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The Great Ruler (Web Novel)

Chapter 1280: Versus the Complete Earthly Sovereign
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In the dim underground prison, a cold beauty in a white dress was silently sitting down cross-legged. At this moment, her head was slightly lifted, and she saw the figure on Spiritual Jade Island as if her vision was able to pierce through the ground.

"Mu Chen." A faint smile slowly cracked on Ling Xi's elegant face. Back when snatching the Great Protection Array of Spiritual Jade Island, her spiritual senses had already extended outwards and shrouded the whole island. Therefore, she had witnessed that the currently matured Mu Chen was no longer an inexperienced young man. Apparently, during all these years, Mu Chen had really grown up.

"Mu Chen, I will help you restrain that Complete Earthly Sovereign. However, you guys still need to handle the remaining two," Ling Xi muttered. Using the Great Array left by Qing Yanjing, even though Green Snake Ancestor was a Complete Earthly Sovereign, she still had confidence that she could keep him trapped. However, this was all she could do. Mu Chen and the others still had to deal with Lion King Gu and Evil Fish Liang themselves.

Looking at the dark ground layer with her beautiful eyes, Ling Xi's low voice slowly rang out in the silent prison, "Let me see how much you have grown after all these years."

On Spiritual Jade Island.

When the Cosmic Descent Star Array suddenly changed its target and trapped Green Snake Ancestor, Long Xiang was completely stunned. He never expected things would take such a turn.

"Sister Ling Xi must have been taken over this spiritual array." Mu Chen smirked and was not surprised by this turn of events. That was because when the spiritual array appeared, he could faintly sense Ling Xi's spiritual fluctuation. Normal people could not detect this type of spiritual fluctuation. Only Mu Chen, who was also a Spiritual Array Master, could sense it. That was why when Lion King Gu activated the spiritual array to capture him, he did not resist at all. He knew that the attack would be redirected in the end.

"Ling Xi?" Long Xiang's face was full of consternation as he said, "How can she do that?"

Staring at Spiritual Jade Island, Mu Chen mused, "Didn't you mention before this island was the place my mother rested calmly? She might have left something here. And in all the years Sister Ling Xi has been confined here, in reality, she might have been just training in secret."

Hearing this, Long Xiang was shocked and quickly replied, "That is it. I am afraid that is the case. I was wondering why Ling Xi would come here and hurl herself right into the trap, allowing Lion King Gu to confine her in this place. So, she had an ulterior motive!"

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Mu Chen smiled. Looking at the ashen-faced Green Snake Ancestor, Mu Chen said, "Since Sister Ling Xi handled one of them for us, we shall deal with the remaining two ourselves."

Listening to his words, Long Xiang gave a hollow laugh. Even though Green Snake Ancestor is trapped, Lion King Gu and Evil Fish Liang are both authentic Complete Earthly Sovereigns. How can the three of them win against them?

"Brother Long Xiang, if you team up with Luo Li, you guys should be able to fight head on with one of the Complete Earthly Sovereigns."

Long Xiang was stunned for a moment and then turned his gaze towards Luo li. He understood her background quite well. Knowing Luo Li had cultivated the Luo God Celestial Body, her combat power was beyond his imagination. Even though she was still a Lower Earthly Sovereign, Long Xiang would still have to put in a lot of effort to defeat her if they were to fight. Hence, if they were to team up, handling a Complete Earthly Sovereign would not be an impossible task.

But if things are set up this way, won't Mu Chen have to face a Complete Earthly Sovereign alone?

As Long Xiang was hesitating, Luo Li smiled slightly and said, "Brother Long Xiang, you don't have to worry about him. If he arranged the matchup this way, he must have confidence about this."

Apparently, she still had utmost faith in Mu Chen. Listening to her words, Long Xiang nodded, smiled wryly, and said, "If the situation worsens, we shall retreat first. Then Lion King Gu will dare not to do anything to Ling Xi."

Mu Chen smiled but had no comment.

As they spoke, Lion King Gu and Evil Fish Liang turned their shadowy gazes towards them. Apparently, they had understood the change in the spiritual array. Looking at Green Snake Ancestor, Lion King Gu spoke with a somber expression, "Don't panic, Green Snake. You just focus on attacking to prevent that lowly woman from activating the array. When we get a hold of those three guys, we will release you immediately."

Green Snake Ancestor grunted but slowly regained his composure. Although this turn of events was unexpected, it did not matter in the long run. With Lion King Gu and Evil Fish Liang's strength, handling the three weaklings would be a piece of cake.

After reassuring Green Snake Ancestor, Lion King Gu turned his cold gaze towards Mu Chen. His eyes were so cold that it seemed to make the place's temperature drop. "Do you think that lowly woman can save you with her surprise attack? Today you shall fall at my hands. You can't escape, even if you grow a pair of wings right now!"


