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The Damned Demon

Chapter 195: Big Baby
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As the tumultuous waves settled, the crowd collectively held its breath, and from the depths emerged a smaller, yet equally awe-inspiring version of the Kraken.

At a third of the size of its fallen predecessor, the young creature's appearance sent a shockwave through the onlookers. It resembled its gargantuan mother, its body stretching 30 meters long, covered in a tough exoskeleton, and bristling with powerful limbs.

Asher blinked his eyes, not expecting the Kraken to have somehow finished birthing its offspring despite dying, or was it that it all happened before it took its last breath?

Still, wasn't it a bit too big for a baby? Or maybe not considering the size of its mother.

The Bloodburn armies murmured and speculated, some wondering if this was the offspring of the Kraken they had just witnessed being defeated.

The Umbralfiends, on the other hand, were moved to tears as they gazed upon the creature, relieved that the bloodline of their guardian had not been entirely extinguished.

Yet, they couldn't ignore the painful truth: this young Kraken was far from being strong enough to protect them even though it was tremendously powerful for a newborn.

But they feared the Bloodburn Kingdom would kill it just to be safe.

And just like they feared, their hearts dropped as they saw the Bloodburn Queen uncoil her whip, the cruel weapon glistening in the sunlight.

The Umbralfiends braced themselves for the worst, anticipating that the Bloodburn Queen would show no mercy to this smaller Kraken.

"No! Have mercy!" some of the Umbralfiends cried out, their voice cracking with despair.

Moraxor and Narissara's eyes widened as they beheld the smaller Kraken rise from the depths, their expressions a complex mix of disbelief, hope, and fear. Both of them had thought their guardian's legacy had been lost along with the fallen Kraken. This new emergence was like a flicker of light in the darkness they now faced.

But hearing the hair-raising growl of the Bloodburn Queen's dragon, they couldn't help but fear for the life of the young Kraken.

The newborn Kraken, a curious creature despite its formidable appearance, clicked its pincers together, producing an eerie, rhythmic sound as it slowly approached Asher.

Rowena's eyes narrowed, her instincts taking over as she sensed potential danger. Her grip on her whip tightened, and crimson flames danced along its length, casting sinister shadows on the sands below. The sight of the blazing whip and the intensity of Rowena's gaze made the newborn Kraken hesitate, its murky green eyes widening in fear as it flinched.

It paused in its approach, its previously rhythmic clicks replaced by an uncertain, hesitant silence while still glancing between Asher and Isola.

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Rowena knew even if it was a young Kraken, not even House Thorne could tame it since it was too late. Usually, the people of House Thorne would make careful and necessary preparations to tame a newborn Kraken even before they were born.

But she was surprised to see that even if this Kraken was newborn it was far stronger and bigger according to the history of newborn Krakens in the history she knew.

And because of this, she felt there was even more reason to not let this creature live before it becomes an adult and becomes uncontrollable. Even if House Thorne might have a sliver of a chance of taming it, she didn't want to risk it. She can't let a war like this happen again.

Isola's eyes widened upon seeing that the Bloodburn Queen was about to kill it.

Fear and desperation laced her voice as she slid her feet forward and implored Rowena, "Please, Queen Rowena, do not kill the newborn. It's not a danger to your kingdom like you think."

Asher, his grip on Isola's arm unyielding, pulled her back by her arm. "You're in no position to make demands," he said coldly, his eyes locked on the young Kraken.

Isola turned to Asher, her expression a mix of determination and sadness, "Look at it again," she urged him, "Look at it closely before you pass judgment."

Rowena, her hand still poised with the flaming whip, hesitated. Her gaze shifted between Asher and the newborn Kraken, curiosity piqued by Isola's words.

Asher couldn't shake the strange sensation that washed over him as he studied the newborn Kraken. The creature's pincers moved gently, and its eyes held a tender, almost loving gaze.

The feeling perplexed him, and he couldn't help but wonder why this monstrous being seemed to regard him with such warmth.

Isola noticed the change in Asher's expression and eagerly questioned him, "You feel it, don't you? It doesn't mean any harm."

Rowena, witnessing the exchange, frowned in confusion but couldn't deny the visible shift in Asher's demeanor. She looked at him, her voice laced with curiosity. "What is going on, Asher?"

Taking a deep breath, Asher, "I am just going to approach it, Rowena. Don't do anything."

Rowena immediately objected, her tone firm and protective, "That's dangerous. It may be a newborn, but it's still as strong as a Soul Reaper. Or I will come with you."

Asher was surprised that this newborn was already that strong right out of the box.

