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The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 861 Unfamiliar Taboo Feeling
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'I'm in trouble, that attack came right after the Invincible Item worn out. Did I get impaled...?'

Due to the ruthless combined attack from the Lunirich Gods that he managed to disperse, Rex was left in a state of disarray. His senses were not working properly, it feels like he couldn't sense his surrounding.

Almost as if he was isolated, only able to feel nothing but his own body and within.

Rex saw a crimson arc right in front of his hazy eyes, the sight worries him the most. Even now, it feels like he was about to pass out if he's not focusing. If he had gotten impaled, then that is definitely the reason he's starting to lose consciousness.

'There must be a restriction for literal Gods to probe into the world like this, right...?'

<Warning! The user's condition is critical!>


<It's advised to sleep near the presence of the Luna and moonlight to recover quickly>

'Another attack might end me for real, I have nothing left, there's absolutely nothing I could do when I'm only barely able to keep myself awake. But why...? Is my body damaged too much? I could only feel a prickling pain in my stomach from being hit by that red object'

Many questions appeared inside his mind, this situation is the worst.

Compared to his confrontation with the Executor, it's not as dire as this one. He had only one trump card that he could use in a desperate situation, and that is the Invincible Item that always works wonderfully.

It still works this time, but his body is in a mess, he couldn't muster any strength to escape.

But when his vision was only filled with the night sky adorned with celestial stars, the scenery was suddenly blocked by raven-black strands billowing gracefully in the night wind. A capture of the night's most alluring mysteries forced Rex's eyes to glance to the side.

Surprisingly, he saw Calidora looking down at him with her crimson eyes exuding a bewitching hue.

Rex was in a trance upon seeing this sight, his eyes looks down at the corner of her mouth and finds a drizzle of red liquid seeping out. His eyes widened even more, and went further down to see a vicious bloodied red spear piercing her abdomen.

At the sight of this, he realized that Caldiora has taken the hit for him.

"C- Calidora, you-?!"

Not even letting Rex finish his sentence, ignited by a surprising sense of worry from seeing her taking an attack from actual Gods for him, she puts her index finger over her smiling lips gently, gesturing for him to not say anything.

In the next second, she suddenly pulls him into her embrace and caresses his head gently.

"Leave everything to me, you've suffered enough already..."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


'What's this...? Why am I feeling like this?'

Upon hearing this, Rex's eyes widened whilst still in her embrace. He was at a loss for words, completely rendered in a state of disbelief as he didn't even consider it plausible for Calidora to be willing to do something like this.

Knowing that Calidora wants something from him, Rex didn't feel bad about using her.

Just like the incident in Emham Forest where Prof. K and Giana needed help earlier, he sends Calidora to help them in exchange for Adhara and Evelyn, not caring for her safety. He doesn't feel bad to use her because she also wants something in return.

Although at this moment, it's still a mystery, Rex already has some guesses.

Due to that, in his mind, the relationship between him and Calidora is purely transactional.

Nothing is real between them, the two simply have a business partner relationship. But at this moment, he could feel his heart beating faster, and it was not because of his adrenaline. It was caused by something else.

A selfless act that he didn't consider possible, but it did happen. Calidora did it.

'I shouldn't feeling this...' Rex warned inside his head.

While she was embracing Rex in a way that makes him feel like he was being acknowledged for the pain he suffered throughout his journey, Calidora reaches her tender hand down to grab the spearhead that punctured Rex's stomach shallowly.

Biting her lower lip in pain, she then pulls the spearhead out of Rex's stomach and exhales.

In addition, Calidora then puts her hand which is cloaked with her blood energy on top of Rex's wound that was caused by the spearhead. A warm feeling seeped into the stomach, providing comfort for his aching body.

Under her vampiric prowess, the wounds across Rex's body stopped bleeding.

Despite the changes that should be evident, Rex doesn't feel anything and could only focus on calming himself down. At this moment, the self-control he boasted earlier was being tested to the utmost limit.

'This is not a part of my plan, I really shouldn't be feeling like this towards her'

'She wanted something from me, that's the only reason she did this. Yes, I shouldn't be influenced by her self-proclaimed selfless action. But I don't know... being protected like this once in a while, it feels nice...'

Exhaustion started to take over as Rex feel the comfort of Calidora's embrace.

Her alluring fragrance that is sweeter than honey, the softness of her body that pressed against his wounded body, and also the comfort she provided through her dependable powers are strong enough to soften his focus.

It was because of that, Rex lost consciousness and succumbs to the pain.


Meanwhile, a white luxurious MPV car can be seen coursing the empty night street.

Following closely behind the white MPV car are many busses that were filled with normal people that don't seem to have ever stepped foot inside the safe haven, Ratmawati City which is a paradise-like place for humans.

Similar to their expectations, the place was absolutely pact and beautiful.

