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The Great Ruler (Web Novel)

Chapter 1427: A God Grade Strikes
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“One more round,” Mu Chen murmured, his calm and emotionless voice causing countless sovereigns to stare at him strangely. Their gazes were filled with gravity and fear.

After all, Mu Chen’s ability to rely on the strength of an initial stage Spiritual Grade and win three consecutive rounds was marvelous. He had even wrecked three stronger Spiritual Grade Heavenly Sovereigns effortlessly. Such fighting power was enough to cause everyone to shake in awe and reverence.

“This Mu Chen is really a freak! He is only an initial stage Spiritual Grade, but his combat power is so terrifying. This guy may really have the ability to challenge at a higher level.”

“He is formidable indeed! It is no wonder that he is so arrogant, as it turns out that he’s prepared to challenge the Xuan lineage with his own power.”

“Heh, all of you overestimate him. After three fierce battles, Mu Chen has revealed all of his trump cards. So, I’m afraid that it won’t be easy for him to clash head-on with a God Grade Heavenly Sovereign this time.”

“That’s what you said before…”

Amid the countless whispers, the many elders of the Xuan lineage all wore dark expressions. They glared at Mu Chen, as if they wanted to devour him alive. After all, no one had expected to be forced into such a mess by a member of the younger generation!

Xuan Luo and the others were grim, as they had previously vowed that Mu Chen would be defeated. But, in just a few moments, they had been proven wrong.

The Xuan Lineage Head, Xuan Guang, had a look of solemnity on his face, clearly showing his displeasure. But, after all, since he was no ordinary man, he quickly suppressed the wrath in his heart.

Then, while looking indifferently at Mu Chen, he said slowly, “I did not expect this to happen. Qing Yanjing’s son is indeed extraordinary.”

“I’m flattered,” Mu Chen replied nonchalantly.

“The fact that you could get to this point proves your capabilities,” he stated. “But, this fourth round will not be as easy as you think, so I hope you will be more careful.”

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With a smile, Mu Chen replied, “Thank you, Lineage Head Xuan Guang, for your concern, but I think I can handle it.”

After all, Mu Chen had burned bridges with the Xuan lineage completely, so it was impossible for him to show mercy at this time. Xuan Guang looked meaningfully at Mu Chen, a chilling glint flashing in his gaze.

He then shook his head and said, “How stubborn! In that case, then my Xuan lineage awaits for you to pick a person to challenge.”

He then added, “Now, there are four people on the stage for you to choose among, and of course, if you have the courage to pick me, you’re welcome to try. After all, your mother has been in prison for many years partly because of me.”

At this point, Xuan Guang smirked coldly, seeming to mock Mu Chen. Hearing this, Mu Chen’s pupils suddenly shrank, while his gaze became cold. He stared at Xuan Guang, then nodded and said, “My mother and I will repay you for what you have done. But today, I only want to take a seat from your Xuan lineage,” he said. “If I have a chance in the future, I will certainly pick you to fight.”

Xuan Guang frowned slightly, as he had said those words in order to incite Mu Chen’s rage and to cause him to lose his cool. If Mu Chen had really challenged him directly, then Xuan Guang would have let him know that, no matter what means he had, they would be useless in the face of a God Grade Heavenly Sovereign in his later stage.

But, he had clearly underestimated Mu Chen’s nature. Although his words provoked Mu Chen’s murderous intent, Mu Chen did not lose his rationality and still chose the safest route to achieve his goal.

“I will see what you are capable of then.” Xuan Guang stared coldly at Mu Chen.

“I won’t disappoint you.” With a chuckle, Mu Chen no longer paid attention to Xuan Guang, and when he moved, he appeared on a white stone platform.

He looked forward to see a gaunt old man, who was donned in a grey robe, standing still, his hands hanging beside him loosely. The grey-robed old man stared at Mu Chen, his seemingly murky eyes hiding a sharp hawk-like gaze that inflicted fear in everyone’s hearts.

As Mu Chen looked at the gaunt, grey-robed old man, his face became more solemn. At present, the grey-robed old man, who was named Xuan Zun, had a high reputation in the entire Budur Ancient Clan, as he was God Grade Heavenly Sovereign in the initial stage.

Although Xuan Zun was only at the initial stage, Mu Chen was clearly aware that the gap between the Spiritual and God Grade was very significant. Those sovereigns who stepped into the Spiritual Grade had spent many years of accumulation in order to even have a chance to touch the God Grade.