As soon as Lion King Gu's voice faded, a spiritual fluctuation suddenly brewed up like a typhoon. It was so scary, it left the land itself in turmoil. A terrifying spiritual pressure surrounded the sky and earth.

Evil Fish Liang smiled coldly and stepped outwards. A scary spiritual energy on par with Lion King Gu's erupted towards the sky. The land turned dusky in a 10,000-square-mile area under the pressure of these two scary spiritual energies. High tides also surged up in the surrounding sea, making countless Spiritual Beasts quickly evacuate the area. None of them dared to stay near Spiritual Jade Island.

Seeing the two Complete Earthly Sovereigns releasing their scary pressures, Long Xiang and Luo Li's faces became dignified.

In spite of this, Mu Chen's eyes still remained sharp. Under his skin, the spirits of the Real Dragon and Real Phoenix slowly materialized. Although these spirits currently only had the power of a Lower Earthly Sovereign, they still had the most noble bloodline of the Dragon and Phoenix Clan. With their gifted prestige, the pressure from the two Complete Earthly Sovereigns had no effect on Mu Chen.

Mu Chen stared at Lion King Gu, and his eyes suddenly became blazing hot. If he had not broken through, he would surely have retreated when facing a powerful opponent at the level of Complete Earthly Sovereign. However, now that he had reached the level of Upper Earthly Sovereign, he had closed the distance between him and Complete Earthly Sovereign. This level of opponent was no longer unbeatable.


As soon as the burning fighting spirit flashed in his eyes, his figure suddenly pounced outwards aggressively in Lion King Gu's direction.

Mu Chen's sudden first move made Lion King Gu blink. With a breathtaking smile, Lion King Gu said, "You are really an ignorant brat. If you really want to die, then I shall fulfill your wish!"

A normal Upper Earthly Sovereign that met him would be scared, trembling like a mouse. However, not only was Mu Chen not afraid of him, he still took the initiative to launch the attack. This was without a doubt provoking the prestige of a Complete Earthly Sovereign.


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Mu Chen's figure was like lightning. In the next moment, he appeared in front of Lion King Gu like a ghost. Afterwards, he took a deep breath, and his body seemed to have thunder rumbling inside of it.


Without changing his facial expression, he launched his punch. As he threw out his punch, it was seen that the Real Dragon and Real Phoenix Spirit had materialized on his arm. The cries of the dragon and phoenix rang out. Golden light shrouded his arm like mercury, making it look like a dragon-phoenix glove. However, to fight against a Complete Earthly Sovereign, it was not enough, even though he activated the power of the Real Dragon and Real Phoenix spirit!

Therefore, when the power of the Real Dragon and Real Phoenix spirit was surging without reserve, a crystal-like pagoda appeared deep in Mu Chen's eyes. At this moment, the spiritual energy in his body was flowing into the pagoda. It then turned into a majestic Crystal Spiritual Energy and whooshed out.

When Mu Chen was at the level of Lower Earthly Sovereign, the spiritual energy in his body could fight against an Upper Earthly Sovereign after the conversion of the Holy Pagoda. Now that he had become an Upper Earthly Sovereign, the conversion effect was abnormally astounding.


When the converted majestic spiritual energy surged out from Mu Chen's body, his originally black eyes actually turned a lustrous crystal color. At the same time, as Mu Chen threw out his punch, it was seen that there was a crystal light surging. His whole fist transformed into a crystal fist that looked like it was hammered into shape using crystal.

As the punch passed over, even the space was directly torn apart. Countlessly space shards that had been sent flying disappeared immediately when they came into contact with the punch.

Aware of the sudden burst of terrifying spiritual energy from Mu Chen's body, even Lion King Gu's eyes narrowed slightly. This was because that level of spiritual energy made him feel slightly uneasy. "This brat actually learned the Holy Pagoda!"

A killing intent flashed in Lion King Gu's eyes. As a Budur Ancient Clan member, he naturally understood that a pagoda had the ability to amplify spiritual energy. However, only the Holy Pagoda was able to amplify an Upper Earthly Sovereign to this level!

"Hmph, even if you have the Holy Pagoda, you are still a mere Upper Earthly Sovereign. I don't believe you can overwhelm me!" Lion King Gu snorted coldly, and his eyes became fierce. Making seals with one hand, he suddenly let out a slap using his palm.


As he threw out the slap, it was as if he had summoned a lofty bright light. Lion King Gu's palm seemed to contain a bright sun. He slapped it mercilessly at Mu Chen's incoming crystal punch with a brilliant might.

"With this slap of mine, I want you to know how invincible a Complete Earthly Sovereign is! Under my palm, no matter how you struggle, you will only be kicking the pricks!" As Lion King Gu let out an astonishing growl, his Palm of Light slapped out abruptly. In the next instant, it slapped heavily on Mu Chen's fist with its power of destruction.

At the moment of contact, Lion King Gu's lips curled into a ferocious smile. He knew that in the next moment, Mu Chen would either be dead or wounded.