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The Damned Demon

Chapter 196: Over My Dead Body
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A buzz of excitement coursed through the crowd as the people of the Bloodburn Kingdom processed the royal consort's announcement.

Their shock quickly gave way to exhilaration and pride as they realized that he was now the master of the newborn Kraken.

This awe-inspiring feat only elevated their admiration for him, especially as they heard how he had bravely jumped into the belly of the Kraken and crippled it, allowing their queen to bring it down with ease.

They realized how truly special and powerful he was since nobody else with the same strength as him would ever be able to achieve such a feat. They wouldn't even last a few seconds in the belly of the Kraken.

Whispers spread like wildfire, and soon, the air was filled with fervent chatter. People exchanged glances and nodded in approval, their faces alight with excitement.

One voice rang out, "Hail the Kraken Conqueror!" and the crowd swiftly followed suit. As if on cue, they began chanting in unison, their voices swelling in volume and enthusiasm, "Hail the Kraken Conqueror! Hail the Kraken Conqueror!"

The chant reverberated across the battlefield, a powerful testament to the newfound respect and admiration the people had for the royal consort. As the cheers rose like a tidal wave, Asher stood atop the Kraken, soaking in the adulation and smiling upon seeing how he was now like a champion to these people.

The more support and respect he had from these people, the more influence he would have and the more things will be easier for him in the future.

Rowena stood a short distance away as warmth swelled within her chest at the sight before her.

Her eyes, usually icy and unwavering, now sparkled with a hint of pride and affection as she gazed upon the man she loved and hearing the cheers of the people echo around her.

In her eyes, Asher had not only conquered the newborn Kraken but also won the hearts of their people, further solidifying their kingdom's strength and unity.

Merina's cheeks were red as she lovingly gazed at her Master from afar while Eradicator stood beside her silently, though her gaze was on the royal consort as well, realizing that she had yet again failed to see through his potential.

She had no doubt he had already become a pillar of this kingdom and his support, a guiding compass for the queen.

This only made Eradicator realize even more the weight of her duty of protecting him.

But the jubilant cries of the Bloodburn Kingdom's people, so proud and reverent of their Kraken Conqueror, were like salt on an open wound to the defeated Umbralfiends.

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For them, the Kraken had long been a symbol of their heritage and the protector of their people. The sight of Asher atop the newborn Kraken, being celebrated by their enemies, only served to heighten their feelings of despair, anger, and humiliation.

The air around the Umbralfiends, especially Moraxor and Narissara, grew heavy with resentment, though they dared not voice their discontent.

In their eyes, the celebration of their enemies was a cruel reminder of their own failure and loss, an agonizing burden they had no choice but to bear in silence.

Isola's eyes narrowed, her resentment simmering just below the surface. She couldn't help but feel a bitter sting as Asher purposely left out the fact that the newborn Kraken had imprinted on her as well.

However, Isola knew that voicing her discontent wouldn't change the fact that she, too, held influence over the newborn Kraken.

For now, Isola focused on the connection she shared with the newborn Kraken, drawing strength and comfort from their bond.

In this time of despair, this bond was the only thing that made her feel like not everything was truly lost.

Elsewhere a young man wearing ordinary clothes appeared on the battlefield as if out of thin air, his red skin and blue eyes making him impossible to miss.

He scurried forward, his back slightly bent. His pointy nose sniffed the air, as if trying to catch a whiff of the rumors he had heard about Asher's role in crippling the Kraken and contributing to the war's victory.

Upon arriving at the scene, Kookus's eyes widened with astonishment as he saw Asher sitting atop the small Kraken, basking in the admiration and awe of the gathered crowd.

His eyes also blinked rapidly upon seeing an otherworldly flower standing beside Asher. Did he already catch another beautiful fish from the sea? This guy knows his priorities!

Why did the devils bless not bless him as well with the same luck, sigh…

Unable to contain his curiosity, Kookus approached a nearby onlooker, his voice a mix of excitement and confusion.

"Hey there, friend! What in the world is going on here?" Kookus asked, his voice animated and boisterous, "I heard something about the royal consort taking down the Kraken, but I didn't expect to find him riding a smaller one! Did the bigger Kraken get humbled by his devilish power and gave away its child as a gift?"

The onlooker was about to turn around with an annoyed look, especially since this someone was asking stupid questions while they were cheering on the royal consort.

But upon noticing this young man's red skin and blue eyes, he quickly changed his expression upon realizing that it was Kookus, the royal consort's servant!

