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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife by Lypstical

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17 Dominic Moving further away from the house. I pick up Carmella's call while facing the entrance, just in case my mother shows up or something "Babe." I cautiously look around, the bodyguards in position standing at a certain distance away from me.

"Hey, babe!" Carmella says from the other end of the line and she sounds so enthusiastic that I rub my temples while shaking my head.

"What's up?" Though I pretend not to know. I know exactly why she's calling, "I hope you're almost here to pickup. I'm already done with everything, I actually finished a bit early so now I'm just waiting for you I sigh with frustration, pacing a few times just so I don't lose my cool over the situation that's out of my control. "Babe, about that," I say for a start.

"Is something wrong?" "I haven't yet left the house.

What are you s still doing there? "Something happened with Vanessa and now-" "What the hell happened?" Her tone is suddenly harsh. "What did you with that b-" "Can you shut up and I just letfinish?" "No! What did you do with that bitch!" "She had a little accident and my parents chere. The problem is that I can't leave. They won't let me. I already tried." "What's that supposed to mean?" She scoffs. That bitch is more important than mer "Didn't you hear a word I just said?" I face away from the front door in frustration. Sometimes it's difficult to make Carmella grasp what a situation means.

"My son!" I hear my mother's voice just then so I turn around to look at her.

"I'll call you back," I whisper to Carmella on the phone.

"Don't you dare hang up on- 1 abruptly end the call by turning off my phone, which I didn't even want to do.

What are you doing here all alone when your father's already gone? She doesn't seem pleased as she places both hands the sades of her waist and shakes her head at"Were you calling someone from work?" Right now, lying to her is better than telling her the truth. "Yes, was," She stands besideand wraps her hand around my arm.

"I told you not to work right now," she says. “Cback inside with me.

M Chapter 17 "Oh, cVanessa needs you" "For what?" "What's that supposed to mean?" She narrows her eyes atI've just realized I shouldn't have said it like that, so I soften it a little. “I meant to say what does she need?" "Let's go inside," she says, taking the first step and 1 follow her lead as we walk together. "She toldshe hasn't even seen house yet. How could you let that happen!" "Well, I wanted to call Doctor Miller to examine her first so I thought I could just keep her in the living room." "You could've still taken her around the house." "I know" "Please do it now. She seems so sad right now and I hate seeing her like that. Maybe showing her around I make difference." She goes on to speak further about Vanessa and it's taking everything innot to leave. I need to find a quick moment where I can call Carmella again. In case that doesn't happen, I'll just have to send her a text message. Vanessa wants to see the house? Fine. I'll show her. It'll givethe perfect opportunity to confront her.

Vaness For as long as I can remember, I've never experienced such pain in my calf ut most. but it doesn't feel that way and it I know Dr Miller said it wasn't too serious and it should go away in a few days at leavesa little frustrated because I don't just want to sit here and do nothing- But for now, it seems to be the only way fornot to put pressure on my leg.

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Now that I have a moment to myself in this living room. I can only imagine how furious Dominic must be.

I really didn't mean for any of his parents to cover here and check on me.

Everytour eyes meet, it almost feels like I've prevented him from doing something and ruined his plans.

The cookies and juice he broughtwere tasty. That was just try way of getting back at him for what he did toearlier when he offeredjuice but was just trying to mess with me.

The thought of making him do things forand he can't say no because of his parents makeschuckle.

While my father couldn't make it here because he's out of the country, I'm so glad I still have others who care around me, especially my mother-in-law. She's been treatinglike a baby since she arrived but I'm not complaining Right now, as I wait for her to return from outside, I already know what the outcwill be I could've waited to see the house when I was all better. I guess I should've kept my mouth shut because now, she'll make him do it.

I know he's a jerk but I'll have to explain things to him. None of this was my intention. I just hope he'll believe me.

the Thu.

Chapter 17 89%1 Only a few minutes later, they both walk in and as I look at them she's holding onto his arm while talking to him and he just seems like he doesn't even want to be here.

