back of my hand soothes me. I lean back against my seat and exhale heavily. The speech Alpha Reagan is giving from up there is like a distant echo in my mind right now. I can't even make out any word he's saying because of the fog of worry and nervousness clogging my mind. "Calm down." "I can't." "In a few minutes you two will have a conversation." "Exactly." I whisper as I turn to face him again. "What if he doesn't cto talk toafter this. What if he just just leaves and pretends as though he hasn't seen me?" "Then that's where you do the chasing if speaking with him again is that important to you." "You know I can't do that. It'll makelook desperate!" "Well, aren't you?" He asks with raised brows and I pause in shock. His question makes the bile in my stomach churn. I shoot him a scowl.

"I'm not desperate, I'm just nervous." I flatly deny it.

"If you say so." He looks away from me, focusing his attention on Alpha Reagan who's still talking to the crowd, but his hands never leave mine and his thumb never stops stroking the back of my hands. I take quiet deep breaths in an attempt to calm my raging heartbeats and put my mind at ease.

I need to calm down.

I need to relax.

Alpha Reagan is definitely going to talk toafter this meeting. I need to look confident when that happens. He cannot know I'm eager to see him.

Relax Ashanti... relax.

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"... Ladies and Gentlemen, before I end my speech, I want to once more welcyou to the Lunar Crescent e Pack, I hope you have a memorable stay here and to the contestants, I wish you all good luck. Let the best designer win."

The hall erupts with cheers from the people as they all rise to their feet and so do I, even though I'm clapping like someone who has blisters all one who el over the palm. My eyes never leave his face. He's smiling at the people and my heart is melting and my bones are dissolving and I want to get the fuck out of here, but I can't. At least not until he has made his way out with his entourage. That happens in less than no time. The other designers start greeting and conversing with each other but I signal my guards to lead the way out before anyone can approach me.

I'm almost trembling. My thoughts are too jumbled forto fake smile or have a conversation do not want to have with anyone. It's winter but I'm hot and sweating in this blazer I have on.