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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife by Lypstical

Chapter 84
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Chapter 84 Vanessa My day with Sophie started at 10 a.m. and it's only been an hour since we linked up yet I already feel like this is going to be an unforgettable day. I'm impressed with the activities she settled for. I left it all up to her.

As we step into the spa, the soothing aroma of essential oils wafts its way to my nostrils and I glance at Sophie as I inhale deeply, something which she mirrors in excitement.

"Are you ready to be pampered?” She does a little clap.

I nod with a grin. "Are you?" "You bet I am!" First, we head to the sauna, where we giggle and gossip, bonding further than we already have.

"I was jealous when Jake sentpictures of you wit you, something which he didn't have!" other day." She pouts, then smiles. "But the bright side is, I have all day with "Don't tell him I said this, but I'm glad I didn't spend all day with him. I would've died.” We both burst into laughter.

"You know," she says. "I've been to so many spas except this one and so far, I'm not disappointed. We haven't even gotten to the massages yet!" "I rarely do things like this, so I can't really tell," I admit.

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"Well, we can do this more often whenever I have stime. I bet my brother will be jealous." "I bet he will." "Hey, how do you deal with him mostly being away because of work? I know that recently, he had an emergency. Every tthat happens, you don't see him for a day or two." I sigh, leaning against the wall. "I've kind of gotten used to it because when he's around, he makes up for it and it feels like he never left." I subtly bite my lip, thinking about the hot sex from the other night when he cout of the elevator and pushedagainst the wall.

It's only when Sophie speaks again that I snap out of it.

"I bet my brother really does make you feel special. With me, he can be extremely annoying, but I know he cares. With you, he's always gentle." I cover my mouth to hide my silent laughter, thinking about how he was such an asshole toin the beginning and no one knew, except Carmella.

"You're right." I nod. "He's so loving and caring. I couldn't have asked for a better husband. By the way, he finally explained things toand now I'm broadening the knowledge all on my own because I have everything that I need from him." "Wow, he finally did it, huh? I thought he'd never get to it. So, any plans of setting up your management team any tsoon?" "Well, I haven't yet thought that far ahead. I don't even know how to start.” 1/4 ||| < 20 24 2 Wand you dont plus peteng wesbury melodisha, find your doing this p Se stigle it decomus, Clear Dọi The YÖNÜ The gay pe vecitas, pagung koduris ath to be lag, an decide that grithood Ce O Chapter 4 I haven't heard back from the mysterious person from the other day, who said we should meet if I want to know their identity. I'm starting to think it was just a random person wasting my time, but something in my gut still tellsit's not the case.

My day has been filled with several meetings and reports but to me, I've been up for the challenge. I need all the distraction I can get to completely shut out thoughts about Vanessa and so far, I've been doing great. Maybe it's because last night, I didn't sleep in my bed. Since started fucking her, I haven't yet slept in it alone.

When I cback to town this morning after a short business trip, I cstraight to the office. Tonight will be my first talone.

At 2 p.m., I arrive at the restaurant before Frank. He should be here any minute now.

As I wait, I turn on my phone, only to notice that I received a video from Sophie. Before I even open it, I know she just wants to show off that she's with Vanessa or something.

Placing my elbows on the table, I play the video.

For the first few seconds, she's the only one on the screen.

Then, Vanessa comes into the frwhile in a green bikini and I clench my fist while licking my bottom lip. She pushes her wet hair back and that just makes her look sexier to me. Finally, she waves at the camera with a bright smile. I can tell she's had a great tso far.

Even after the video comes to an end, I replay it, my eyes only focused on Vanessa. I've been doing well so far, but how can I keep going when she looks this good? It's only when Frank slams the table to get my attention that I flinch and look up.

"When did you get here?" I ask, feeling my racing heart and the slight boner under the table.

"Does it even matter?" He shakes his head. "What are you watching that has you so locked in?" "It's nothing." I lean back, composing myself.

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"Don't givethat crap. I saw you licking your lips with a smirk. Show me.” "What? No." "I think I have an idea of what it was." He strokes his chin suggestively.

"You're wrong." "Then show me." "No." Even as we order sfood, Frank keeps asking about what I was watching, but I'm not about to show him a clip of Vanessa looking so wet sexy.

Finally letting it go, he says, "So... about Vanessa's ex-boyfriend, have you decided when you want to meet him?" "I don't know, but I can't stop thinking about her." "What?" he says loudly, catching the attention of everyone around. "Did you just say that?" He lowers his voice.

I clear my throat, not realizing that I just said it, but I can't deny it now, so I nod.

3/4 ||| O Chapter 84 "I seriously don't like how she'll be spending too much twith Patrick and that bothers me," I admit.

"I thought you don't care what she does."

"Right now, I do. We're working on having a baby and I don't want m anything getting in the way. She hasn't fucked him yet, but still.*** "Wait, is that what this is really about?" He chuckles mockingly. "Shut up." I glare at him, regretting my decision to tell him,

"Don't you remember what you put her through? You were always fucking Carmella and she heard you two so many times, yet she just mella minded her own business. How cyou're now bothered before it even happens?" "You know what? Forget I said anything." "No, I'm not letting this go." He bursts into laughter. "Forget the baby p an't handle another man fucking your wife."

He continues making fun offor a few seconds, until my phone rings.

It's a number that I don't recognize I I so ignore it only a few seconds later, the snumber calls again and part ofthinks it might be connected to the person who's been texting me, but why would they use a different number? Curious, I pick up.

"Hello?" X "Hello!" A woman says on the other side and she sounds like she's panicking. "Am I speaking to Mr Richards?" "Yes, who am I speaking to?" "It doesn't matter." Her breath is heavy. "I'm calling from the hospital. Your wife was involved in a terrible accident." 4/4 SEND GIFT