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The Extra of The Lunerra

Chapter 290 Volume V - 8: Upcoming Festival
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Chapter 290 Volume V - Chapter 8: Upcoming Festival

When I had finished transferring almost half of my mana to the strange disk in my hand, I let out a deep sigh, placed it in my bracelet, and took a deep breath.

'Why did you stop halfway? You would normally go all the way to the end.'

'I'm just... thinking, Lithoa.'

It had been three days since the dungeon gate at the academy had opened and two days since it had been cleaned. Melany Quie, the rector of the CDA, had single-handedly cleared the dungeon in less than a day. This allowed the gate to be safely contained and transferred.

And now... almost everything was as it had been. At least that's how it looked from the outside. But almost all of Lunerra had in fact changed in a single night.

I sighed deeply as I leaned back in my chair, my eyes fixed on the ceiling, thinking about the news that had been broadcast to all of Lunerra last night.

A new era was indeed beginning. Because... after this summer vacation, it was going to be very different, especially for the academy students. They were going to help clear the dungeons that had been opened all over Lunerra. Because the number of people available was insufficient to prevent dungeons.

So Lunerra found the solution by providing internships for young people at E+ grade and above. There were other measures taken, but this was the biggest change that concerns us.

The organization called Saligia was still silent... they introduced themselves, left a 'gift' to the world, and disappeared.


I closed my eyes and let myself sink into the comfort of my armchair.

I thought of just sleeping there, even for a short while. I didn't feel like training. But... just as I was about to surrender myself to sleep, the watch on my wrist began to vibrate and ring, shattering all my sleep.

There was a familiar name on the screen. So I answered the call without thinking too much.


"Ah, were you asleep? You sounded tired."

"I was just about to fall asleep, it's no big deal."

"Oh, I see..."

Sighing slightly, I straightened myself up, then Julian continued.

"Anyway. You know the Foundation Festival is a month away, right?"

I remained stunned for a moment, staring meaninglessly at the wall in front of me.

"Founding Festival?"

Julian sighed slightly in response to my question.

"I knew it, you have no idea... Every year in July there is a one-day festival celebrating the founding of the kingdom. Even though this year was a bit of a bummer... it's kind of a tradition now, so they're going to do it anyway. I guess they want people to blow off some steam or something. So the festival is happening again this year."

Festival, huh...

I heard about them a few times when I lived with my parents. I've seen something similar on the only TV in our house, but I don't think I've ever experienced it...

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When I escaped from that jungle and lived like a beggar in the nearest city, I didn't have time to deal with festivals. And now...

A festival...

"Oh... You said a month later, didn't you?"

"Yeah, in exactly twenty days."

"Got it. Thanks for letting me know."

Julian was silent for a moment. Just as I was about to hang up the call, he suddenly interjected again.

"By the way... I've noticed a rumor lately. You probably know about it since you're always going to the training building."

My finger hovered over the hang-up button. My eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"What rumor?"

"They've been seeing a mysterious person in the girls' section lately. No one could recognize her because she was wearing a hoodie, but recently someone said she had purple eyes."

Purple eyes...? But what does that hav- Wait...


"Yeah. I'm not sure if it's her, like I said, it's just a rumor. Do you know anything?"

"No, I've never seen the person you're talking about."

Julian sighed.

"Then it's probably made-up stuff. Anyway... see you, Adrian."

"See you..."

The call went off. An intense and heavy silence enveloped my whole body. I squinted as I stared at the white wall of my room.

Celine... Is it possible that she's the girl in the rumors Julian was talking about? It's been months since I last saw her, I haven't seen her from a distance, let alone her face since that incident, but Aiden said a few months ago that her treatment was getting better.

Could she really be on the mend?

I closed my eyes once more as I let myself sink back into my comfortable chair.

Like Julian said, it's probably just a rumor, but... I hope it's true.


Six people...

The first is a silver symbol of strength and purity. The second is the most beautiful weapon ever created on Lunerra. The third is a gray light that can touch reality. The fourth is a powerless demigod who holds all the knowledge that exists. The fifth is a symbol of death that can control the rainbow. The sixth is someone the world rejects, someone who shouldn't exist, but who holds the ultimate key.

It has been four days since I heard the poem with this meaning in my dream. And a few months since I woke up with the Clairvoyance.

It can't be a coincidence that I received this prophecy on the very day this Saligia organization appeared, can it?

I sighed deeply and opened my statistics window.


