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The Extra's Indifference

Chapter 58 Descend
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I got out of the bathroom after wearing my bathrobe and let myself fall to the bed.

Today's performance was more harder than usual and because of that, I was tired both physically and mentally. Though I was fine with being tired if it is to gain some feeling from Ilelia.

I couldn't tell what was her emotional state when I drained my blood for an hour because she was in butterfly form. However, I could guess what she felt like that.

Probably anger, sadness, pity and many more small emotions. She is a goddess after all, she can't ridicule my 'pathetic' action.

I thought that making her fall in love with me would be too hard and time consuming. So I decided to become Ilelia's friend or something close to a friend. After that, I will think about seducing her but for now, I will settle with being friends with her. As even being friends with Ilelia is a hard thing to do, even if she is lonely.

After I fell to my bed, I looked at the ceiling blankly. I was waiting for the butterfly to disappear again like yesterday but it didn't.

'It seems she wants to observe me more. Well, I can't do my experiments while Ilelia watching me like this.' I thought and closed my eyes.

I couldn't do a proper experiment after taking over the necromancer's house. I planned to do many things to experiment but troubles didn't stop following me. Even right now I am surveillance of a goddess.

While I was thinking like this, my eyes began to get heavy and I was about to fall asleep but I heard footsteps.

'Probably Aria.' I thought and tried to fall asleep again. But I couldn't do that because I felt a hand on my head.

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And I found this strange. Normally Aria would come and curl to my side to sleep, she wouldn't touch my head for no reason.

So, I opened my eyes to see who was the one that touched me.

When I saw the person who touched me, if my emotions worked properly, I would be shocked to death, because the one that touched me was Ilelia herself.

She was sitting on my bed and was caressing my hair with gentle movements.

'Didn't she has some restrictions? Why did she even come here? I just tried to gain her pity but she descended into the mortal realm just because I drained my blood? Did I overdo it again? Probably I overdid it again, or else why would she come here and caress my hair like a mother who is worried for his son.'

I quickly evaded Ilelia's incoming hand and got up.

I bowed to Ilelka with a polite smile and said:

"I am happy to see you my goddess but can I know the reason for your descent into my room?"

Ilelia showed me a polite smile.

"You looked like you won't come to my church for the time being, so I come to you instead."

'Is she crazy? Does she not have any pride in being a goddess? Nope, she had it when I met her.'

I looked at Ilelia with a worried expression.

"Are you okay, my goddess? Descending into the mortal realm must be hard for you."

Ilelia's lips twitch for a moment but she maintained her smile.

"I don't need your worry, as I didn't pay a heavy price. Think of this body like a doll. I can speak, hear and touch but can't use my divinity."

'So she can do something like this. Can all divine beings do this?'

I wore a relieved smile and opened my mouth.

"I am relieved to hear that my goddess but please don't do anything rash like this for no reason. I was going to your church on my free day."

"Is that so? Well, it can't be helped." Ilelia said with a doubtful expression.

"Anyway, I came here. So let's talk."

"What are you curious about the incoming disaster, my goddess?"

Ilelia directly pointed at me.

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"I am curious about you. Can you tell me about yourself?"

'Whopss, I can't even tell her a single lie. How should I have answer this?'

"What!? Me? Really?" I asked with both happy and curious expression.

"Yes. I am curious about you." Ilelia said with a smile.

"What are you curious about me, my goddess?"

"Your life. Can you tell me about your life?"

"I don't know how to explain my life, my goddess but I will try." I said and took a deep breath.

"I was an orphan until the age of 8 and was adopted by Count Ceurie to become a family asset. I have a step-sister which is the same age as me and she loves me, uhmm, a bit too much than necessary but I am okay with it. I have a maid who likes to take care of me and sleeps with me because it is comfortable to sleep with her. It is just sleeping, nothing more." I said hesitantly and looked at Ilelia to see her reaction.

She was looking at me with a calm expression, which is strange. I thought that she would show disappointment or something close to that.

"So you don't know your real parents. Then when did you know the forbidden knowledge? I thought that you learned from your parents."

After receiving Ilelia's question, I used my right to remain silent because I couldn't come up with an answer that will make her misunderstand my situation.

Ilelia showed a gentle expression on her face after seeing that I didn't any intention to answer her question.

"You don't have to answer it if you don't want it." Ilelia said with a smile and gestured for me to come to her side.

'What is she planning? I thought of seducing her but it seems like she too is trying to seduce me or else why would she act like this? Is she trying to elicit some information from me because I acted like a suicidal maniac?