Even though Mu Chen had won the last three rounds effortlessly, he knew that this was the most important battle. Only if he won this battle would he really win the final victory. Otherwise, the previous three victories would have been futile.

“Elder Xuan Zun, since someone wants to humiliate our Xuan lineage, then we can only return the favor. There is no need to show mercy. Moreover, I will bear any consequences.” Xuan Guang’s cold voice rang out in the air.

When Elder Xuan Zun heard his words, he bowed a little, then said in an unsettling tone, “I understand and will follow your orders.”

As his slightly dim pupils suddenly gazed at Mu Chen, everyone could feel an extremely powerful aura emanating slowly from his body.


The sky above this white stone platform was shaken by the mighty spiritual pressure, which made it feel as if the sky had collapsed. While feeling the spiritual pressure that emanated from Elder Xuan Zun, many sovereigns became grave.

The contrast between them was clear. When compared with the three Spiritual Grade Heavenly Sovereigns, it was no doubt that Xuan Zun was much more powerful.

“This battle is the highlight!” Yao Chen said, while staring at the scene with Lin Diao.

Mu Chen’s combat power was too strong, so even the three elders, including Hei Guang, who was a later stage Spiritual Grade, were unable to pose much of a threat to Mu Chen. Only a God Grade could force Mu Chen to reveal his true trump cards. They each wanted to see if, in the face of a God Grade Heavenly Sovereign, Mu Chen could create a miracle.

“Mu Chen will not lose.” Lin Jing declared without hesitation, the confidence in her words even rivaling that of Mu Chen’s himself!

Upon hearing her words, Xiao Xiao smiled sheepishly, while Yao Chen and Lin Diao shook their heads in exasperation. They did not know where Lin Jing’s unwavering belief and confidence in Mu Chen came from.

Other people, such as Qing Tian and Elder Qing Shuang, were not so optimistic about Mu Chen, and there was a hint of worry on their faces. After all, they were aware of the big gap between the Spiritual and God Grade.

“The fate of our Qing lineage depends on this battle,” Qing Tian sighed and said.

The members of the Qing lineage had worried and ardent looks on their faces. If it was not for the fact that such behavior would be unsuitable, they would be cheering for Mu Chen to show their support.

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“This kid has provoked a formidable character. Let’s see what trouble he meets with.” Maha You crossed his arms before his chest, while looking to the distant white jade stone platform.

Mu Chen ignored the multitude of glances from the crowd as he focused on the gaunt figure before him, his face grave. The spiritual pressure that emanated from Xuan Zun was far more powerful than Hei Guang’s and the others’. It seemed that Mu Chen would really have to go all out for this battle!

With this in mind, not only did Mu Chen not look fearful, but his gaze was ablaze with determination. Now, he was almost invincible amongst his Spiritual Grade peers, and only in the face of the stronger God Grades could he be inspired to fight. He would then improve himself through the trials of battle.

Elder Xuan Zun clasped his hands together slowly, and in that moment, his wizened body unexpectedly stood tall. His grayish-white hair turned into long, black hair all of a sudden, while his wrinkled face turned into one of a fierce middle-aged man!


At the same time, the vast spiritual light, which was like the sun rising from the sea, suddenly burst out from his physical body. His physical body then transformed into a bright spiritual body.

Compared with the spiritual bodies of Spiritual Grade Heavenly Sovereigns, Elder Xuan Zun’s spiritual body was much more condensed. Looking at it from a distance, it looked as it had been cast from precious stones that were firm and indestructible.

There were tiny water-like runes engraved on the surface of the jewel-like body, and it gave off a heavy, mountain-like oppression. As the jewel-like body glimmered, it became the most striking thing in the world!

As he unleashed his full power, Elder Xuan Zun stared sharply at Mu Chen, his gruff voice rumbling, “Let’s see if you are capable of taking the seat from me!”

Mu Chen looked at the intimidating Elder Xuan Zun and took a deep breath. At that moment, a spiritual light erupted from his physical body and his fighting spirit soared into the sky.

At the same time, his cold voice rang out, “I am determined to win this seat! Today, no matter if you are willing to or not, the Xuan lineage will be forced to hand it over!”

“How audacious!” Xuan Zun glared at him in fury, while murderous intent surged in his eyes. He then took a step out, causing the entire space to shatter.

In this moment, the God Grade Heavenly Sovereign had finally struck!