Still, he met her gaze with a reassuring smile, his confidence unwavering, "No, it may not take well to your presence. It is already scared of you. So trust me on this, Rowena. It'll be fine even if it becomes hostile."

Rowena hesitated, searching for words to refute his conviction, but ultimately nodded her reluctant agreement, "Okay. I will be watching from here."

Asher began to walk toward the Kraken, dragging Isola with him as he moved. Though she was still in his grip, Isola appeared just as eager to approach the newborn or more.

A tense silence enveloped the battlefield as all eyes focused on the unfolding scene. The Bloodburn armies, the Umbralfiends, and their leaders held their breath, the suspense palpable in the air.

Other than Moraxor and Narissara, the rest of them had no idea of the conversation they exchanged, and thus they were even more baffled to see the Bloodburn Queen letting her consort approach the newborn without any worry.

Asher's steps were cautious, a mix of curiosity and wariness in his stride.

Despite his confidence, the thought of the newborn Kraken turning on him and tearing him apart lingered in the back of his mind, not that he was too worried about it.

Isola broke the tense silence, her voice carrying a hint of disdain and bitterness, "You don't need to be scared of the newborn trying to deceive you. It's not a devious person like you. Its heart is as pure as life crystals."

Asher let out a subtle scoff, well-aware that her words were a jab at him for tricking her earlier.

Despite the sting of her insult, he chose to trust her assessment of the creature's intentions.

Drawing closer, he extended his arm slowly, reaching out to make contact with the newborn Kraken. Every eye on the battlefield remained fixed on the unfolding scene, the atmosphere thick with suspense.

Just as Asher touched it, his eyes quivered as he felt as if his entire body was suddenly flooded by a cool yet dark energy.

And his brows raised as this sensation was followed by a few pop ups in his mind,

[ You have successfully acquired a new companion ]

[ Kraken, the Guardian of the Seas has imprinted on you ]

'What the hell…' Asher felt stupified by what just happened.

Did the Kraken really just imprint on him? Why?

Suddenly, with a tender motion, the Kraken raised one of its pincers and softly brushed it against Asher's body. The gesture, so gentle and endearing, defied the expectations of the fearsome reputation the Kraken typically held.

The onlookers watched, captivated by the unexpected display of tenderness.

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They couldn't help but marvel at the sight, as the mighty, otherworldly creature seemed to embrace the royal consort like a long-lost friend.

Moraxor and Narissara had their eyes blinking with disbelief, shock, and anger, just like their people. Why was their little guardian being so affectionate with their enemy, especially the one who caused the death of its mother.

Rowena put away her whip upon seeing such an astonishing yet relieving sight.

However, other than the Umbralfiends, the ones who did not take well to this shocking development were none other than Thorin and Esther Thorne.

"I can't believe it…It really did imprint on you. It must be because her mother absorbed some of your lifeforce…" Isola mumbled with a look of disbelief, even though she suspected it earlier upon seeing how the newborn Kraken was looking at Asher. She felt that it should be impossible since he wasn't strong enough or did it have something to do with his bloodline?

But she felt sad and angry that this poor newborn imprinted on the wrong person who would definitely try to take advantage of it and even treat it badly.

"Did it imprint on you too?" Asher asked upon noticing how the newborn Kraken was using its other pincer to gently tap against her face as well.

Isola furrowed her brows as she said, "I am glad she imprinted on me as well so that I can make sure you won't make her life miserable."

Asher scoffed, though he didn't expect that this creature could imprint on more than one person. That could be a problem since he won't have full control over this powerful monster.

Even if it was not that powerful now, he had no doubt this newborn could be even more powerful than its mother after becoming an adult.

He could only imagine how this could make his future so easier, especially with the Kraken as his pet.

Even any powerhouse in this world would think twice before going against him.

However, he stopped dreaming as he realized that was still a long time away, and he had to make sure to survive that long.

Still, to ease the tension and doubts among the people behind him, he let go of Isola as he climbed atop the newborn Kraken who snapped its pincers together as if in excitement.

Isola watched him with a wary look, wondering what he was planning to do.

Asher, now sitting atop its shiny black shell, surveyed the crowd before him.

Among the soldiers, he spotted common people from all over the Bloodburn Kingdom who had ventured to the battlefield, drawn by curiosity and awe at the news of the Umbralfiends' surrender.

They stood unafraid, their faces a mix of wonder, pride and anticipation upon seeing all the Umbralfiends kneeling on the ground.

Asher took a deep breath and, raising his voice to address the crowd, declared, "My people, fear not this newborn Kraken, for it has imprinted on me, and I am its Master!"