--Personal Information--

Name: Clara

Last Name: Tenebra

Race: Human (Xavir)

Age: 17


General Level: F+

Strength: F

Agility: F

Vitality: F+

Endurance: F+

Luck: D

Magic Power: D

Mana Efficiency: A+

Charm: D+

--Status Effects--

Abnormal Status Effect: [Restricted Mana] -- [Differentiated Blood] -- [????]

--Xaevirea's Lineage--

Seal: 3/4

Aera Purity: C

Abilities: [Aera Manipulation]

--Active Skills--

[Memory Travel(A-)]

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--Passive Skills--



I turned seventeen... So, officially, I have to be awakened within a year in the records. That means I have to send a form to the kingdom saying that I awakened within a year. If I don't, they will do it themselves a few days after I turn eighteen.

I wanted to settle this with my brother when he came back... But now he's in a coma, not knowing whether he'll wake up or not.

I paused for a moment, remembering how North Holar had given me the news in advance. As his sister... they had also reached out to me. Maybe they hadn't allowed me to go to him, but they had informed me of his condition specifically.

It didn't take me long to get over it, and I have my own reasons for that... The important thing is what I should do in the coming year.

Should I go and announce myself that I am a seer, or should I keep it as secret as I can?

My eye is fixed on the Xaevirea's Lineage tab in the statistics window.

Do the other seers have such a tab? I think this shouldn't normally be there... What if this gives me a problem?

I can't decide... Damn it.


Oh yeah, summer vacation is here... I have nothing to do. Literally nothing... Nothing happens in my life except Paul and the meaningless things that Clairvoyance shows me all the time.

I thought about everything I've seen and heard so far with the skill, most of it was meaningless and symbolic. In short, they were things that I had to figure out for myself, to put together.

I wonder if there is any education for that...? If I say that I am a seer, do they give me lessons to understand better what I see? Probably not...

I have to interpret what I see on my own. That's the only way I can improve as a seer... at least I think that way.

I took a deep breath and let it out. I remembered one of my visions, a vision of the future that could bring me out of my recent depression.

And there was that blurry figure, which I was almost sure who it was, that was in most of the visions that I had seen.

But... in the last visions, he was less blurry, he looked clearer. He used to look as if the world was rejecting him, as if it was trying to erase his presence but failing. However... it looked like the world was slowly beginning to accept him. Or he had done something and was making his presence known to the 'world'.

I squinted. Mana began to drain from my body as I imagined the vision. Clairvoyance activated once again, showing me the vision I wanted to see, just as it had been in the first moment.

There was a large coffin, standing still where it was in a dark infinity. It seemed to trap all the light that came on it, darkness surrounded it. The lid of the coffin was not closed properly. It was lying crookedly on its side, revealing the person inside.

He was a dark blur again. The purple flame burning inside was there as always, but this time it was accompanied by something different. The purple flame sometimes glowed blue around it. Something would occasionally appear as if trying to infiltrate it, but then... it would disappear as quickly as it had come. It tried to interact with the flame but failed because it was weak.

This kept repeating and repeating... and repeating. Finally, after a short time had passed... the darkness surrounding the coffin suddenly intensified. The darkness brought with it an infinity that I had never seen before. Then, slowly... hands appeared reaching out from this infinity. First dozens, then thousands, millions even... From all sides, slowly crawling toward the coffin.

When they managed to get to the bottom of the coffin, all the hands trembled as if they were excited. Their fingers opened and closed, they accelerated. They touched the figure inside the coffin and began to wrap it.

First his legs were completely covered, then his arms and head. And when the dark hands slowly began to reach for the purple flame burning in his chest and the blue glow trying to envelop it... they suddenly stopped.

In the silent, dense, and endless darkness... a bright light suddenly appeared. A silvery light, in the form of a man, approached the coffin. With every step, the dark hands trembled with fear, but they did not want to let go of the coffin.

Yet their efforts were in vain. When the silver silhouette arrived in front of the coffin, its glow was so bright that it did not even allow the darkness to exist. He bowed his head and looked at the figure in the coffin. Then... he held out his hand. A drop of water slowly slid down his index finger and landed on the coffin. And then... the light it emitted suddenly filled everything.

My eyes slowly opened as I found myself back in my room. I took a deep breath as my mana was sucked back into my body.

If I am to trust what I see... then, at least for now, I don't have much to worry about...

I just have to wait. And then... everything will be fine. It should.