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The Great Ruler (Web Novel)

Chapter 1319: Trading Zone
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The heavens and earth were filled with an ancient aura, and the seemingly eternal silence had suddenly been broken. Countless streamers flew through the sky. They were all heading to a faraway place at an extremely high speed.

A contour of a giant city could be seen in the distance. The scale of the city was quite large.

"We are almost there!" Wen Qingxuan exclaimed joyfully. After traveling non-stop for two days, they had finally reached their destination.

Seeing this, Mu Chen and the rest could not help but release several breaths of relief. Traveling non-stop through the Ancient Holy Gulf had been very difficult, and various disasters that could even threaten Earthly Sovereigns had come constantly without any warning.

In fact, during their two day's journey, they were met with at least five different disasters. One of them, the devastating thunder zone, had almost made them lose some of their members, but thankfully, they had all finally arrived at their destination safely.

When Mu Chen and his party slowly approached the area, they could sense that another team of people were zooming through the skies from the other direction, heading toward the ancient and ruined city as well. Mu Chen could also sense many valiant spiritual energy fluctuations within the city.

As expected, many teams have chosen to rendezvous here at the Gathering Point... Mu Chen thought to himself as he squinted his eyes.

It could clearly be seen that the Gathering Point was filled with complicated people. "Be careful, everyone of you," Looking at the city, which was getting close and closer, Mu Chen used his telepathy to inform his team members.

Luo Li, Wen Qingxuan, and the others nodded. The fact that they had been able to come to the Ancient Holy Gulf meant that none of the groups could be considered as weaklings. So, if a conflict were to arise, the situation would no doubt become very complicated and serious.

The lights (which they had all turned into) flew through the sky, then suddenly dropped at the city gate. As they came closer, Mu Chen could feel a subtle yet extremely powerful spiritual energy fluctuation in the air above the city. The spiritual energy fluctuation was extremely chaotic, and if one was to simply barge into it, he would most likely be faced with a serious spiritual energy impact.

"Those are broken spiritual arrays. Their levels are extremely high. It seems like they are no weaker than the one in Holy Gulf City." Ling Xi's beautiful eyes were locked on the chaotic spiritual fluctuation as she spoke with a slow, surprised voice.

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Hearing this, Mu Chen nodded lightly. Although the spiritual arrays were ancient and in ruins, he could still sense a dangerous aura coming from them. But, he was not surprised by this.

After all, in the primordial times, this was one of the final battlefields between The Great Thousand World and the Extraterritorial Race. Hence, having these sort of spiritual arrays was completely within reason.

"Let's go," Mu Chen said.

At the broken city gate, while teams continued to descend and enter into the city, Mu Chen waved his hand and entered the city, followed by his group. Immediately upon entering the city, they were welcomed by a scene of complete ruin, but one that revealed a once prosperous city from the primordial times that was beginning to experience a resurgence.

Many high towers stood tall in the city. It was said that the top powers in the primordial era had fancied building themselves a personal training tower. As such, each of the tower represented a top power who had lived here.

The city was lively again because of all of the people that had come from numerous places and gathered here. The noise of the visitors spread throughout the city.

"There is a place called a Trading Zone within this city. Many teams find unknown trinkets from historical exploits there. These trinkets could be true treasures or completely useless garbage, but regardless, it's worth a visit!" Wen Qingxuan pointed deep into the city and spoke with a smile. She had obviously gathered extensive information regarding this Gathering Point.

Mu Chen's interest was slightly piqued when he heard this. As the Ancient Holy Gulf was quite vast, there were too many fallen invincible masters within the region. That is why there had been many historical treasures left within the area.

However, if those who found these treasures lacked the foresights to understand the artifacts' powers, they would ignorantly treat them as useless garbage. So, Mu Chen figured that, if he was lucky enough to get some of these treasures, it would be a great blessing.

"Leave the matter of gathering information to us. The Wen family has some credible sources that we can try to obtain information from. You guys can wait for us at the Trading Zone," Wen Qingxuan said.

"Alright." Mu Chen nodded.

"See you later, then." Wen Qingxuan waved her little hand as she led Wen Ziyu and the others to the other side of the city.

After he watched her leave, Mu Chen turned around and led Luo Li, Ling Xi, and Long Xiang toward the Trading Zone. While they were walking through the ancient, broken streets, a loud crowd could be heard.

On the ruins of the main square, many people were gathered and were walking around the area. There was quite a crowd. It was clear to Mu Chen's group that this area was the Trading Zone that Wen Qingxuan had talked about earlier.

Mu Chen, Luo Li, and Ling Xi exchanged looks of excitement. Boulders were strewn all around the square. Some people were sitting cross-legged upon the boulders.

In front of the boulders, some weird trinkets were displayed. The items all exuded an ancient aura and seemed to be mottled and aged.