I see him glaring atthe closer he gets and I know he has a lot to say. I really need to clear the air. I'll get the chance once we're alone.

"My dear, now you can finally see the house, my mother-in-law says to me.

She steps away from Dominic and he approacheswith a heavy sigh.

"Con, my son. Don't make that face. You had no problem carrying her during your honeymoon!" We both jerk our heads in her direction and she covers her mouth with a giggle.

"Oh, don't mind me, you two. She waves her hand dismissively.

The moment Dominic looks away from her and faces me. I look up at him again and as he gets closer, he's actually glaring atand my mother-in-law can't even see it.

When he's close enough, he rests the side of his face against mine and slides his arm under my knees, the other one resting right around my waist.

With a gasp, I wrap my arms around his neck and when he lifts me, I can't help but look into his eyes, which I instantly regret because he's just glaring and stands in place.

"Well, go on. You two love birds will findhere. Show her around quickly then bring her back to me." "Of course," he says, his tone a little threatening. It makeslook away from his gaze. "What do you want to see first?" "Uh...we can start with what's on the ground floor." Even though I haven't yet seen this mansion house, I have an ide just how massive it is. If he's going to showeverything, he'll have to carryall the way. I don't want that to happen.

As he begins to head out of the living room, my mother-in-law aghs calmly and it feels like she's smiling as she watches us. When I poke my head to the side to see her, it turns out I'm right. She even brings her hands together in admiration.

But when he turns at the corner, the sight of her is gone and now it's just the two of us. Of course, the maidservants are around but I don't even pay attention to them.

feel his Even when I don't look up at him. I feel his eyes on me.

Once he bringsto the kitchen, he instructs everyone to leave As soon as it's just the two of us, I part my lips to speak so I can clear any misunderstanding but he's faster.

"You must be so happy now. I can't leave because of the little stunt you pulled and don't you dare deny it. You did this on purpose." "Look, you have it all wrong" My voice is gentle. "All I did was tell them what happened to me. I didn't tell them to chere.

But you knew they would. You know m how much they treasure their precious daughter-in-law. Now ! can't even go to pick up my babe at the airport because I'm stuck here with you." I didn't mean to cause you any trouble.

"It doesn't matter. You already did." 3/4 ||| Chapter 17 I can see just how irritated he is while carryingand my heart sinks. I just got in his way and now he's being forced to do this. It's tto put a stop to it "Just putdown." "No." "But-" "I said no.

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After leaving the kitchen, he takesto the other rooms on the ground floor and they're all quite spacious with the latest technology The silence between us drags on but each tI steal glances at him, I can see that he still has his jaw clenched.

Once I've seen the ground floor, he heads to the elevator and we walk past my mother-in-law, who's scrolling on her phone.

"What do you think so far?" she askswith enthusiasm.

"It's beautiful" I fake a smile.

Once we're in the elevator, the small space makes the silence more and my palms unbearable and my palms are m beginning to sweat. That makes my hands slip from his neck and I gasp as we both panic, but I quickly place them on his chest. Once again, we say nothing to each other and it stays that way as he showsmore of the house.

While I wish he didn't have to carry me, I'm amazed by his strength. Not once have I seen sweat dripping down his forehead.

All I hear is his breath get a little heavier and with my hands on his well defined chest, just for a second, I feel drawn to him and I'm reminded of our passionate kiss.

At one point, he placeson a beautiful bed with silky red sheets then calls Carmella. I sit in silence and wait as he does it.

The two of them seem to argue when he says he'll send someone to pick her up instead.

Once he's done, he roughly shoves the phone in his pocket, approaches the bed and places his hands on the sides of my body to trap me.

He looksstraight in my eyes with his head tilted and harshly says, "You've greatly ruined my day." "I really didn't mean to. You have to believe me.

I expect him to say something more but when he doesn't. I'm left staring him right in the face Having him so close and feeling his warm breath once again reminds of that moment on the beach when he passionately kissedand I felt something Lost in that thought, my gaze lingers on his lips for a few seconds and when I realize what I'm doing. I look up to meet his eyes and his reaction makeshold my breath.