By now, everyone knew that only two werewolves lived in this kingdom, and both of them were the royal consort's servants.

He can't even express any hatred or anger towards the servant of the royal consort no matter how much he wanted to.

And so with a forced polite smile, the onlooker briefly recounted the recent events.

Kookus's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and glee upon hearing all that.

After all, having the Kraken Conqueror as a master could only improve his own standing in this chaotic world.

He definitely has to show his face to Asher and everybody else to let them know of his great contributions as the servant of the royal consort.

And so he eagerly went down on all fours, sprinting through the crowd with reckless abandon.

The onlookers grumbled in annoyance as he pushed past them, leaving a trail of disgruntled people in his wake.

As Kookus barreled through the gathering, his butt slammed into the legs of a Bloodburn army general.

The general, clearly not amused by the sudden intrusion, let out a low growl, "Which mangy cur dares to slam into me?" he muttered as he kicked the offending creature without a second glance.

"Ayooo!" Kookus yelped, soaring through the air after the general's powerful kick sent him flying.

His body tumbled toward the shore, bouncing off the sand and coming to a halt near his mother, Merina, who was seated on a stone.

She gasped in shock, her eyes wide with concern as her son suddenly landed beside her.

"Kookus, are you alright?" Merina asked, her voice filled with worry as she started to reach out for him.

But Kookus, seemingly unfazed by the ordeal, sprang to his feet with surprising agility, "No time to talk, mother!" he exclaimed, a determined gleam in his eyes, "I've got to go! The royal consort needs me!"

And with that, Kookus dashed away, leaving his bewildered mother as he resumed his frantic quest to reach Asher.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Eradicator's eyes narrowed as she said to Merina in a cool yet deep voice, "Your son hasn't been trained well to serve the royal consort. Do you want me to?"

Merina awkwardly smiled while inwardly sighing, wondering when her son would stop causing troubles.

Just as Asher got down from the newborn Kraken he noticed Kookus darting towards him, a wide grin plastered across his face.

As Kookus approached, he skidded to a halt in front of Asher, puffing out his chest and offering a hasty apology, "Finally! I apologize for my tardiness, Boss. I was busy assisting my sister in the war, you see," Kookus said, as he pulled up his shirt to show the bruise on his stomach to convince Asher, though in reality it was the bruise that resulted from the general who kicked him.

Isola wrinkled her nose upon seeing this uncouth fellow, flashing his flabby stomach before everyone.

Asher clicked his tongue as he planted his palm on Kookus' face, pushing him behind before dragging Isola forward towards Rowena where she was about to make an announcement.

Rowena's piercing gaze fell upon the kneeling forms of Moraxor and Narissara, her voice cutting through the air like a sharpened blade, "It is time I declare the price you shall pay for the survival of your people," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

The once-proud Umbralfiend rulers looked up at her, their expressions a mix of defiance and resignation.

Rowena continued, her voice unwavering, "You will be stripped of your titles and reduced to the status of common folk. You shall obey the orders of the Bloodburn Kingdom without question, and you will fend for yourselves when living among us."

As she spoke, the expressions of Moraxor and Narissara hardened, but they did not protest. They knew all too well that the defeated had no room to argue. However, with the newborn Kraken on their side, this was just too hard to swallow.

"But know this," Rowena added, her eyes narrowing as she delivered her final warning, "If you cause any harm or disruption to our kingdom, I will personally ensure that none of you would never see the light of day again."

Her words hung heavily in the air, sending a shiver down the spines of everyone present. However, the people of the Bloodburn Kingdom felt that the Umbralfiends were quite lucky their queen was showing them mercy.

"But, that isn't all," Rowena's words made Narissara grit her teeth and Moraxor hardened his gaze, wondering what more she could want from them.

"I have to make sure none of you will turn against us in the future or sow seeds of chaos just like how you all did with my people before this war started," Rowena said in a frigid tone, making Moraxor let out a heavy sigh.

Rowena's chilling statement reverberated through the air, leaving everyone on edge, uncertain of what she would demand next.

At that moment, Kookus leaned in and loudly whispered to Asher, "Boss, do you think the queen plans to achieve this by making their Princess a slave to you?" His voice, though seemingly intended to be hushed, carried far enough for several nearby to hear, setting off a chain reaction of reactions.

Isola's expression darkened in an instant, a storm brewing in her eyes.

Rowena, caught off guard by the interruption, briefly turned her head around.

Moraxor's expression went through a number of changes, and having reached his limit, he gnashed his teeth and roared with every ounce of his remaining dignity, "Over my dead body!"