Mu Chen stopped before one of the boulders and looked at the items that were displayed. There were many different items. Some of them were clearly sacred objects, as he could feel strands of spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the items.

Mu Chen randomly picked up a black-handled longsword. There were cracks on the blade and its color was dull, but the miniscule spiritual energy that occasionally pulsed from the sword made it seem unusual.

"Hey, my friend, are you interested in this sword? Its blade was forged with Nine Nether's cold iron and starstones, which can cut through anything. In its peak, it was certainly a treasure that was more powerful than any high-grade sacred object. It could even have been owned by a Heavenly Sovereign!" Behind the stall, a man in gray robes smiled as he tried to sell Mu Chen the sword.

In the Great Thousand World, it was rare to find any objects that were higher than high-grade sacred objects. These items were known as rare divine artifacts.

As these were so rare and powerful, some Heavenly Sovereigns did not even own them! Mu Chen guessed that the Heaven Emperor Sword in his hands should be a rare divine artifact. At its peak, it would certainly have been the top rare divine artifact.

While he was holding the black longsword in his hands, Mu Chen smiled and asked nonchalantly, "How much?"

"It's a bargain! Just 50 million spiritual liquid droplets!" the man in gray robes quickly replied.

Mu Chen smiled and put the sword down casually. Then, he turned away and left with Luo Li and the rest without another word.

Although the black sword might have been an ancient divine artifact, no matter how strong it was, it had surely already its powers and been broken, as it was clear that time had worn it down to a useless blade. Seeing Mu Chen leave without any hesitation, the man in gray robes cursed under his breath and retreated to a corner.

Mu Chen then walked through the rest of the crowded Trading Zone. On the way, he saw many kinds of ancient treasures from many different stalls. However, most of them were useless artifacts.

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But, not all of the items that he saw were useless. At the very least, Mu Chen noticed two unusual artifacts at the last stall. He guessed that the two objects must have belonged to a Heavenly Sovereign, and that this Heavenly Sovereign was not of a low level. He could guess this because he could tell that the two items, which were a ruler and a staff, must have been true rare divine artifacts before they had been broken.

Although he knew that the two objects were not simple, Mu Chen did not try to get them. This was because there were too many people who wanted to get them as well.

These people all seemed to be very wealthy, and as Mu Chen did not have the financial capabilities to spend a huge sum of money for some unknown broken ancient artifacts, he had to simply keep going. Besides, even if he obtained them, he would need to spend a huge amount of resources to repair them, which he also did not have at the moment.

At the moment, Mu Chen looked around him and realized that they were almost out of the Trading Zone. Just when he wanted to lead his team to meet up with Wen Qingxuan and the others, he suddenly stopped by a boulder that they had just walked past.

His eyes twinkled for a moment, while he stopped in his tracks immediately. On this boulder was another stall, and upon it were several items that exuded an ancient aura and a dim spiritual energy.

Mu Chen scanned a few things on the stall, finally setting his eyes on a shiny plate that was caked in mud. He hesitated for a moment, then picked it up and wiped away the mud with his hands. Immediately, a shiny color appeared.

It seemed to be a broken piece of copper. But the copper plate was polished to a perfectly smooth and shiny finish. On the plate, ancient runes could be observed, showing the object's possibly long history, dating back to the primordial era.

Mu Chen's expression was calm while he was looking at the copper plate. Although his face was expressionless, his heart could not help jump with excitement. This was because, when he had passed by the stone platform before, he could feel a vibration in the pagoda that was within him.

Now, when he held this piece of copper plate in his hands, the vibration of the pagoda became even more vigorous. If he did not resist it forcefully, he feared that the pagoda might even materialize. As such, it was clear that the copper plate was somehow related to the Budur Ancient Clan!

Mu Chen's eyes twinkled for a moment. Then, he looked at the stall owner in front of him, who was a tall and thin middle-aged man.

Mu Chen then asked, "How much will you be willing to sell this for?"

The middle-aged man looked at Mu Chen and replied, "Eighty million."

Raising his brows, Mu Chen asked, "Is that not a little too expensive?"

The middle-aged man smiled and replied to Mu Chen, "My friend, even though I do not know what this thing is, my attack with my full strength could not even dent this plate a single bit. This means that it is very unusual. Sadly, I do not know how to use it, or else, why would I put it up for sale?"

Mu Chen was silenced by the man's logic. Clearly, no one here in the Ancient Holy Gulf could be considered as a weakling or a fool. It was obvious that the middle-aged man before him had very good judgement regarding the worth of this item.

So, Mu Chen did not say much else, but waved his sleeves and sent a jade bottle flying toward the middle-aged man. Then, Mu Chen quickly grabbed the copper plate and said, "I am buying this."

However, at the same moment, a palm stretched forth from behind him suddenly, as if it had teleported through space. The palm grabbed the copper plate from Mu Chen's hands, while a calm and emotionless voice echoed out at the very same moment, "I want this."