Compared to the wooden and stone buildings in their home city, the buildings here were made of sturdy materials with great architecture of a modern era. Even robots and high-tech gadgets completed the infrastructure of the place.I think you should take a look at

Along the way, the car passes numerous compounds and checkpoints.

Due to the circumstances, military compounds as well as Awakened compounds were tasked to protect the purity of the area. The white MPV car, despite clearly not coming from an ordinary background was stopped a couple of times to be checked.

It's very strict here, only a few personnel are accepted to be inside this area.

While the MPV car course through the street, a pair of men can be seen sitting in the back, facing each other. One wears a black robe while the other is wearing a white robe, and both have obscures crow masks covering their faces.

Clearly, these two are messengers from the SCO.

"How low have we fallen to be like this? It feels really bad, I feel disgusted with myself"

"I know, but it's because of the Executor. What choice do you have? I'm glad that you decided to tell me about this. At the very least, the burden of knowing will not only be on your shoulders"

Upon hearing what the black messenger said, the white messenger paused for a moment.

Even though his face was covered, he was clearly touched by this.

"Have you seen the footage from Emham Forest?"

"Yes, the green messenger is there. Seems like he's siding with Rex Silverstar now"

"Should we also join them? I dedicated myself to becoming stronger in order to work for King John, he was a man that I admired. But now, he was corrupted by the Executor. I don't even feel safe opening up to him anymore"

Both messengers were letting out their frustrations about their situations.

It was not that long since the SCO is finally recognized by Ratmawati City and could finally walk freely in the open. However, that paradise doesn't last long as numerous devastating occurrence hits the city repeatedly.

Out of the occurrences, the Executor is the most troublesome one.

The Executor is the worst one because not only has he caused physical pain to those who dared step in his way, but he also inflicts emotional damage that could incite trauma to many of the higher people in society through his emotionless request.

Listening to this, the black messenger shook his head, denying that idea.

"King John is on alert when he finds out about the green messenger betraying him. Out of all of us, he was closest with the green messenger the most, so he's really sensitive right now. It would be best to let him cool down first"

Finding that the reasoning is logical, the white messenger nodded his head in agreement.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

But then the two eventually reach the destination, the Executor's castle.

A moment later, the two messengers were now inside the throne room and are kneeling in front of the Executor who are looking down at them with a composed expression, "Have you come here with what I requested...?" he asked with a monotone voice.

Upon hearing this, the white messenger bowed his body deeper.

"Yes, we managed to capture a portion of the refugees that tries to escape our territory and side with Rex Silverstar. Each one of them is inside the busses outside. If you will it, we could bring them all here" the white messenger reported.

Raising his left eyebrow, the Executor then asked, "A portion...? That's not good enough"

Just as the two heard that, their bodies tensed.

Even though what the white messenger said to the Executor was a complete lie and he even cranked it up a bit by saying a portion when in reality none of the refugees were captured, he was not expecting the Executor to still find this displeasing.

"Whatever, I'll let it slide this time. Bring them all here and leave" the Executor commanded.

Both could let out a sigh of relief when the Executor pardoned them.

It was then, the black messenger also bowed his body deeper, attracting the Executor's attention before he said, "I was wondering if you wanted to see the footage of the incident. We believe that it might piqued your interest, considering the entities that appeared there"

Gesturing to show it to him, the black messenger politely gave the Executor a tablet.

The Executor looks at the tablet where a video is being played. It's the captured footage from the drones that were present during the incident in Emham Forest, and the Executor's eyes were glued at the sight of the three entities that came out of the portal.

Calidora, Dealkandrax, and the insectoid-cursed creature were present during that night.

Upon looking at Dealkandrax and the insectoid cursed creature being treated like a dog by Calidora who is forcing them to fight, the Executor smiled in ridicule, "See...? The grass is not always greener on the other side. Now, let's see how long you're going to endure this humiliation, Witch of Chaos"

"The time of you begging me to receive you back is nearing..." he added mischievously.

Watching the footage until the very end makes the Executor's body tremble in excitement. It was when it ends, he crushed the tablet in his hand and gestured for the two messengers to leave his throne room.

Just as the two left the throne room, the Executor dwells inside his thoughts deeply.

'As opposed to the Witch, why is that Vampire sided with him? He didn't even turn her. Is she a part of the deal he made during his meeting with those lowly Supernaturals at the Symposium or is it before that?'

Not knowing the answer, the Executor then got a bright idea.

Glancing to the side, the Executor's eyes then glowed before he uttered softly, "Come..."

In an instant, a figure appeared out of nowhere.

Looking at the figure that is now fueled with chaotic energy and had half of his skin turned ashen, almost as if he was transitioning into something else, the Executor smiled as it turns out better than he expected.

Clearly, the fact that he smiled indicates that.

"I want you to tell me about the Vampire who is close to Rex, tell me everything. Also, finish your transition because the time for your move is nearing, Edward..." the Executor said with an evil smile.

Upon hearing this, the figure nodded his head, "Yes, I'm your servant and ready to serve"