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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 1005
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Chapter 1005 Justin had his reasons to suspect Christopher.

Ever since he reconnected with Bella, Justin quietly launched a thorough investigation of Christopher's ties with his family, his standing in Savrow, and his past endeavors in Sentania.

Naturally, with Christopher’s shrewdness, it was challenging to access such highly confidential information.

Despite his business listings in real estate and gambling, his connection with the underworld figures in Sentania revealed that it was a cover-up for his shady business.

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However, he was well-connected and had strong cooperation with.

officials and businessmen in Sentania, shielding him from scrutiny.

That's why his business was able to grow in scale in recent years while maintaining a flawless reputation.

More importantly, he also has close connections in Terranova. It was rumored that his influence extended into both the military.

governmental circles.

That was why Justin believed that Christopher had the cap secretly send information to Terranova and dispatch people them without detection amidst the chaos.

Even if the Salvador family and Thompson family were to investig what good would it do when they couldn't even find thegegodies? would be a case without any leads.

Asher noticed Justin's unusual expression and asked, “Have you figured out who might be responsible for this?” Justin took a deep breath and said “This is not the tto discuss that. Let's address our current issue first.” Accusing Christopher directly in front of Asher was out of the question, as it would make him appear like he was defaming his rival without evidence, damaging his own reputation.

“Something seems off. You definitely know who sent those people, don’t you?” Asher pushed further, creating an intense, silent standoff between him and Justin.

Asher and Bella were siblings and shared similar temperaments. Both were individuals who pursued things to the end and insisted on thorough investigations.

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The opposing forces realized that, despite their limited firepower, Asher and Justin's shots were precise, so they hesitated to approach.

Justin's grip on the gun tightened as he spoke. “I can’t say for sure if they're associated with the Terranova underworld. But I'm almost certain that they have ties to Terranova’s military.” Asher felt confused about what Justin meant when sudd person shouted at them through a megaphone in broke South Island is an important military base for our nation you to put down your weapons, stop resisting, and surrende we won't hesitate to shoot!” “It’s the military.” Asher’s eyes narrowed. He never imagined that chasing a mere fugitive would alert Terranova’s military. ‘Who exac was Winston?’ Justin clenched his teeth, his thin lips slightly lifting as he murmured to himself. “Well, it’s just as | expected.” ‘Christopher, is it really you?’ Justin thought.

The voice on the other side shouted again. “Hurry up and surrender your weapons! | guarantee you'll be treated humanely.” The air on the island was originally damp and sultry. At this moment, with the imminent crisis looming, the falling raindrops seemed to turn into ice.

“Don’t pay attention to his nonsense.” Asher remained vigilant, with a fierce look in his eyes that had been dormant for years. “Believeor not, stepping out now will lead to inhumane treatment. I've heard too much of this sly talk before.” Justin was momentarily stunned, staring at Asher’s cold and ruthless face with astonishment. It appeared that Asher had gone through sremarkable experiences in the past.

Suddenly, Justin’s ears perked up as he heard footstepsching on the grass. He cautiously lowered his voice and said, “The getting closer. I'll dash to the left soon to divert their atten take the others and head toward Winston's hideout!” “No! | can’t just leave you!” Asher refused firmly and without any hesitation.

Justin cautioned. “If we both get caught here, you'll regret those words.”