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The Damned Demon

Chapter 228: A Little Chat?
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Another month passed,

It had only been two months since the war with the Umbralfiends but the people, especially the ones in the north, were trying to get their lives back to normal while trying to move on from their losses.

Elsewhere, in the Central Royal City,

Garbed in an elegant maid's outfit of black and white, a figure moved with an alluring grace amongst the bustle of the marketplace.

Her raven hair cascaded down her back, contrasting against her smooth red skin. A simple white apron, meticulously clean, was cinched around her slender waist, accentuating her hourglass figure and voluptuous bust.

Her dark blue eyes, filled with a captivating mix of grace and modesty, scanned the vendors' stalls around her, as she clutched a small basket.

Anyone could easily recognize her as Merina, the royal consort's maid.

The marketplace itself was an exuberant display of the vibrant culture of the Bloodburn Kingdom.

Stalls lined the broad streets, laden with an exotic array of goods that were a reflection of the diversity of the kingdom.

Brilliantly colored textiles fluttered in the breeze, while ornate jewelry glinted in the sunlight. The air was thick with the aroma of freshly cooked meat, exotic spices, and other enticing fare. The clamor of haggling voices, clanging tools, and laughter filled the air, lending an infectious liveliness to the scene.

As she strolled through the market, her presence didn't go unnoticed.

Many people stopped their work, their gazes following her with a blend of curiosity and respect. A murmur of whispers followed her path, acknowledging her status in the royal household.

Despite the historical animosity between werewolves and the denizens of this kingdom, they extended amicable nods her way, their faces breaking into warm smiles, some forced and some not. Their gestures were filled with a certain level of reverence, for she served the royal consort who seemed to always keep her close.

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Merina reciprocated the warm gestures with a modest smile of her own, never expecting people here would even smile at her when before her Master woke up, all she got were killing intent and vile gazes and sometimes even got things thrown at her and telling her to drop dead.

The only reason nobody tried to kill her during those times was because her daughter had a close connection to the queen.

This made her realize how far she had come because of her Master.

And after being with her Master over time, she had started getting used to this scene before her.

As she went about her chores, buying ingredients for her Master's meals, a sense of contentment filled her heart. The simple act of preparing meals for him, seeing his satisfied smile after tasting her cooking, was a source of immeasurable joy to her.

He only trusted her to cook his meals, and she felt honored he entrusted her with it.

As Merina carefully selected the freshest meat and fragrant spices from one of the stalls, she suddenly felt a gentle touch on her forearm.

Startled, she turned, meeting the gaze of a veiled figure dressed in all-black attire. The womanly figure was averagely tall and slender, her posture dignified, and an aura of danger radiated from her.

"Done picking up ingredients for our dear royal consort?" a mellifluous voice purred from behind the veil, hinting at a playful amusement.

Merina let out a soft gasp, her heart skipping a beat. The scent that wafted from the veiled figure was unmistakable - it was Sabina Thorne. It was no surprise she wasn't able to notice her sneaking up behind her.

Why would a distinguished Young Lady like her approach a servant like her?

And the fact that she suddenly approached her out of nowhere made her skin prickle with unease.

However, maintaining her composure, Merina wondered why she was here in disguise. Does this mean she should act like she doesn't know her?

Noticing the confusion on Merina's face, Sabina's voice softened, "Don't be so stiff, Merina. Just act like we're two old friends talking. No need to be formal at all."

Despite Sabina's friendly demeanor, Merina wasn't feeling at ease at all, but she managed to keep a light smile on her face, "A-Alright," she responded, trying to keep her tone as neutral as possible without trying to sound too polite.

Sabina lightly tugged at Merina's arm, a hint of mischief in her voice, "You still haven't answered my question. Are you done shopping?"

Merina glanced at her half-filled basket, then at Sabina. Although she still needed to buy a few more things, she felt that the situation had changed. Sabina, the Young Lady of House Thorne, was here, and with her here she surely cannot continue shopping at her leisure. So she decided to handle this unexpected situation first.

Smiling, she replied, "Yes. I have finished my shopping. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Sabina winked beneath her veil, her tone carrying a hint of playfulness, "Well, I thought we could go for a walk together. Do you mind? I have been quite busy dealing with troubles back home and felt that we didn't get a chance to bond after the war."

