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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate by Sumi

Chapter 183
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Chapter 0174 REAGAN'S POV.

"Good morning, Alpha Reagan." Kyle greetswith a bow the moment I step out of the car. I just arrived at my office and I'm surprised to see him standing here with the guards, waiting for me. We usually jus meet inside.

"Kyle. Good morning." I arrange my suit and two guards lead the way into the building while Kyle and I follow suit with a few more guards behind us.

"You have guests waiting for you in your office." I look at him with furrowed brows, slowing my footsteps.

"What guests? I'm not expecting anybody." "I know." "Who are they?" "Elder Maand John.' "Pack elders for that matter." I say, surprised. "What are they doing here so early in the morning?" "They wouldn't say anything to me. But I guess it's urgent because they've been waiting for over one hour now." He explains and I raise my left hand to check the ton my wrist watch. It's quarter past eight am. Meaning they've been here since seven.

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This has got to be very important then.

"I see..." "You're going to see them, won't you?" We both step into my private elevator with just one guard while the others go back outside. There are a few more stationed at my office floor. Kyle presses the number ter and the elevator door closes. Once it starts moving, I turn to him to answer his question.

"I don't want to, but I have to. I don't want the Moon goddess strikingdead because I refused to see my pack elders." That earnsa small chuckle from Kyle.

"Wise choice." The rest of the ride goes on in comfortable silence. A few minutes later, we are in front of my office door.

"Alertif you need anything. Good luck." door "Thank you." He givesa gentle tap on my shoulder and leaves. One of the guards at the opens it up. I step into the office and behold, there sits two of my Pack elders, Malcolm and John, at the sitting area, waiting for me. The moment the men see me, they rise to their feet and bow while offeringa chorus greeting. I return their greeting and gesture to them to take their seats.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this early morning visit from my highly respected elders?" It ask sitting on the couch across from them and keeping a very straight face. Elder Ma+15 BONUS clears his throat and shifts further In Front of his seat to address me.

"Alpha Reagan, we have something very important to discuss with you." He deciphers with at serious tone. I relax on the sofa, training my eyes on him.

"I'm all ears, Elder Malcolm." "Alpha Reagan, John and I are here to discuss with you something that has gone to do with the rumours flying around." "What rumours?" Lask with creased brows.

Rumours about Ashanti being the girl you're chosen to be your Second mate," "Oh... that. What about it?" I ask curiously. I thought this was going to be a boring meeting, but now I think it'd be a rather interesting one.

"My Lord. In our humble opinion, we think that if you have to choose a girl to be your mate, a girl who's going to be the Luna of this pack, that girl should be a Lycan girl, not an ordinary werewolf girl." Malcolm carefully divulges, makingsit upright on the sofa. I shoot him a piercing gaze.

"Yes, Alpha Reagan..." John chimes in. "We all know that Lycans are superior to werewolves. If you choose an ordinary werewolf girl as your mate, the pack subjects might not respect her enough. They might even retaliate. Werewolves females are weak and have no sense of leadership, especially over us Lycans who are superior to them. That's why Malcolm and I thought it wise to bring this issue up to you, so you can ponder upon it and make a wiser decision. Ashanti will not make a good Luna. There are Lycan girls out there who will be better candidates for that position." +15 BONUS clears his throat and shifts further In Front of his seat to address me..

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"Alpha Reagan, we have something very important to discuss with you.

|| He deciphers with a serious tone. I relax on the sofa, training my eyes on him. "I'm all ears, Elder Malcolm." "Alpha Reagan, John and I are here to discuss with you something that has gone to do with the rumours flying around." "What rumours?" I ask with creased brows.

"Rumours about Ashanti being the girl you're chosen to be your Second mate." "Oh... that. What about it?" I ask curiously. I thought this was going to be a boring meeting, but now I think it'd be a rather interesting one.

"My Lord. In our humble opinion, we think that if you have to choose a girl to be your mate, a girl who's going to be the Luna of this pack, that girl should be a Lycan girl, not an ordinary werewolf girl." Malcolm carefully divulges, makingsit upright on the sofa. I shoot him a gaze. piercing

"Yes, Alpha Reagan..." John chimes in. "We all know that Lycans are superior to werewolves. If you choose an ordinary werewolf girl as your mate, the pack subjects might not respect her enough. They might even retaliate. Werewolves females are weak and have no sense of leadership, especially over us Lycans who are superior to them. That's why Malcolm and I thought it wise to bring this issue up to you, so you can ponder upon it and make a wiser decision. Ashanti will not make a good Luna. There are Lycan girls out there who will be better candidates for that position." X