Merina felt a flutter of anxiety. She was not sure of Sabina's intentions, but she also knew that she couldn't refuse her. So, she nodded and agreed, "O-Of course...We can."

As they walked, underneath the heavy fabric of the veil, Sabina's lips curled into a mischievous smile as she filled the silence, "Never thought I'd see the day when a werewolf would become a VIP maid. Even those who'd like nothing more than to skin you alive can't help but smile at you."

Merina felt goosebumps crawl across her skin at her words, but she forced a tight smile and nodded, keeping her anxiety in check.

Sabina continued, her voice as smooth as silk, "You must feel quite indebted to Asher, holding such respect and prestige despite being a werewolf and a maid."

"Yes, I am forever indebted to him," Merina responded, her voice soft but steady, a warm smile lighting up her face.

Hearing her words and seeing the look on her face, a dangerous light momentarily glowed in Sabina's eyes hidden beneath the veil. The intensity lasted for only a moment before she asked, a teasing lilt to her voice, "And, do you enjoy warming his bed every night?"

Merina blushed a deep shade of red, but she nodded timidly, her eyes cast down.

"Fu, fu…" Sabina chuckled, her amusement clear in her tone. "You certainly must have some interesting tales to share. Would you join me for a little chat over some snacks?"

"I…I…" Merina wanted to return to what she was doing, but feeling Sabina's gaze, "O-Of course…but I have to return to my duties soon," She managed to reply, her voice still slightly shaky from the unexpected line of questioning. She was beginning to worry about where this conversation was heading, but she had no choice but to handle this carefully.

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Sabina merely offered a dismissive wave of her hand, "You don't have to worry about that. We'll be done with our talk soon enough."

Merina nodded slowly, but an uneasy feeling continued to gnaw at her insides.

She followed silently as Sabina led her through the bustling market, moving towards a more secluded part of the town.

The destination was an old, dilapidated building standing amidst a desolate alleyway. Sabina pushed open the creaking door, and with a sly smile, she motioned Merina to enter the darkness that lay beyond, "This is the only place I know where we can talk without anyone interrupting us."

"I...Alright," Merina nodded and entered, feeling a chill run down her spine. The dimly lit interior did little to ease her nervousness.

The door closed behind her with a soft thud, and Merina heard the rustle of fabric while looking around the inside.

Behind her, Sabina removed her veil and the cloth covering her head, her silky, long silver hair cascading down like a waterfall. The veil no longer hid her ghostly red eyes that were glowing ominously in the dim light while her lips slowly began to twist into a dangerous smile.

A sense of impending doom washed over Merina that made her skin prickle with even more intensity, making her turn around.

Just as she did, her eyes widened as she dropped the basket. But before she could utter a word, her vision blurred, and then... darkness.

Sabina's voice echoed in the dark silence, "Now, we should get down to business, shall we?" But by then, Merina had already succumbed to the darkness.

Few minutes later…

Merina's eyelids fluttered open, her vision blurred at the edges. As her eyes started to regain their focus, the memories of the encounter came crashing back.

Fear and panic surged through her as she attempted to move, only to look down with a quivering gaze and see that her limbs were bound to a chair by strong glowing restraints. She could do nothing but squirm futilely.

A cold bead of sweat trickled down her forehead, slipping down her cheek as she tried to force out a scream. Yet, her lips remained sealed, not a sound able to escape. Her body stiffened, her gaze fixing on the ominous darkness before her.

She then tried to move her tongue within her mouth, as if reaching for something. But she then stopped and took a deep breath.

Then, from within that darkness, a hauntingly beautiful voice broke the eerie silence. Sabina, her silver hair glinting in the dim light and dressed in the same black attire, stepped into the room. She wore a playful smile as her hands remained hidden behind her back.

"My dear Merina, my apologies for the sudden... accommodations," Sabina said, her voice charming, "I assure you, it was necessary. We have serious things to talk about, and I couldn't risk you running off, now could I?"

Merina could do nothing but stare at Sabina, a sense of dread beginning to fill the room.